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File: 1713819124844.mp4 (5.82 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Summer Election Psyop.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

 No.142830[View All]

I think it's clear this will be the Summer Election drama as it's just getting started and spreading to more and more campuses. Might be a thread to dump some protest and hopefully future riot kinos.

Lefties, get the fuck out there. You've got a job to do. hehe

How will dup favor? Will he be btfo from all this or will the lefties and jews have their hands too full?
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Is that a fucking tranny?
Fucking cuckservatives


We like'em built and blonde.


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>ywn be used as a body shield
>ywn stare at her face on your last breath after getting shot by a sniper
>ywn get a selfie with her seconds before getting clubbed by Officer Mutt Lopez


I just want to smell her gear when she takes it off at 7am after a long night of bashing.




The only demoralizing thing is seeing how many shitskin cops in NYC there is no wonder entire blocks of NYC now look like mexican peasant markets.


File: 1715020676502.mp4 (4.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, jew lawsuits.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Jews mean business.


What are they going to do? Sue the whole world?


>cries out in pain as he strikes you
He even got in a quick 'Oy vey remembah da six gorillian it's anotha Shoah goy!' at the end.
I wouldn't put it past them to try.


>we're gonna sue a bunch of people who are already tens sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to us
Why are kikes so utterly incapable of extending any kind of olive branch? They really are an entire race of spoiled children.


Would you extend an olive branch to animals created by G-d that serve you?


If they actually believe that, why is it their full time job to maintain the "enslavement."


I'm sure they consider it husbandry.


Why do you have trouble spelling the word "God" if you aren't jewish?


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He's making fun of Jews who are so scared of taking Yahweh's name in vain that they won't even write "God."


I'm retared . webm


a return to ice beers would fix this.
dooby dooby doo


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>I'm at a march honoring the Holocaust


Devil's advocate: Let's say that the holohoax did happen. How does that justify israel holocausting palestine?


It doesn't. The hoax does allow them to justify it because hoaxing it was a power play, meaning the power they have justifies it. It's a means to maintaining that power. People have been conditioned to respect power.


>oy fucking vey!
She needs to shut up and get assimilated by BWC.


A justification I've heard is that they get to be the Gestapo. The Israelis see this conflict as a means to vent what they see as their own eternal victimhood. They think every time they're victimized is justified by God, but they don't think the goyim are justified in doing it. Plus, they have an intense neuroticism. For once, they have absolute power over an enemy, and they'll do any cruel action against them to make up for what they see as eternal crimes against Jews. This is why they do cartoonish stuff like tying up children and running them over with tanks, playing recordings of children screaming in agony out of drones to lure Palestinians from positions, bombing aid workers and hospitals, following families home then shooting them as they leave their homes, etcetera.

During the Intifada, you could see these tactics on a smaller scale. A particularly favorite tactic of Israelis is to place snipers on rooftops of a town then storm its TV stations. They hijack the broadcast and take the newscasters hostage before exclusively playing pornography over the airwaves to subdue and demoralize the town's population. The USG and NGOs are mostly run by Jews, so you get incidents like airdropped food being haram or expired. I don't support the Palestinians generally, since the Levant, Syria, and Mesopotamia should belong to Syrians, Kurds, Lebanese, and Assyrians rather than Arabs, but any aid to them should be in accordance with their religion to prolong the conflict so it becomes more divisive in the West.


So the libs have been behaving like jews, and now they hate jews that are the source of the behavior type that influenced them into being retarded as well.


For Jews, it's more of a racial, cultural, historical thing. How Jews have built their society is unique because they constantly have to justify their actions and actions done to them, all the while trying to find faults in each other. This has been honed for centuries on centuries. Liberals and their neuroticism are more of a social and environmental issue. They take inspiration from and look up to Jews, sure, but they attach themselves to social issues and develop neuroticism from an overimportance of socialization and an inability to keep themselves content with personal goals. It's not as if liberalism is a religion, since religion falls into the same category as it. It's a replacement for basic fulfillment in life.


you can see the half-pound of makeup giving weight to the image plus her nose being fake.
also, she has this weird marks above her eyes, i wonder why, drugs or weird BDSM sex with some nigger


Was there a bunch of money for propaganda in the israel/jewkraine defense bill? It's like a switch was flipped…
>What about our border!?
>Terrorist have invaded our universities! Deport them to Gaza if they like it so much!

It's all very "Freedom Fries"


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I get the distinct feeling that they're not going to stop at faking online discourse. Their ZOGdog politicians are going absolutely rabid at the national level (threatening ICC and now pic related).
I don't believe we're too far off from them sending a taskforce to park a surplus MRAP in your living room because you said mean things about jews on twitter.


Was going to mention this. Yes, the level and degree of alignment with Israel is beyond clownworld. It's beyond 1984. I don't even know what to call it. It's not just the fact that it's happening, but it's happening in stark contrast to other events making their stances even more insane.


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They have the framework to initiate armed raids for non-criminal "hatespeech" in 21 states (with feds supporting it through intel-sharing and funding).



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So this is why both tumblr and twitter stopped sharing Seinfeld jokes and screencaps, so many weeping faggots can't face the fact that their messiah just fucking hates them.


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It amazes me how the jews have lost control of the normalfags.


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17 is legal in New York, Vitaly stands down.


It's like someone convinced them that Israel is a white colony and like the good useful retards they are, they've decided to turn on their (((masters))) just to get that precious ego stroke from social media.


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Seinfeld became the new Pepe the frog, let's see if the love police try to clean his image.


That's basically what's happening. Jews spent too much time being white when it's convenient so the leftoids that are anti-israel are only doing it because they think it's ebil huwite peepo colonizing the innocent browns.


leftoids are absolutely retarded, jews will swing them back on target soon enough (hating regular ole Whites);
I believe they'll bring dup back from the brink for just that purpose.

>MAGA is attacking muh democracy!

and both sides start their inane bullshit all over again.


Yeah, unless the NPCs actually notice who controls the media they consume the kikes will be able to get them back in line soon enough. Though we might stop seeing so many hooknoses saying, 'as a white person' for a while.


>both sides
>thinks he's not included in the charade



Whining about shit online is basically the new voting so…


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>party politics are fake
>but my equally contrived dualistic larpfest somehow isn't
You people are fucking morons


It's all a philosemitic mud-worshipping race to the bottom. They have forsaken me, not I them.


Party politics are not fake, they are real, goy.


Leninism was a great example of democracy.

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