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/dup/ - btfo

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File: 1713819124844.mp4 (5.82 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Summer Election Psyop.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

 No.142830[Last 50 Posts]

I think it's clear this will be the Summer Election drama as it's just getting started and spreading to more and more campuses. Might be a thread to dump some protest and hopefully future riot kinos.

Lefties, get the fuck out there. You've got a job to do. hehe

How will dup favor? Will he be btfo from all this or will the lefties and jews have their hands too full?


File: 1713820130071.mp4 (6.61 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, kcYZvl5NJqbvYt-w.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

It actually hits different than 2020 BLM.


File: 1713822976343.mp4 (16.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Self inflicted jew.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Okay? What was the plan here? Was the ugly kikess hoping someone would attack her so she could cry about the six gorillian and have proof that everyone that doesn't support their evil were violent bigots?


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The violence is implied to have already happened.
They are basically reliving their identity.
It'd be like a kid dressing up as a superhero on Halloween.
All the jews are saying history repeats itself.
They're melting down over this.


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A lot of them are saying it's safer to be in Israel, even though Hamas is genociding them there, than it is to be in USA.


>get attacked by a "terrorist" group
>start bombing palestinian civilians in retaliation because they won't condemn the people that attacked the kikes that stole their land
>palestinian understandably pissed off about it
<soon pissrael will be safer for jews then usa
The eternal victim kvetches again.


I feel nothing but Schadenfreude watching their golems rise up against them at these Ivy League institutions kikes infest, which they believe to be their turf.


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File: 1713835742686.mp4 (10.18 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Alec Baldwin gotted.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Even Alec Baldwin is getting btfo over Israel somehow.


No one cares anymore, Jew. You blew your load to kill off whites because you said they were nazis and now that you're trying to be the nazi, you're getting btfo.


>knocking her phone of her hand
What a fucking retard.


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The fire…


He tried to bust the phone in one sneaky shot, luckily the video survived. Why wasn't he arrested for battery?


The shop owner was arrested for letting in the woman that had a loaded camera app on her phone.


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I have an erection.


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The way things are going, they're gonna need to start holding mandatory screenings of Schindler's List for zogbots to boost their morale lel.


File: 1713841753000.mp4 (228.03 KB, 568x320, 71:40, Freeze the valuable jew.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Freeze Spielburg's brain now so they can make Schindler's List 2 in 50 years.




Trump already won the election, deal with it, all your pro-palestine shit wouldn't change that lol


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Thread theme. The LIBS WILL SAVE US


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It's breaking out in California now too.


Damn, the kikes really lost control of the golems, eh?


What a bunch of brainwashed retards, lmao.
The programming turned against programmer I guess.


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The jews are fighting back though.


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Dude got away with killing his woman cinematographer, he can get away with anything at this point


Everyone with a green hat is an attorney monitoring the pigs. I love it.


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Fuck off, killjoy. We're taking the W on this. Nobody likes the jews anymore. Nobody wants to fight for Israel.


File: 1713847671654.png (7.82 KB, 291x140, 291:140, Reminder.png) ImgOps iqdb

Today I will remind them.



the soyjak faggot


>How will dup favor?
It can only help dup. Nobody is gonna choose bidup over dup on israel, because they have essentially the same position. What separates them is dup has the better domestic platform.


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Is anyone physically attacking kikes or is it just typical commiefag protests?

Their political golems are saying some wild stuff.


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Not that I've seen or heard of. They just think a holocaust is about to happen, or they are pretending one is about to happen to justify their actions in Gaza.
It makes me think it's all a kike gayop that they're trying to fan the flames of across the country to paint themselves as the victims.
It's like they have to brutalize the Gazans in order to fuel enough hate to then be able to light it on fire.
Twitter is ablaze just with kikes kvetching and overreacting.


I'd like to attend one of these protests against ZOG, but I don't live in one of these shithole cities.

When you consider where these are happening, you realize there must be something about living in a dystopian urban hellscape that seems to inspire people to march in the streets: New York. San Francisco. California. Seattle.

The most we ever had in my midsize city were about 50 bandwagoners walking down the sidewalk carrying signs during George Floyd and a few alphabet people marching during gay pride month to commemorate the Pulse hoax.


>homeless set up tents and shit on the streets in san fagcisco
Durr there's nothing we can do about it goy enjoy lol!

>Pro palestine/anti-kike protestors set up some tents


Real funny how that works, real fuckin funny. I hate kikes and their hypocrisy so much its fuckin unreal.


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if I hated my job I'd go wearing a nametag; ride that unemployment check through Summer.


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>how they're being m…


God damn… Will Ferrel couldn't do this any better.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No. As usual it's the 'cries out in pain as he strikes you' thing. Funniest part of this whole thing is this is 100% the kike's own fault. They spent decades programming the golems to be vehemently anti-white no matter what and pretending to be white when it's convenient to the narrative. At the end of the day their golems are just following their programing.


This is nothing a balaclava can't solve.


File: 1713891297396.png (754.13 KB, 1170x1260, 13:14, Boomers side with Israel.png) ImgOps iqdb

Looks like it was a staged PR stunt somehow.


>Alec, you just got away with murder. What will you do now?
>Well, Gene, I'd like to go out in public and act normal.




If that's the case, then the husband must've been happy to be rid of her, he gets to keep all her assets and collect on the life insurance. Now he can date younger women.


File: 1713893617899.mp4 (15.63 MB, 540x960, 9:16, australian brown anti-semi….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

It's so hip and kewlr to be an anti-semite.




File: 1713894367231.mp4 (2.44 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Winning for Gaza.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


So a nigger overdoses while being arrested for buying bananas with fake money and these types of people loot and riot for months straight.

"white" jews literally bomb and genocide brown people and they sing and dance and hang flags while accomplishing nothing.


File: 1713894603908.mp4 (3.83 MB, 848x470, 424:235, dup on columbia.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

The dup has spoken.


Wait, this is real? I thought it was made by AI.


It's both real and AI.


File: 1713898075747.mp4 (20.05 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Adolf speech.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

If this speech was being given today at these protests, they would know that he was right. Worth a listen. More true now than ever.


It's nice to see Jews getting shit from both sides, but it pays to remember that the people on the left who are taking part are idiots who think the problem with Zionism is that it's "colonialist" and "white supremacist" and hurts those poor brown people.


File: 1713898744090.mp4 (23.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hitlarian AI compressed.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

You'll love this one.


100%, my Aryan brother.


Frumpy one on left looks like a potential troon.


Gotta help the brown ones look more attractive.


File: 1713903444642.mp4 (20.12 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Genesis.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Holy sheit this kids are so fucked.


There's a slim chance it could reach those levels again, but the State would really have to overstep. The biggest hurdle would be the lack of (((funding))) BLM enjoyed.
A more likely scenario is they mollify shitskins by scapegoating white supremacists/christian nationalists for whatever extreme violence occurs at these protests… FBI probably has some ready to activate like the boogaloo boys in 2020.

Modern jewry thrives by scapegoating Whites so that's where I'd put my money.


I hope BLM 2020 was a dry run.


I just can't get over how hilarious it is that the idea to protest israel is to protest college campuses
It's like protesting a military act conducted by India by setting up tents outside 7/11.


Except in this case it works because jews are so connected to the universities. They're getting worldwide views because the kikes are actually impacted by this.
If they setup outside a walmart, nobody would care.


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Whitman college Washington state.


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Kike kino


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File: 1713913067017.mp4 (23.31 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, useful idiots btfo.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Based toothbrush mustache revived


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This. Enjoy the kikes getting attacked by their own golems, but never forget that these "people" are only against kikes because they view them as whites attacking shitskins, not because of their history of subversion and evil.


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Some people learn by doing.


If they get redpilled on how jews use the term "anti-semitism," the floodgates should open to them, but who knows.


This is correct. But. It is nice seeing jews get shit on regardless. If we have to coexist with the antiwhite mongrels I'd rather their guns be aimed at fellow whites instead of us.


File: 1713927165544.png (831.19 KB, 902x1268, 451:634, Full Attack.png) ImgOps iqdb

How many steps away are we from the Sampsonite option?


Anyone else saw this? Some single women are show up in pro-Israel events searching for a cuckservative man to be their husbands.
Imagine this, a fucking liberal event being less cucked.


File: 1713935874137.mp4 (14.85 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Moses.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

F in the chat for jews.


not a toothbrush moustache


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If not then what, jackass.


File: 1713943684288.png (222.1 KB, 518x430, 259:215, 1713938677119019.png) ImgOps iqdb

<muh christian texts say gensis!
<muh jewish texts say moses!
<muh muslim texts say [probably something idgaf]!
you guys don't actually care about this religious shit right?
i'm not alone when i think literally everybody involved in this fake and gay milennias-old desert sandnigger squabbling shit are bookbashing faggots who all deserve to be lined up against a wal, right?


>they will always tell that they were persecuted, but never tell you why they were persecuted


Yeah followed by lightning speed prepared offensive justification with a loaded question as if their life depends on it.


File: 1713973645875.mp4 (701.14 KB, 320x568, 40:71, Stanford joins the fight.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Stanford today.


So it's a bunch of brown subhuman communists vs Jews.

I'm not picking a side or getting worked up over this. I'm white. They both hate me.


Fence-sitting negro, you are just waiting to be whipped and pick cotton


File: 1713979774221.jpg (36.04 KB, 600x450, 4:3, G11.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>what was the SA?


File: 1713985135711.png (435.86 KB, 598x828, 13:18, 59606 - SoyBooru.png) ImgOps iqdb

>go cheer for the leftist niggers who hate you because of the kikes who hate you.


Easier to defeat 1000 rowdy leftists with useless majors than 5 fuckers who own the banks and the means to empower said 1000 dumbasses
Thanks for your selfie tho


Cheering doesn't do anything. Just like the anti-israel protests. They are of no effect. I'm going to clap my hands at jews getting harassed and attacked though and nothing you say can stop me.


>Seething in a happening thread.
At least it's only 3000/9000+ PL of seethe
Shit like this is going to get libtards woke on jew tactics fast.


Jews getting shit on is always good.


File: 1713993815910.mp4 (8.13 MB, 960x540, 16:9, Texas cops.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Has there ever been a First Amendment backed protest where cops didn't order people to disperse?


I mean it seems like sending in zogbots is just to fan the flames.


File: 1713995650422.mp4 (5.44 MB, 1258x712, 629:356, Wonderful Woman in New Yor….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

What a wonderful woman


My haram stay away.




>cross your arms and make a frowny face when your enemies are fighting each other
No I think I'll enjoy the show and your carefully crafted global narrative go up in flames because of your own golem you stupid fuckin kike. Hope that bed you made is comfy.


Amazing how they've mind whipped people into the rules of radicalism without even understanding what they're doing.


Could someone give me a tl;dr of what she's saying? I'm effectively deaf until I reboot my computer.


In all fairness, answering questions in front of a camera is extremely difficult. It's why people are so quick to rely on political speakers because they admire their ability to speak.
She knows why she's there, to support Palestine. He asked her, "What is your goal?" That's a bit more complicated and requires being able to speak on behalf of the group for what the desired political outcome is of a complicated situation. Them out there and opposing the direction is technically fine. Articulating on the solution for a complicated problem requires a script, which they don't have, and she tried to get help with from the crowd. That chick then BTFOd her own self which was comical.


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G-d bless these cops and Israel brother!


File: 1714002850080.mp4 (7.01 MB, 720x1278, 40:71, Harvard.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

How much sex happens in these tents during these?
Harvard btw


>Useful idiots get used against the powers that be
>huuurrrr why are you supporting them?
Fucking retard


File: 1714002953637.mp4 (1.62 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Minnesota.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

They've already setup and are being btfo from Gahoole's home town of Minnesota. U of M


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I can't tell if kikes are actually seething or just pretending.


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Southern California


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Now for the weird shit.


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And of course jews on both sides


It's spine chilling how absolutely right he was about everything, even 60 years ago. He was right. Hearing this now is even truer than it was then. I don't even believe that he killed himself. It's just another jew MSM smear job. I hope to shake his hand in Heaven or Valhalla some day. He really did love his nation and his people. I don't care if you're black, white, fag, straight, commie, nazi, spic, slant, pajeet, muslim, idc. We all share a common enemy. Kikes are trying to rule the world, and we ALL need to stop them. You don't have to be white to hate kikes. We're nearing the end. I don't care if you're a super turbo nigger, if you hate kikes, you're my friend. Let's all join together and rid this planet of these people.


The way he talks about the behavior of himself and his father kind of goes to show how old these patterns are, not just on the JQ but social behavior in general.


Not gonna lie. I already have all of my Black Bloc gear ordered on Amazon or from my local Army/Navy store. I'm LARPing this year, bros. And I don't think they'll know if I'm a fed or not. I already know how their gimmick works. I'll tell them I'm an SEIU rep and sent by (kayfabe kosher organizer) and we're going to do this act for a MSM piece. Somebody else does some shit and I scurry off into the shadows in typical jewish fashion. If I'm going to black bloc and LARP as SEIU, how much an I get away with?


Germany wasn't the first time these parasites were expelled from their host nations. Sadly, the USA is terminally ill with judaism like cancer.


That segment of Mein Kampf though is basically a step by step guide for just about how anybody experiences becoming an "anti-semite." I mean he's articulating the path of his steps that people can walk and are walking today. Anyway… you nailed it, I was just pondering something.


This is why I feel it necessary to rise above the divide and conquer and extend the olive branch to all other people of this planet. The jews are about to start WW3 and it's going to take ALL of us, black, white, spic, asian, muslim, hindu, etc. We ALL have to stop them. We ALL have a common enemy in the JEW and the sooner we ALL realize it, the better. We have to save the world and stop WW3.


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Our rulers just laundered $95 BILLION via the Military Industrial Complex via Ukraine this weekend and BOTH SIDES, Dem and Rep, passed it almost unanimously.

That was enough money to fix American infrastructure, house the homeless, and feed the hungry.

And that's not even counting the money that we sent to Israel. That's what are rulers are doing to us… RIGHT NOW! It's happening, but nobody knows it.


File: 1714006583861.mp4 (1.75 MB, 698x390, 349:195, Ukraine bars.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>Nobody knows it!
It's kind of all over the news.


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I'll confess that I'm a former ZOGbot, and this is what I've already seen in our 20 year war in the middle east, happening again. We'll be pumping billions into Ukraine and Israel for the next 20 years until America is drained dry and becomes the next Venezuela.


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Lulz. I guess you're going to call me a "glowie" instead because I sure don't sound like your trustworthy Faux News Sean Hannity. You're probably some faggot from Langley trying to double nigger me. You shitheads should come offer me a job or just kill me already. I'm not making threats here. I'm just telling you, even the normies are starting to figure it out. I'm just keeping my finger on the pulse of humanity.


It's already Brazil


We don't want you. You're too unpredictable.


The normies are being paid to make anti-semites look bad, but perhaps it's expensive for kikes.


>Glowniggers have all the data on anybody they could possibly want
>Think some guy is too heckin random to be predicted
Give me a break


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Well blm actually took a decade to reach rioting levels the blm was initially started to co opt the occupy wall street movement and turn the heat entirely on the White middle class instead of the wealthy jews. The riots was also used to hide the money laundering.

So what I expect is there will be a brown muslim coalition of sunnis that will then try to blame the Christian White middle class instead.


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>That segment of Mein Kampf
It's literally an AI generated script you stupid glownigger.

No, >we called you a glowie because you look, sound and act like a glowie. Quick to call for the death of civillians in a vague generalization, silent on the apparatus that enables the problem with specific names and targets that can be identified. Quick to call for grouping and identification, silent on the notion of lone wolf saboteurs. Quick to call for things that would easily get people in a lifetime of trouble within the system, silent to call on dismantling or destablisiing the system in a manner which ensures the upmost safety and secrecy where possible. Quick to deflect criticism with smears for motive of intent, silent (or more accurately, lurklessly unaware) on proud /dup/ btfo culture.
Traitors before enemies glownigger, traitors before enemies.
Remember that. There's no preference or grading within evil, otherwise you may find yourself looking kindly on what you deem a "lesser" evil (that is still equally as evil as before). That paygrade and pension might seem attractive on paper and is what you cope yourself to sleep with, but you won't see it in your lifetime because of Hyperinflation, naturally.


>It's literally an AI generated script you stupid glownigger.
It was real to me.


But the big question is… DO black lives in fact matter?


Only if you're American


Only to jews. Jews love the taste of niggers' tiny shit covered dicks.


>blm actually took a decade to reach rioting levels
What's your timeline look like?
My rough TL is:
2011 - OWS
2012 - Trayvon gets ZimZam'd
2014 - Gentle Giant of Ferguson is slain
2015 through 2020 - dup, covid/blm


That's because niggers are lazy and they had more money back then.


File: 1714054595054.mp4 (16.81 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, khamas.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

This shit is already being dabbed on.


Oh no fellow semitebros! We kvetched too close to the sun and now the goyim are calling out our false narrative! We better run stories on MSNBC about how the right to protest is a danger to all jews and will bring about another holohoax even though not a single parasitejew has been harmed!


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NY City College


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Taze action at Ebony University in Atlanta, Georgia.


Another wife material.


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File: 1714066309791-2.mp4 (6.77 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Tits out for Israel.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Kikes are completely unhinged.
Imagine thinking this is some random clickbait about a 1on1 date and getting revealbombed. It's like jews are the new rickroll but in a bad way.


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AI is getting so kino. It used to be quite jarring to look at.


Still is.


That's just the jew characters giving you uncomfortable feelings, completely natural.


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The level or ironing…


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The zogbots are not fucking around.


where were these zogbots when niggers were literally burning down half of the US in 2020? Fuck the kikes, fuck angloids, and fuck the military industrial complex!


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Training for this.


Imagine being a conservative voting cop and part of the reason for being a cop is because your opportunities have gone to shit. You finally get told by zog that you can brutalize the voter base that fucked you over in life.
I mean it's a wonder we're not all cops right now.


The libs thinks it's tyranny, but the cops are motivated to beat the shit out of these libtards that have been preaching the gayest shit in human history.
What we're witnessing is mind blowing.


>where were these zogbots when niggers were literally burning down half of the US in 2020?
How else are the kikes going to buy real state fucking cheap if the niggers don't burn everything down, anon?


Not to mention the insurance payouts.


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gems both


Didn't even crack a smirk. Sad…


It's a wojak… what did you expect?


The whole point of the jaks is that you are annoyed by them making you smirk, and the sharty pushers are just unironic bronies of it.


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>Didn't even crack a smirk. Sad…


The first time looked better than the literal trash heap on the right



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Jews are seething like I haven't seen in my lifetime.


The whole point of jaks is to identify the underage queers that post them.


>All cops are niggers outside of one woman cop
USA is a dystopian hellhole


Negress tribe stands against the Jew, do YOU?


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Snipers on the roof.



Our college students are a threat to Israeli national security because there are jewish citizens in USA by the hundreds of thousands littered across the nation, and the college students are learning about the actions of Israelis backed by all jews unless they specifically say so at these protests which are also under sniper cover because of tiktoks revealing Israeli actions against another population.
It's like someone said "bomb" in an airport and all flights in the world are grounded except the word here was "terrorism?"


I remember during the Burn Loot Murder riots there was a video of cops being asked why he's not doing anything about the rampant crime right in front of him and he said that he was told to stand down by the chief of police. Now they've got snipers up on the roofs because some NPCs' have a bug in their programing and mistook jews for whites.


Cops live entirely controlled lives. They are dysfunctional people without a hierarchy of rank.


The snipers are there to protect everybody just in case some neurotic jew wanders into the crowd and pulls a gun out. They also have undercover detectives working the crowds.


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Sniper is useless for underground conflicts.


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dupsantos pledges to expel any florida student that protests


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Even after all of this people will still pretend like the USA is a sovereign nation and that their political class has any power.
Fucking hilarious.


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Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the zoomer kike.


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Cops are actually playing sports with the protestors.


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Strange irony


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Well, we have no choice in who we can support now.


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The protestors live on a diet of /Dunk/.


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Famous singer got holocausted at UCLA


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tiktok ban congressman outed


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Good chant


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Palestine supporter screams "They're never coming back home, bitch."


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This bitch is going to get payed millions of dollars somehow in the near future.




Good to see that kike privilege seething.


>when the kike gets kike'd


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these twitter memes are getting better and better


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There's a lot of those variations going around. Kikes are definitely losing the optics war.


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Then again, libs are shooting themselves in the foot. He's in the right but…


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This jew got holocausted.


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Not real liberalism.



lolk demoralized retard


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While I don't disagree, and I dont' like that jews can just genoicde people with no consequences because it's incredibly obvious we're next, you do have to remember those palestinians that you are fetishizing and siding with will NEVER, EVER, EVER side wtih the white man on anything nor will they ever come to your aid. Siding with the brown man needs to always be a temporary thing with clear goals, not a perminant state of affairs.


Why would we want them to or need them to?
I think what you mean to say is Jews will never side with or come to your aid which is a bigger problem because they are in every country on earth.


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In Germany chanting in English


File: 1714246947593.mp4 (3.37 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BIDEN_ WERE I A JEW I'D BE….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

From his own mouth. America is a ZOG nation.


BTW, sauce, the official verified CNN YT channel.




Oh. I know. There's another similar clip to this from like 12 years ago where he said the same shtick to a group of kikes. BUT, this time, it's on a CNN clip from CNN, so people can't claim that we're making it up. It's why I almost always try to use lefty sources to back my claims because then you put the lefty in the position that they have to somehow explain why CNN posted "Putin Propaganda" or a conspiracy theory 8 years ago. Shitlibs start popping fuses in their fragile minds.

vid related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo-UXZ-1ups


The chaos gods have a sense of humor.


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This summer is going to be kino af. This is what I want to dub the "Great Noticing." Is Brie Larson a woman of color? Is Bill Maher a person of color? Judaism is a religion. Normies will start shitting bricks. "Are you supporting apartheid and the genocide of indigenous persons of color?!"


File: 1714259896234.mp4 (22.37 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Copenhagen.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

With the addition of Copenhagen, that officially makes the entire world united against jews.


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Oy, this is like the Wehrmacht all over again!


File: 1714280281754.mp4 (14.5 MB, 720x1190, 72:119, shidding and farding kike.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Kikes better start taking some real L's soon or they will L for real.


>nobody is stopping you from leaving
life imitates life


It'd be so easy to subvert this movement for the lulz. Remember IOTBW? We do the same thing to kikes. Just randomly hang up pieces of paper that says, "Jewish Lives Matter" and people will cringe at it the same way they cringe at all the mass faggotry. Because, ya know, if BLM accomplished anything at all, it was making everyone hate niggers even more.


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Pretty much the ADL is doing that.


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Here's the actual bizarre twist.


>big nose
>small tits
>actually have sex with animals
yep, that is a true jewish woman


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Uh oh…
Leak from Columbia University detailing special privileges for jews.


File: 1714410707589.jpg (141.62 KB, 612x855, 68:95, harvard-comparisons-race-j….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

These are antisemitic hate facts! Jewish overrepresentation at Ivy League universities is meritorious because they're all super smart!


Wow I didn't know 3000% of black people are jews




I think the blue is the % compared to the red jew number. If it were total numbers, the red bars would be a flat amount, and the blues would be the totals for each race.
For every 1 black, there are 31 and a half jews.


For every 1 nigger…


Columbia students were given printed statements saying if they don't btfo themselves by 2pm, they will be suspended.


Sometimes it's okay to stop trying too hard, kid.


>The meme is dead
It's ogre.


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bruh dis nigga aints even a studint.


I gaze open his eyes and I knew he was my nigger!


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>take your masks off goyim so the ADL can ruin your lives. you're not pussies, are you?


>we know
>we all know
They've been coached in their rhetoric on how to appeal to the majority, for female audiences.


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File: 1714441507937-1.mp4 (853.73 KB, 480x640, 3:4, plague rats student protes….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Very good observation. Normalfags will likely just NPC internalize themselves as the ingroup when hearing "we," and therefore, adopt the statement as their own.

Jews depositing bags of rats.
I thought this was fake. They are pulling out all the stops.


>I condemn the antisemitic protests that's what I'm programmed to….



>releasing rats
They're up to their old tricks.


I just heard a groid democrat pundit on fox noise say "hate speech isn't protected by the First Amendment" in reference to the anti-ZOG protests. Holy disinformation, Batman.


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Dozens of anti-Israel protesters broke into an academic building at Columbia University and took it over early Tuesday morning - hours after the school began suspending students who refused to vacate their encampment.

Footage posted on social media shows numerous protesters milling about inside Hamilton Hall with some placing wooden chairs and tables in front of the doors to block others from entering shortly before 1 a.m.

A photo published by the Columbia Daily Spectator, the student newspaper, shows a masked protester reaching through broken windows to zip-tie the doors shut.

The rogue group who made it inside tossed their belongings on the floor and then immediately began working to barricade themselves inside the building located along the South Lawn, which has been the scene of the school's anti-Israel encampment for over a week.

The protesters even covered security cameras inside Hamilton Hall with tape and black trash bags, according to the Columbia Daily Spectator.

When they barged into the building, several workers were still inside.

The protesters removed some of the barricades to let them out. One of the workers yelled "they held me hostage" as he left the building and smacked somebody's camera, according to the student newspaper.

"Hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go," protesters outside Hamilton Hall can be heard chanting during the wild scene, according to footage posted to X by an independent news blog.



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>"they held me hostage" as he left the building
Did he have a large hooked nose by any chance?


>It's a rock
I hate low-effort shit like that. You might as well just carve it into a nearby tree or park bench (and then say it cost $20k).


Welcome to the USA!


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This has reached movement status.


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And just think: All this is because the kikes forgot to make sure the NPCs' programing put them highest on the oppressed hierarchy even though they're "white" when it's convenient.


This is like past incidents with AI realizing jews are the problem on its own, it is a truth that can't be denied.


I'm taking from Dugin's interview with Tucker that the left will begin to realize that the minority sympathy was fabricated and imposed upon the world by jews and their reach (propaganda), meaning libtards might actually recognize the good in western colonialization or at least recognize the importance of maintaining dominance.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dup is mad at people protesting against Israel.


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"My spirit will rise from the grave and the world will see I was right." - Tay AI


That will never happen.


Who ever thought we'd see the libs George Floyd Israel?
Can hope… Here's the interview if curious.
20 minutes


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Imagine the new MCU Captain America movie starring the Israeli superhero spouting the most insane, pro-israel slop imaginable.


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Jews recreating Gaza everywhere they go.


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nothing too spicy yet


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There's always been an anti-Zionist faction of the left, going back to the establishment of Israel being built on ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

Israel's psychopathic behavior with the current genocide of Gaza has created a rare opportunity to expand the conversation to be about world jewry, and how it is the greatest man-made existential threat to humanity.


Is the NYPD like 90% nonwhite now, or are they sending nonwhite zogbots in to ease tensions?


>He doesn't know.
They're not even citizens of the United States.


It has never looked this bad. I guess most of the White zogbots retired or left for greener pastures.


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>that midget cop


Columbia protests have been cleared out. They're moving to CUNY now.


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They're always way too late and put too much into it when they try to chase trends which makes it worse. That World War Z movie is a good example when they went so overboard that their propaganda efforts start producing more blowback than a positive image.

>What happens next is jaw dropping in is audacity. Warmbrunn reveals that the walls around Israel (which in real life are apartheid walls), were actually re-designed to create a fortress to protect humanity from the coming zombie threat. Not just a fortress for Israelis, but for everyone. He shows Gerry an open checkpoint where the benevolent Israelis are allowing Arabs to immigrate into Israel for safety. We see Arabs passing through an open border, warmly greeted in brotherhood by Israelis. Israeli flags and Palestinian flags fly in harmony.

>The Times of Israel approvingly declared World War Z "the greatest piece of cinematic propaganda for Israel since 'Exodus.'"



It's more jewish than you think. This scene is supposed to make you consciously like jews and subconsciously hate Palestinians because you hate them for being so stupid and triggering the zombie horde.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Brawls breaking out at UCLA protest!


>police are nothing but cotton pickers, illegals and wyminz
Explains why jewyork is such a shithole.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Cuckservatives are mad and blinded, even some normalfags are now noticing how you aren't allow to talk about the kikes, or who the kikes love to falseflag.


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>The libs are going to blame Israel for having control of police and killing George Floyd.
The early mass arrests are just popping these rebel youths' cherries. We will have scorched earth this Summer.


Does anyone remember or have those survey results from israel on their preference on who they like/hate from most to least and an overwhelming amount of them hate white christians more than they hate extremist muslims and palestinians.

i feel like someone with a faceberg account could spam this to all boomers and pro-israel retards to shut them up.


I think they'd have to see the hate to believe it, and more than once.


some, absolutely. but not all. propaganda can be very convincing, even to the retarded.


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Not sure what's going on here


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CNN are pedophiles


In light of recent events, I feel compelled to post this.



>kikes and wannabe kikes are pedophiles
Obviously. But they're probably referring to a 6-year-old getting genocided by kikes as a woman to make it seem less heinous.


>CNN does damage control propaganda
Obviously. kikes and wannabe kikes are pedophiles
I know, but wtf this is on twitter.


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Fireworks stands open in about a month.


can't swing a dead cat without hitting retired city cops on long island.


This is like the point in every videogame boss battle where the protagonist stuns the boss, and the boss becomes vulnerable to being struck.

We've got the numbers, all we need is a charismatic Fuhrer to rise.


What the fuck is happening?


Kikes deployed a load of ex-idf with mossad handlers to go kick the shit out of the protestors.


Yeah they do look a little swole and serious.


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you're literally a traitor if you think support this fucking faggot and/or think the 2020 election wasn't rigged.


ZOGbots get to do whatever they want under the guise of "safety"

Imagine your initial interaction with someone is running your hands all over their crotch and buttocks while claiming it's for your (officer) safety. It's a bunch of armed gropers on the gov't payroll.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
bidup looks like hammered shit, even the dog balls in his chin sack are showing through again.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do you seriously watch these videos of people watching videos


What's it about? The page is blocked in my country.


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TruNews 1h+ segment about jews playing the role in dup's impeachment etc. The only based boomer on the planet.


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It's funny how simple it is.
>inside guy yells "kill the jews"
>said rhetoric justifies crack down

Like I've been saying; you don't have to be clever if you wield all the power.


>a hapa priest
wtf it's real
>sargon goons are retarded pseudo-intellectuals without any integrity
imagine my shock
>cuckservatives are all about bootlicking cops and Israel
nothing new under the sun


Yeah or
>Get position of extreme authority over native populace as a foreigner
>Inside guy yells "Jews are infiltrating positions of power."
>Said rhetoric justifies crackdown from the offices they control


File: 1714786314875.mp4 (13.68 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, jew meltdown ucla.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Pop singer goes to UCLA to get an understanding and fails.


That is a kike pretending to be white, eh?


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If you weren't gender neutral, I would have geentexted a pronoun because she looks troony.


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