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/oven/ - Cooking and Baking

Kitchen's Open!
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David Lunch lol


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suck my big fat nigger cock, lol

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>eating a sandwich
>notice the bread is crunchier than usual
>must be extra seeds or something
>keep eating
>almost finished the whole sandwich
>bite into something hard and sharp embedded in the bread
>pull it out
>its a fingernail clipping


I just found this board today on the webring, but so far I like it.
Also, I'm wondering if this story is real?


>Also, I'm wondering if this story is real?
it is, unfortunately.


Who made this sandwich? How painful did you make the sandwich maker's punishment?


Do you like fish sticks?


He probably ran away crying.

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Now that the crust has settled, was it kino?

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Would you put your pepperoni in Alona Tal's (Israeli actress) rear oven?


Holy shit I would blitzkrieg those cheeks. I would cause a cockacaust in that fucking hinney get the fuck out of here you baiting jew bastard I would direct my trains directly at her auschwitz holy fuck why did they have to nail jesus to the cross I want to make her bounce on my lap like a railway car in the countryside.




this .webm cured my nazism

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the peak of british cuisine


le three day old dead therad memey


>this is what that guy meant when he called Harry Potter "the toast sandwich of movies"
How will Zach recover?


t. Bill Wilson

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What are some good foods you can cook with poop?


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No posts for THREE MONTHS

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Not an alcoholic or anything, never really made a point of not drinking, I just wanted to be healthier. Mission accomplished.
but I'm drinking tonight for the first time since late last year. October? November?
Just beer. But it's throwing me for a loop.
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I don't think I have enough booze (if beer even qualifies as booze) to get drunk but I'm drinking tonight
let the kino commence


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oh, also
it's discusting. I can hardly eat the whole bag




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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Greatest Nation on Earth

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jews did 9/11


most certainly. Care to share any recipes involving jews?


1. put them in an oven
2. bake at 1000 degrees for half an hour
3. repeat

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0.525M subs? How did Coffee Jesus become so popular?




drink coffee incel

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