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Angry Nintendo Cuckold


That's the frontman of Rex Viper, who the fuck are you?


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gahoole hairline


Is James retarded you think?


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More like neglectful as shit, once he struck gold he decided to just being the face of whatever company is pumping out his stale series and of course since it's not good enough for Jewtube: He keeps shitting out filler videos that not even his long time fans watch.


>barely gets any views even tho tried really hard with this one


He is autistic yes, he says so on his biography.
Even went to Special ED until the first year of highschool.


he's washed up
compare him with Doug, who definitely is no longer in his prime but stills tries and likes doing what he is doing


Doug is tired of NC but he's still got passion and does shit himself.


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James walks to the top of the stairs. He's always in a good mood after filming J&MM with Mike. It reminds him of the good old days, playing video games with Mike and college, and the early days of Cinemassacre.

James gets to the top stairs and sees his wife in the kitchen. He smiles and asks "How are you, honey?".

She doesn't turn around. With her back to him, she presses her hands against the counter. "Do you even know what time it is?".

A wave of primal fear rolls over James. He knows he's messed up. He knows what's coming, and he knows it's all his fault.

He looks down at the floor. "I'm sorry, April. Mike and I were getting some great footage, and I was on the last level-".

She slams her hands on the counter and turns to him, her face scowling with anger. "It is after 5:40. Do you even remember what time you said you were going to watch the kids? You have responsibilities now that you're a father, you can't just screw around with your friends in the basement all day anymore!"

James hears footsteps behind him as Mike emerges from the basement. April turns back around and starts to pour herself a glass of wine. Mike lets out an awkward laugh as he inches towards the door. "Uhhh, hey. Heh. I'm gonna get going. Later James.". James keeps his gaze downwards, too embarrassed to look at Mike in the face. "Yep" he says. April makes no response.



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Once Mike leaves there is a long uncomfortable moment of silence. James knows that he's done something bad, embarrassing his wife in front of his friend. He breaks the silence, whimpering "Honey, I'm sorry-".

April throws the glass across the room, shattering against the wall in an explosion of wine and shards of glass. She is sobbing and screaming, "Sorry doesn't cut it! You usually start watching the kids at noon, but I let you talk me into starting later when Mike is over once a month! But now you're taking advantage of it! You're taking advantage of me by not paying attention to the time! Do you even care about me?" She is screeching now, "Do you even care about this family?!"

James's 6-year-old daughter walks into the kitchen with a scared look on her face. "Mommy, Daddy, are you two fighting again?" she mumbles, holding back tears.

James looks at his daughter. He remembers how her arm didn't work when she was born, about all the hardship and exhaustion they went through, hours upon hours of physical therapy for his child. He remembers how April blamed him for it. She's right to blame me, he thinks. James walks over and picks his daughter up. "No, no, pickle. Mommy and Daddy are just talking. It's okay."

"Yeah!," April yells "Yeah, pretend like you're the good guy! Make me look like the bad guy!" They hear crying upstairs from their youngest daughter, awake from all the commotion. April throws open the closet and grabs her jacket. "I can't take this anymore. I can't take you anymore. I need some space." She points at her daughter and looks at James straight in the eyes. "They're your problem now". April leaves and slams the front door, shaking the house.



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There's a brief silence, and his daughter mumbles "Mommy is always angry. I don't like mommy when she's angry."

James says, "Now, don't blame mommy. She's just angry because daddy messed up again. It's all my fault. It always is." He doesn't know when April will be back, she was gone for days last time. He's ashamed that he's doing this to his children, having them see their parents fighting like this.

He puts down his daughter and walks over to the closet and shuts it, but he's filled with a sudden memory. He remembers the scene where he opened this closet to find Bootsy's body while they were filming Dream Phone. He remembers Bootsy struggling to climb into the closet, and all of them laughing as they figured out it was too small, and they had to set up those hangers in the room to make it look like a closet in the scene. James smiles for a moment, but the smile quickly disappears.

He picks up his daughter again and whispers, "Let's go, time for bed". He brings her to her bedroom and tucks her in, the both of them choking back tears.

Later, James is lying in bed. He lulled the baby to sleep hours ago, but he can't sleep himself. He looks towards the clock. 4:00 AM. All he wants to do is play some games and make some movies with his friends, like he used to. He decides he's going to finish that Mega Man game that he started earlier. He feels slightly better for a brief moment, but as he's playing alone in his basement at 4am with his infant daughter crying upstairs, he takes a moment to turn off the camera and weep bitterly.



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April was back home and in bed at 4am when James went back to the basement she noticed him getting out of bed:

April: Where do you think you're going?

James: Uhh yeah umm sorry to wake you but I was um… gonna go back downstairs and finish the uh game that me and Mike were playing when you had to leave at 5:40.

April: God! You and those stupid fucking games! Well take the baby monitor with you cause if that brat starts screaming you can deal with her! I'm going back to sleep!

James: Yeah sure, no problem! And again I'm so sorry I didn't get upstairs until 5:41pm. It will never happen again. I love you.

April: Go play your damn game James. Goodbye!

James gets down to the basement and starts filming. April is still pissed about what happened at 5:40 and the fact that he is spending time playing games instead of spending time with the kids or doing the list of chores she has for him. Then she thinks of a plan "heh heh I'll show that motherfucker!" She then goes into their 9 month year olds room and wakes her up and runs out of the room back to bed. The baby immediately starts screaming so James has to quit the game yet again and get the baby to quit crying which takes him 2 HOURS!

James is eager to work on filming another video to occupy his mind and distract himself from all the turmoil but soon realizes he has to wait 3 agonizing days for the bruises to fade just enough so that the makeup he has applied to cover them up can work seamlessly.


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Living the good life.

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