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File: 1713585435673.jpg (272.82 KB, 1079x1079, 1:1, GLikHH5W8AEt4Pf.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Here's your upcoming Marvel movie, bros.


Nigger me timbers








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Just tell me when it hits Fandango.




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>Capeshit actually died off organically due to lack of interest
>DCU hard rebooting under James Gunn
>MCU soft rebooting with X-Men and Fantastic 4
<Capeshit artificially extended another decade


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I suppose you're right.
It's going to be strange to see how they deal with a black male villain after all the liberal pandering.


It's amazing how hard it is to find anything about MCU movies. There's nothing but shitty fan trailers and the worst god damn websites known to mankind that are also somehow paywalled. There's like a whole range of payslop shitty entertainment sites somehow.


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Iconic scenes like this that made redditors piz, shid, and fard themselves have a lot of staying power. Capeshit can never die. No other film franchises had such subtle nods to themselves that only fans would appreciate. Every movie is a treasure trove of easter eggs that hit right in the feels.


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>tfw skipped 99% of capeshit for the past 15 years


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They're the same picture.


>Watched Ironman 2, The Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises and Guardians of the Galaxy.
That's like what? 90%
At least Nolanslop was fun, can't say the same about MCU diarrhea.


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It frees up a lot of room in your memory for kino when you skip the latest hypeshit. In fact I'll go so far as to say everything back to 1989 Batman was shite too


I couldn't agree more. Current thing movie releases are exhausting.


>In fact I'll go so far as to say everything back to 1989 Batman was shite too
I didn't like the two Batman movies that Tim Burton directed, but at least they had that nice Art Deco-inspired look to them. The only live-action superhero movie I can think of that I really liked is Darkman. As far as non-superhero movies inspired by comics go, I also liked Dick Tracy.

I think that the '90s cartoon adaptations were probably the peak of superhero media outside of the original comic books.


Sure, the German expressionism sets are the best. The stories, which have never been Tim Burton's strong suit, suck.
>The Joker killed Bruce Wayne's parents hurrr
is the most egregious part. And having more than one villain per movie is stretching things even thinner. Darkman and Dick Tracy are better than any of the Batman movies, but then not having any sequels help my opinion of them too. Hell, Aliens is essentially a comic book movie much like Star Wars is.


I think the makers of the Alien franchise looked back on their first one as a complete disaster that they barely scraped together into a cohesive movie, and they didn't respect the opinion of slop enthusiasts. They then tried to make the subsequent movies into badass flicks and arguably succeeded but ultimately failed flat due to the constrictive format and reliance on Weaver for continuity. Alien worked initially because the viewer was as curious as the scientist and as surprised as the protagonist at the android.
The attempted prequel reboot was a good attempt but was mocked into oblivion. The sequel was better but also arguably constricted. They also relied on religion as the pozzed angle instead of anything else.

Aliens would have been superior if instead of "finding Ripley," and "le sending her back," a different ship found her. This ship could have found several mysterious objects or alien craft that expand the lore , and Ripley is awoken to join the new crew as they open up some other things. Nobody wanted to hear an old bitch bemoaning her evil corporation's ignorance. It was nails on a chalkboard.


>but then not having any sequels help my opinion of them too
Darkman actually had two sequels. I have all of them as part of some DVD set but have never watched them.


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237 million in in tax loss harvesting let's go


None of them had Neeson.


Same, there's only one exception to that rule for me.


Guardians of the galaxy 3 has a main black villain you retard.


>Black super genius that experiments on animals.
That's only nigger black if you're nigpilled on how blacks treat stray cats. It's not a depiction of a black villain. Kang is like nigger black because he is villainous against humans and heroes.

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