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>A bizarre anthology of non-sensical, Amiga animated "children's stories" (found on VHS and uploaded to the net in the late 00s) narrated by a soft-spoken woman (possibly Nanny Lynn?) the identity of whom is still unknown.

NEXT WEEKS FILM: Golden Age Film with a Bad Bitch


File: 1713661045807.png (63.78 KB, 756x852, 63:71, WFC-2024-4-14.PNG) ImgOps iqdb


Fire your moderation staff.


File: 1713846298258.jpg (218.64 KB, 1417x1080, 1417:1080, MidnightMary20.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Midnight Mary (1933)


this was a good suggestion


Detour (1945)


Didn't you mention this in a recent thread?


I don't think so. Another anon may have.


>Golden Age Film with a Bad Bitch
Almost any film noir would fit the bill. Have we done Out of the Past yet?


Now zoomers are going to know about Nanny Lyn. Is nothing sacred to you, gahoole?


Gahoole is an early zoomer.


No he's not. He could be an honorary zoomer though, since he promotes discord cancer




it's hard to believe but he really is
almost every source says Gen Z begins in 1997 (when he was born)


>Gen Z begins in 1997
They keep moving the goalpost around on the ranges of these generations. I go by what I heard 10 years ago or so, that Gen Z begins in 1995.


Simply absurd. Kind of like how 1964 births are somehow "boomers" even though they had barely started kindergarten in a time defined more than any other by teenagers. I'm convinced whoever comes up with some of these timespans has never interacted with a human being before.


Generations are just marketing labels made up by jews. They basically take an arbitary span of 10-15 years in which you happened to be born and try to sell it to you as a lifestyle brand. Any age group wider than about 5 years is too broad to generalize culturally or behaviorally, but if they went that specific then they'd have too many lifestyle brands to manage. They still try to get as narrow as they can manage though, which is why the zoomer start date keeps getting pushed back and why they're already talking about "gen alpha" as adults.


Generations are 100% arbitrary and unnatural, but they do tangibly manifest. The distinct zoomer culture first appeared in the late '10s which conveniently is when people born in the new millennium became adults. "Alpha" has 0 distinct qualities from zoomers and 2010 was an equally indistinct year. Whatever the next discernible, post-zoomer generation is, would have been born or at least started school during or after the covid lockdowns.


I think "baby boomers" were the first ever coined generation term, and "the greatest generation" or whatever it was called was a retroactive title.


Yeah, generations are pretty much boomers shoehorning their own manufactured "youth rebellion" larp onto their parents and especially their descendants. I predict that when the boomers all die out, we'll be put through another cultural reset that renders the whole notion irrelevant.


How does Gen Z(oomers) just so happen to coincide with "The Great Reset" where the newest generation is "Uh, I guess let's go back around to Gen Alpha."
Has to be entirely manufactured.

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