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File: 1714668454103.jpg (136.4 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, south-park-10-2000-0a4434b….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Favourite Episodes and scenes from south park


My favorite is always the next one quoted by a redditor.


Terence and Philip: Not Without My Anus. I love the early seasons when it was more of a silly, vulgar cartoon instead of just a vehicle for social commentary.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The pilot from 1992


When did you stop watching South Park, /tv/? I think I stopped around the Shake Weight episode.


I mostly stopped watching when they went all in with the TDS, and since they shilled the jew jabs I want nothing to do with it.


Literally always hated this show. I watched a few times at Cartman's peak because it was unavoidable, but it was always trash.


The main writer for South Park has quite possibly thee worst taste in women I have ever seen, that or it was one of the other main guys that did some narly stupid shit.

The show itself is dogshit that isn't worth talking about and was always the lesser of the adult comedy shows when it came out.


The last one I remember seeing was the one with the Thanksgiving stuffing mine plot. I haven't cared to keep up with it.


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Sorry to say this, zoomer, but nobody cares about your shit opinion and pretentious way of seeing things.
The memberberry season who also was about Trump.
From 1 to 17 the show still had some quality.


Nice avatar.


You make this thread at least once a year, desperate to get people to like Gay Park.


More samefagging and seething? Wow!


That's not samefagging. Samefagging is talking to yourself pretending to be two different people.


It's amazing to me how you think posting a heinous image is somehow helping your argument. You must be jewish.


I'm an optimist and while South Park might be able to get a few cheap chuckles out of me, I never found it to be all that filling.

The pants on head retarded parodies of the show have always had more to them, even if a bit of the humour is lost as well as the creators minds in some cases.


You are straight up trying to astroturf and shit the thread because someone holds a different opinion of you. You can't handle being called out for being a massive faggot.
Just go back to whatever shithole you have come from and stay there instead of trying to destroy the only good imageboard left.


Just because I reply twice in two different ways, and it triggers you into thinking you're outnumbered which somehow threatens your opinion, doesn't mean I'm astroturfing. haha


You're retarded. South Park has always sucked.


JIDF moment.


I'm the Anon you said had a shit opinion and while I don't have a problem with that, I do have a problem with you calling me pretentious just cause I don't like South Park.


The jew kid and the other guy with a blue hat seem to be the personal mouth puppets of the creators, while Cartman and Kenny get to be the punching bags. Much like with Lisa Simpson or Brian Griffin.


You got what you wanted.


What part of the Simpsons would suffer if Lisa Simpson never existed?


I'd be straight instead of homosexual.


I'm sorry that happened to you Anon


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You're Getting Old
I realized I was too old to watch such a mediocre piece of shit show with creators that think that music gets bad because you get old.
Thanks Trey and Matt!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Lisa wasn't too bad for the first four or five seasons. She was still a little girl who just happened to be a little smarter than average. The joke/tragedy of her character was that she had a lot of potential which was being squandered nobody ever recognized it. Her character became unlikeable when they made her into the 2nd wave feminist ideal: unlikeable, self-righteous and unable to shut up. The baffling thing is that writers seemed to have become aware of how obnoxious she was at some point and even poked fun at her, like in embed related. And yet, they never bothered to improve her character.


Ya I get what you mean, I really should have said modern Simpsons but oh well.


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We all know this is our favorite, I often jacked off to this as a youngster


Crystal Skull wasn't even that bad.


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The best episodes are always the ones about kids dealing with kid problems.


Hot take here but Temple Of Doom is worse


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The show ended after season 12

Season 1-3 had some decent episodes but overall was shit narratively, Season 4-5 is when it started to really peak, from Season 6-10 was the best they ever did, season 11 and 12 had some gems, but half the episodes were doggy, 13+ is when there was maybe 1 or two good episodes a season, after that it was dogshit.


I never started. Also I never saw Seinfeld.


Temple of Doom is basically banned in India because it triggered Pajeets over the depiction of Hindu death cults.


>South Park
What a fag


Blow me


No way.
I remember the the first season just being lame toilet humor and getting better after that.


It's annoying when shows erase continuity after every episode.


I enjoyed when they were doing seasonal arcs because there were a lot of episodes that weren't just ripping on whatever was in the news cycle.

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