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How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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Speaking of kikery, this is CD Projekt Red
I think their next game is going to be very, very kike'd. Remember, 2077 was in development long before George Floyd and was only slightly kike'd at the end because of early Dup. There is no telling how many niggers and women are employed there now.


>fat canadian woman
You just know this gayme is going to be 80%+ her sexual fantasies. It's kind of sad though. She's so fat and disgusting she can't even imagine anything but a niggerape wanting her.


Massassin's Greed
Massassin's Greed 2 (portions)
Massassin's Greed: Briskethood
Massassin's Greed: Reservations (at the buffet table)


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>be slave
>only job is carrying weapons for other men
>japs dress you as samurai to mock you
>end up in a battle
>immediately surrender
>get enslaved again
>300 years later


Even better, he was a "koshou" which were not only retainers but were also in homosexual relationships with their lord. He was buck broken.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What race is this?
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It's the uncanny valley. With porch monkeys you know they're not human, but with mutts they have just enough human features where you sort of recognize them as human while your subconscious knows they're not.


Scientists really need to study this site, everyone here is an aryan blonde beast ubermensch with perfect genetics and yet you are all ince- uhhh "volcels" the odds are staggering, someone really should be looking into this


Gas yourself, /trannypol/ nigger lover.


Nice red herring, but I have a woggy phenotype and have never claimed otherwise. That doesn't suddenly make repulsive mutts attractive.


This but unironically.

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>does nothing
>wins everything
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Every game with DRM is a shit game. No exceptions. Pick your spine back up off the floor.


Consoles are DRM


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Valve still have dickriders?


No shit, sherlock.


Why would you remove Imperials and not Nords?

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 No.5815[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Now Grunty can steal many more women's beauty!
>Character Change (♀) - Gruntilda's Zap - Turned Ugly by Grunty
>Your waifu's beauty has been stolen by Gruntilda! Will you still love her?
>First Halloween LyCORIS! This one is REALLY random, but the idea is that your waifu loses her beauty due to Gruntilda just like what happens to Tooty in the first game. I've noticed it can also kind of be used to do she-hulk like transformations? Anyways, enjoy!


OP if you really want to make a change and fight back against the lair 4 content what you should do is start making youtube videos about the problem. It'll reach a wider audience then posting about it on a tiny image board with barely double digit users.


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[Last 50 Posts]

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Would you consider the people that still play Team Fortress 2 to be human or are they below that at this point?

I played one single match of 2Fort recently and it was some of the worst shit I've ever seen.
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I remember Counter Strike


DE_Dust and Dust2
Nothing else mattered.


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It got some kino dramas, recently a fuckton of hackers have been doxxed.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It got a resurgence recently because of how poorly received overwatch 2 was


I hate you, you little faggot.

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 No.5275[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Yes, yes, congratulations on your hard work, Microsoft Employees. We have secured the juggernaut company "Activision."
Somehow I don't think this many employees adds up to 69 billion dollars.
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*vaxxed Blizzard's devs


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Microsoft fanboys are now in panic mode


>the sound of soy.webm
At this point blizzard babies get what they deserve.


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By just looking at the thumbnail, Microcucks can't bullshit their way out, Gaylo has become nothing but a corpse puppeteered by Viacom.


It hasn't been Viacom for years. It's Paramount.

[Last 50 Posts]

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This is a game I really want to like and get into but after maybe 1 hour I get bored instantly. Maybe sandbox games are not for me. But something about this game beckons me to push on and let myself loose into it. I know buyfags are retarded, but is it worth actually buying the game on Steam or just better pirate it as usual. Would Fitgirl repacks be the best fit?


>is it worth actually buying the game on Steam or just better pirate it as usual
You already know the answer.


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I mostly play Terraria like it's a fucked up arcade game, trying to beat in one-life-one-world marathon challenges, failing over and over, hoping for the one day where I'll finally succeed. It's hard for me to enjoy it with other people because I play it at such a higher level than my friends.

I'm not sure why you willingly buy the game with DRM when DRM-free options exist, but obviously this is the sort of game you might want to try out a fair bit to see if you really like it before wasting money on it. Also I wouldn't categorize it as a sandbox game since it has some pretty obvious goals and tests the player's skill.

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>Banned for shitposting
What site do you think you are on?


You're purposely trying to get banned every hour of the day.


>to being poor and homeless
You do realize homeless people die very early from poor health all the time right? There's a reason bums older than 50 are extremely rare. What a stupid comparison.


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>Flaggots trend doesn't end with a bang
<But with a wet fart in a morgue


Do you think he has disappointed parents that will bury him under his actual name or a single mom that will bury him under his LARP name?

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Let's discuss FuRyu here. I think this company is a breath of fresh air in today's industry. They allow their developers to experiment in interesting ways, but also make efforts to appeal to traditional JRPG audiences.

Their latest known project, CRYMACHINA (coming to the PS4, PS5, Switch and PC this Fall in the west) is a Japanese sci-fi Action-RPG directed by Fuyuki Hayashi (the same director behind Crystar and Monark) and developed by AQURIA (the studio behind the PS Vita's Caligula).

Original trailer:

Official Twitter account:

Developer interview:

Demo footage clipped from Dengeki Game Live:
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>that said, I'm doubtful, especially since the environments are fairly detailed
If you look at some of the great PS3 achievements like Red Dead Redemption or L.A. Noire which are on the Switch, I'm confident it can handle this. If it's in 30 FPS.


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Looks like REYNATIS just got a 2nd trailer.



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REYNATIS x NEO TWEWY collab trailer


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Some more REYNATIS Twitter clips.


Bunny girl is cute, she btfo them zogbots.

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