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File: 1707281072367.mp4 (16.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vJixvoNiZcANi-s5.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Dupper Carldup is in Moscow, Russia to interview Putdup on the war in Ukraine, and Ducker BTFOS English speaking news media.
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When was the last time a head of state talked for 2+ hours in an interview besides Nixon?


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It happens all the time, this probably isn't the two hour plus interview Putin gave this year. Some of his interviews are downright bizarre, over a dozen flight attendants as interviewers? Problem has always been distribution, back in the 80's and early 2000's with the right equipment and encryption codes you could get direct satellite feeds from news orgs and some tapes of unedited interviews were circulated. Now being sent through internet only a very few release the entire thing.

I don't remember which Micheal Moore movie it was that showed some behind the scenes interview makeup and prep of major politicians but that's where the footage came from. There was a pretty big tape circulation scene back then for this niche.


>Happens all the time.
No, it doesn't. Those Putin interviews don't address the west. US Presidents don't get interviewed for sitdowns across relevant topics. Dup gives interviews essentially in the form of rallies. I mean he gives long thought out statements regarding how he sees things going on in the country and world. No other politician can stand up and talk this long consistently. The most you will get is a 60 Minutes interview about random non-controversial mainstream topics that have no resolution.


Anybody rewatch this yet? I wonder if it holds up still.



leftists are the biggest backers of the police because without them you're all dead

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Normies don't notice.

Why are normies so fucking stupid? What is the scientific hypothesis as to what differentiates a noticer from a normie?


Too many to count from genetics to upbringing.
I've known people who simply are not genetically predisposed to socially conform and I've known people who were simply were taught to contest things (in an accurate way) from an early age.

Having free time also helps, but that's a double edged knife, you need to learn how to shut down or you'll overthink yourself to depression and exhaustion.


>I've known people who simply are not genetically predisposed to socially conform

I can confirm this. It's one of those things where it could be nature, nurture or both, but my parents refused to give me a single vaccine growing up and are huge contrarians. Not surprising I turned out the same way.

I was able to wake my dad up to the Jews, but my mom shuts down every time I bring it up. No clue why she has so much loyalty to the Jews despite never having met one.


>No clue why she has so much loyalty to the Jews
Women are predisposed to believing whatever the media tells them more so then men. I mean actual men not soyboy cucks who have more estrogen coursing through their veins then most trannys. And since the media is mostly owned by jews, pro-jew propaganda is pushed disproportionately.


unironcally he is right…women are emotional and prone to avoid conflict. Giving them the right to vote was the worst mistake america ever made. Yeah even worse than bringing niggers over here as slaves and then setting them free.

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dup btfo


>sex charges
A blind man could have seen that coming.


it's over dupbros

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Brothers, it's time to kneel.
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Spoiler 2: He comes back to life in the post-credits scene.


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Yeshua the Jewish Messiah has forever been our friend and ally.


Imagine this making you angry.


Everyone's supposed to worship the other disgraced jew: Karl Marx.


It's not hard to see why someone would be upset that a disingenuous conman is making a mockery of a holy text, though that's probably not why the fag in the OP's pic is whining.

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>subversive pedokike died
If only it happened more often.


>A american hero is a "pedo" and "kike" because the voices in my head said so.
Take your pills, Abdul.


Lieberman was jewish, retard.


>I cannot tell that "Lieberman" is about as jewish as a last name can get

Why are you on an imageboard at all?


>watch as he recoils how injured he is

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to my favorite brownoids on the net!

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NY Governor gets told to fuck off at wake for slain NYPD officer
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He got shot by a spic who'd been arrested 21 times.




fuck the police


kike cunt


Which would've happened regardless of the police, that's a judge's doing

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Mitch McConnell's CCP Handler/Contact "Sister in law" dies miraculously in her car after it somehow drove into a pond on a ranch.
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From the life insurance?


It's so easy nowadays, just send a command to the car to lock the doors and enter a body of water.


Just an Asian woman driver, nothing to see here.


Based Elon Musk killing GOP rhinos who bend over to PedoBiden.


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Someone get some fascism up in here stat

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Mall where a concert was taking place shot up, 130 victims so far, agressors still unknown. US embassy had warned on March 8 to stay away from such places.
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Ok kike, calm down.


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You will never be a woman.


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It was (((ISIS)))!


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ISIS post body cams confirming they did it. Tajiks captured.

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This is rapdup tier, kek. Jews crying "da jooooooooooos" without even being mentioned, outing themselves in the process.
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I was hoping "finna" would become "fidna." Maybe it has


It always was. It's used interchangeably as a stand in for "fixing to" and the "thing of" from "something of".


I know but I think fidna would be a funnier progression. maybe it was an interim step, and "finna" is the final evolution.


>Niggers can't get more retarded.


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