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File: 1710338916085.webm (3.81 MB, 320x240, 4:3, troon.webm) ImgOps iqdb


We are witnessing the beginning of the end of the jews' troon fad, as myself and others predicted would happen years ago.

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Are you going to answer the question? You have the benefit of pointing at a chart, so why bring up the most likely made up claims of Roman preferences given to you by some anonymous faggot at all? Do you require what you view as manlier men than you to validate your stances?


I know you are being serious with your cope and degeneration. For real, kill yourself.
Pegging is really popular among british and zoomers for whatever reason.


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The future is female and british.


>shoving things up their assholes is really popular with faggots and other faggots
Could not imagine why.


Gay british zoomers age like fucking milk.

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>Was being btfo part of your plan?
Why is Kyle Rittenhouse giving a speech to a 100% Nigger audience?
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The kid who famously shot and killed antifas attacking him at a George Floyd riot, and was found not guilty of murder.


>Implying he doesn't know.


What the fuck are they screeching about? Couldn't hear a thing.


The nogs caught wind of him being there and flooded the talk. Kinda stupid on his part either way. Going into a den of vipers like that.


I don't fucking know, all I ever see Americans do is scream and clap.

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Well, it looks like they're knocking off another one who stopped playing ball.


JIDF thread trying to derail important threads. Simple as.




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Princess Diana was only 36 when they clipped her, Kate is 42 so she's on borrowed time.



Nobody uses /truth/.

File: 1710426760513.mp4 (7.29 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, jews vs tiktok.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Tick Tock for Tiktok Not sorry
Apparently Tiktok is the last bastion of free speech, the last remaining internet realm for discussing the denial of the holocaust.
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Is so over for yakuza and all the zoomers, they have nothing in their lifes without tiktok


YouTube Shorts will welcome their nigger dance vids with open arms.


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And maybe if you're feeling lucky, Tumblr might get its mutilated clogs run like clockwork once both Twitter and Tiktok become unbearable for the leftwing cattle.


>end of platform that hosts unprecedented levels of brainrot, including the worst of leftist subversion
>poltards are suddenly upset by this
Pretty obvious contrarianism for its own sake


It's also a great place for all braindead lefties to get lured by pedophiles, but then: Reddit and twitter got that covered. The love police wins again.

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And make Putin watch.


turd lover


Stop samefagging




Pretty accurate. . no more brother wars.

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So SCOTUS ruled Texas law about border enforcement is constitutional, big loss for bidup


Don't get me wrong, it's a big symbolic win, but the illegals are just gonna cross in the other border states that aren't doing anything like Texas is.


Now it's time for Texas to declare illegal aliens as foreign invaders, enemies of the state. Making it legal for citizens to shoot them on sight.


The governor already said it's an invasion. That's essentially the state's argument for giving the police authority to arrest them.


fuck arrest. They need to be declared as enemy combatants. "insurgents"

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File: 1710725010940-1.png (750.57 KB, 1170x2532, 195:422, macron tranny.png) ImgOps iqdb


Serious discussions going on in Le France Nation about how Macron's wife is a literal, no doubt about it, 100% truth, backed with facts and evidence, TRANSGENDER Male to Female tranny.
Also being circulated amongst these discussions?
dup salivating over the troon.


He sucked Obama cock


Obama is a bottom, he don't like having his dick touched.


obama sucked his cock then, while michael fucked macron

File: 1710956146275.mp4 (22.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, MeinEdit_comp.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


The mere physical attributes associated with the half-race artificially-engineered by the Enslaver should be all that is required to lead a rational, sapient being to the path of hate, or in our case, the path of determined survivalism and instinctual pattern recognition that is nowadays but taboo "hate-speak" that directly opposes the set status quo that is, in certain ways, physically crushing the backs of the hard-working kind, the aforementioned "rationals", the sapient kind who are for now partially unaltered by genetic experimentations that the Enslaver conducts upon it's subjects.
And bringing up the mere physical attributes, or to be more accurate - de-attributes, are enough to permeate the reality of the bestial, impulse-driven "nature" of the subhuman kind, those altered completely by the Enslaver's conduct. Through a certain set of pre-determined events, we have come to the rather unfavorable conclusion that those genetically unaltered, have been completely shifted into beings of thoughless conformance and consumption, and no regard for relevant matters, such as the aforementioned reality of the physical attributes of the genetically-altered untermensch half-race. It is thus the only solution to, bio-physically erradicate all the bio-mass that makes up this part of the population, for it is now obvious to us that they serve little to no purpose to us, other than being a mere hinderance, a weight on our already worn-out backs, cogs in the machine, if you will.
And it is because of this reality that we have been left with but one option, the total extirpation of the subhumans and those without a comprehensive, consistent perception, those who are cogs in the machine, those whose bio-essence of evolutionary development has degraded to mere leeching off of the fruits of Bureaucratic industrial technocracy that has enveloped all of Earth by this point.

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File: 1710469266942-1.mp4 (11.08 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Subway Climate.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


New Globalists Hustle and Bustle of the City video just dropped.
Nigger shot a nigger in the head, and these people cowered in fear. Good thing they were all vaxxed. If you listen closely, you can hear them voting Democrat harder.
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This is the state of black 'men', getting thrown around by black troons.


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But at least they didn't spread any hatred, that's what all matters.


Everybody that witnesses this event in person or on video develops hatred.


Shit like this is why South American and Carribean niggers hate Ameriniggers more than anyone.


>youz gotz da wronk female
X to doubt

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File: 1710514188280-1.mp4 (11.46 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Niggers stealing cars in C….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Canadian Nigger Cops hand out pamphlets in Canada on how to avoid getting your car stolen by Niggers.
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Canada is truly a beacon of multicultural diversity. A true inspiration for all countries except Israel.


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>shitskin criminals doing south africa style break ins
>jew kisser anglo telling people just to give up their actual car in their own home
>shitskin cop
>mudslime women cop wearing a hat on a hat

The truckers should of never stopped should of did a full embargo on Canada entirely.
The world has truly turned in to dystopia. You will start seeing southafrican style anti-White brutal murders in Canada daily. The jewish Canadian government will be telling White People to give up their homes to hordes of niggers.


I honestly hope niggers and browns are wiped out by a disease.


Pic is wrong, per-capita the most violent city in North America is The Pas, Manitoba because of drunken, drug fueled Indians.


>St. Louis is the most violent city in America
I used to walk around in St. Louie when I was a young White liberal naive to the world. I'm lucky to be alive.

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