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Proof the Louis cuck poster is a lazy spamming faggot.
If he were a genuine effort poster, he'd be up all night googling.
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>Ice creams = Races
The only time Bill Nye got funny, besides nobody buys napolitan flavor.


Rober Sepher is an honorary aryan. Is amazing how much the kikes and their golems hate him.


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Pretty funny. You know it's a psyop to debunk "we wuz kangs" when you consider the vast resources google has.


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We know exactly what this is thanks to other LLM services. The prompt entered by the user gets modified to add things like 'strong woman' or 'ambiguous ethnicity', by having the person being generated wear a blank name tag or holding an empty sign some language models inserted the new unwanted prompts due to an oversight. While this hasn't happened with Gemini the same type of prompt modification has been confirmed by Google employees in case it wasn't obvious enough.

On the subject of their vast resources there was James Damore in 2017 who went public about the ideological issues ruining their services back when all the attention was on gender, what's interesting is it was written from the perspective of a corporate cult follower wanting to improve the efficacy of their diversity programs by using a new approach only an autist could think were appropriate. His firing is often used to explain why nobody at Google spoke up about their Gemini service being an obvious disaster.

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I've been harassing my girlfriend by pretending to be Diddy and touching her anus like I imagine a gay thug nigger would.


More like P-Diddly


>Babe, turn on a rap album. I'm feeling anal tonight.
<Ok baby. Pdiddy or Jayz
Fucking kek


Yeah, now we know what the P stands for.


Justin Bieber got bred by so many niggas it turned him into the gigawigger he is today.

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>Chatbots' inaccurate, misleading responses about US elections threaten to keep voters from polls

I say it's a good thing, it's literally filtering the NPC drones. If you rely on AI chatbots to tell you what to do you deserve to get disenfranchised kek. Not like voting matters anyways when Dominion fraud exists, but hopefully they will get mad about it, sperg and cause something that rids everyone of this farce.


>when Dominion exists
There's been rampant voter fraud in nearly every federal US election for over a century and probably the vast majority of the state and local ones too. Actually I think people were shitting their pants about it pretty much from the moment George Washington stepped down. Democracy is retarded and always was retarded and probably always will be retarded.


>Not like voting matters anyways when
>both parties are kike puppets
Fixed that for you, OP.

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Will Jew Bidup be replaced?
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>After they win they'll ditch old Joe and install some troon like Michelle Obama.
If they're gonna run somebody else, it's gonna be in the coming weeks, perhaps before Super Tuesday.


He blew all the funds for Israel's defense, of course.


no, but I'm replacing all the zoomies at work.


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Is he scared of mosquitos like he is rabbits?


There's a Donnie Darko reference in there somewhere.

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I'm making this thread for it to serve as a call to arms for whatever social/political matters are currently going on that YOU, yes (YOU) can help act on and do your part. These threads are where the proposed solutions will be collected.

How this works is that this thread is not for discussing the problems themselves - that is better off left in a separate thread specifically for that problem - instead, you'll use this thread for declaring the issue and then also including links or suggestions for what anons can do to personally start making a difference. Asking or requesting what one can do for whatever issue is allowed but don't take up too much space trying to discuss that here, it will only serve to clog up the thread and obscure actually useful information.
This is NOT for radical or glownigger tier calls to arms, this is for peaceful solutions only. Sending emails, making videos, spreading memes, writing complaints, etc. Don't limit yourself just to those, these are just examples of the kinds of thing you may see in this thread.

It is important to include links and specific emails where applicable. If your solution is to email a handful of senators, LIST THEIR EMAILS! If your solution is to mail letters to some PO Box, INCLUDE THE ADDRESS! If your solution is to send complaints via some website, LINK IT! I think you get the idea here. Anyways, have at it. Good luck and Godspeed.
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We ums… need to email people right now.


>Bidup unscheduled visit to Walter Reed
They're gonna formally diagnose him now. He'll be stepping down in the coming weeks. Screenshot this.


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Trusting the science was the solution the whole time.


I don't know if any political solution is possible. Listening to this made me want to start a life out in the middle of nowhere, but I don't have any skills or money and don't know anyone I could do that with.


Stalin liquidating the intelligensia was the best thing he ever did, academics and scientists deserve the rope

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This is what happens when you have red pilled the normalfags.
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


post it


Nofit fapcels will save the west.


Lenny Kravitz was the last black dude who tried to assimilate to white culture.


*jewish culture.

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Floriduh will have a "Hot Car Death Prevention Month" because a mudwhore's holy mutant got killed by a stupid babysitter.


They showed the mudwhore with her fambly at the legislature when the bill passed, wouldn't you know she's already well along with her next mutant spawn. The last one just died a year and a half ago.
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>our women
you're so obviously a brown nigger


>incel simps seething when reminded of reality
Yes it's because the kikes kiked them, that doesn't mean an unkiked white woman would want to bear your spawn.
>buh-but i already have a wife and son
Then why are you even here? White knights like you always claim that starting a white family is the best thing you can do for the race, so why are you still hanging around and shitposting?


Stfu, tranny. You are so stale.


Funny how (you) >>140596 popped off after someone made fun of TINY BLACK PECKERS >>140595
You're a nigger, mayte


This, for real.

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The Ducker Meal just dropped, and it's McAwesome.
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Fake clownworld article.
Real but staged.


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Does anyone got the real outrageous photo of the receipt? God forbid if you sneed hatefulness in liberal utopias.


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The black man keeps winning


This is a very funny name for their McDonald's. Russia has suffered a lot of sanctions, but they don't care. The country is simply drowning in its own blood. Therefore, let's help Ukraine to win this war by donating to the organization as https://cartodonate.com or others. Believe, and a cent will be enough!


never forget

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For anybody who remembers him, David Irving is nearing the end of his rope.


But nobody cares, we should all be concerned over Elizabeth's little fuckboy who's dying of cancer, truly a great masonic parasite.


I'm sure Adam Eget will chip in with a massive donation.


I heard about this. We just lost John Kaminski this month, too.


rip lil buddy. Maybe I'll pick up one of his books in his honor

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Just two more weeks! Trust in the plan!


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>I wouldn't play you.
>We're like one entity.
In other words, it's the same person playing both guys using deepfake ai tech.


>The other two vids
Holy shit the shilling


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>2nd vid
>Audience gets disgusted
<But one of them starts applauding like some sort of a signal to praise the hobo's cooking
<<Don't show what you really think of his shitacular dishes

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