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Niggers have their own Q, and he BTFOd the government in Haiti.
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Even the nigger male would be a cutest femboy than the nigress. That's why we used to Buck Break then.


The Blasian or nigress or whatever that is would look better with a different hairstyle, but blacks in general are kind of androgynous in some ways. They tend to have weak chins and brow ridges and thick lips and in the U.S. are a bit shorter than whites. Even black guys seem to have big butts too. Then there's the aspect of Africans getting figuratively fucked by outside powers for hundreds of years.


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The Colombians were definitely mercenaries.
Haiti is a black hole for criminal activity. Millions of dollars are thrown into supporting candidates and funding sham humanitarian aid. The Clinton Foundation has a key role in Haitian politics, throwing its weight behind candidates and rig elections by providing fake votes or pressuring the administration into accepting unpopular candidates. Haiti was made a pet project of the State Department when Hillary took over during the Obama administration. American capital flooded the country to traffic things like children and drugs after the earthquake. Look into the Silsby case and how Haitians are treated in the Dominican Republic.

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Zogbot boomer seethes after based millenial gives him shit for sucking israeli and jewish cock fighting for white replacement and drag queen story hour

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I sarcastically mocking the idiots who talk shit about men forced to fight a war they didn't start.


You are literally in one right now


Thats what the allies fought for though…white replacement, jewish and fag supremacy.


There's white men still signing up to join the military today…think about that.


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No, it wasn't. That's like saying the Lexington minutemen were fighting for the right of their descendants to gorge themselves on McDonald's.

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Broke nigga carjacks a ride to go ice his sistah, stepmaw and baby mama to def.

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Now he'll be a welfare queen for the next 40 years with better living conditions in prison than he had homeless, with TV, Internet access, gym, and three square.


Oh no not my heckin catalog! A thread that hasn't been looked at in two years might disappear?
Go fuck yourself retard, bump.


Based kike


That's the best retort you have? Fucking stupid ass, you deserve all the misery you bring on yourself with your retarded hangups.


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>The United States has no plans to send troops to Haiti as it spirals into chaos. But it also has no plans-right now-to activate its "maritime mass migration" protocol to allow the Coast Guard and Navy to get into position to interdict illegal immigrant flotillas and return them to their point of origin or to a port in a third nation.
Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Carlos Giménez (R-Fla.), a former Miami-Dade County mayor, queried Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Hemispheric Affairs Rebecca Zimmerman about the Pentagon's Haiti contingency plans during a House Armed Services Committee March 12 hearing on Western Hemisphere national security challenges.

>"The government has been thrown out and, as a Florida man, I'm deeply concerned about this wave of people that we're about to have coming from Haiti," Mr. Gaetz said, predicting what is now a trickle leaving the island "will accelerate" in coming weeks.

>South Florida's Broward and Palm Beach counties have been prime destinations for Haitians, many arriving illegally, for years, he said, noting "they don't disperse throughout the country, they stay in southeast Florida."

>South Florida is bracing for refugees fleeing Haiti to end up on its shores, Mr. Gaetz said, wondering if the Department of Defense (DOD), State Department, Homeland Defense, among others, are also wondering about it and planning for what many see as inevitable.

>"So what are we doing to prepare for that wave and to ensure that these people are not paroled into the United States, as the administration has done with people on the southern border, but instead are repatriated back at the dock at Port-au-Prince?" he asked Ms. Zimmerman.


I feel so secure that yet another high level Jew in the Biden administration is on the case.
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More BBC is always good!


>TFW you don't even know any IRL black men and have to resort to using a rubber masked dummy for your cuckold photoshoot

The cuck king would not approve of this had he known.


He knew plenty of niggers IRL considering this used to be a cop.


>Muh BBC!
Ever single black dude I meet irl had a small dick, explain that, JIDF.


I am so sick of niggers.

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Every day, billions of mud men are gooning.

They are choosing to goon to White women.

They are becoming obsessed with White women and want to impregnate them.

Most of them are in fact planning to make that dream a reality by emigrating, either legally or illegally, into White nations.

The jewish supremacists, who control the levers of power and want to dominate all races, are aiding an abetting an invasion force of military-aged mud men into our nations to replace us.

When jews say "Never again!" they're not referring to the holohoax. They're stating their goal of preventing the goyim from ever challenging jewish power and criminality again, and they plan to achieve this goal by eradicating the noble White race through miscegenation, abortion, the gay/trans agenda, porn, economic manipulation, and sterility-inducing drugs.
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He is a french-canadian mutt tranny, what did you expected?



what did he mean by this


It's the newest most HILARIOUS joke from the master comedian Sam Hide


Sam invented gooning?


Actually was Josh Moon, he keeps inventing and delivering hot take after hot take, but losers copy him and steal his memes.

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Because of this hoor, I learned D.C. actually has delegates. I had no idea.


I think this woman is the least likeable woman in politics right now
hillary clinton and kamala harris have an evil cleverness to them that I think at least gives them a formidable aura
nikki haley is some not-even-useful idiot who just lies and flip-flops constantly on every issue


All "Republican" women are generally like that. I don't know if it's the aloofness of being a rino or maybe it's because they can only attack the left in certain kosher ways.


>kamala harris
You can't be serious


Only being able to think within certain strictly defined boundaries leftists set up for you would be exhausting, though I doubt the class of people that want to be politicians really mind that too much.

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Remember the video of the young fella getting shot by his dad?
The son was part of a satanic cult, and his mom died mysteriously between the shotting and the arrest for being a child predator.
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>he molested his mother's corpse and filmed himself doing it


Didn't we have some O9A sperg trying to shill his satanism on 8/tv/ (or maybe vch/tv/) back in the day? Was it butterdup related or is my memory just fuzzy?


The same guy who loved Mr. Pickles from adultswim?


I remember there was a satanic statue with satan between a white girl and a nigger creature.
And now this, really makes you think.


>some O9A sperg trying to shill his satanism
That was literally every /pol/tard

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White teen girl clinging to life after nigger sow attacks her with unbridled hatred, pinning her down and repeatedly smashing her head into the pavement.
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>muh poor innocent white girl
She was a nigger lover.
Toll paid.




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t. Louis


Can someone tell me what are the pagan european values again?


Traditional European religions tended to emphasize values like loyalty, courage, wisdom, hospitality (think of the story of Baucis and Philemon or how the Havamal puts weight on looking after guests), dutifulness, and discipline.

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I thought you aught to know
Brandon Won
And ((You)) Can't Do Anything About it
Want to Learn more ??? -→ [url=brandon://won]Click here[/url] ←- (NOTE: LINK WILL NOT WORK UNLESS BRANDONSOFT IS INSTALLED ON YOUR MACHINE)

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Zach bros, we are eating good.
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Friendly remember, most of incels are proto-trannies, that's why the incels will always side with the trannies.
As a NatSoc, I say "shoot them all".


You can't be natsoc and hate America.


Doesn't JK hate trannies and men?


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The only good thing about trannies is that females are BTFOing women in sports.


What kind of bait is this?

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