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They have been flooded with "Hate reports" since their Pakistani prime Minister passed that "Hate speech" law.

Cope zogbots. You reap what you sow.

To make a report visit:

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Cope bongoid


I don't think they are virgins, anon.


I want to do naughty things to that third one, more of blue girl there


How would an OJ Simpson of hate speech be like?
>I didn't type the n-word
>I did shout hurtful words, but only shit and fuck approved by the George Carlin academy
<My fingers are too stiff, I got arthritis


my "N" key doesn't register strokes
because it's worn the fuck out

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Another faggot glownigger BTFOs himself to undercover journalist.
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Why? It's their job.


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Federal Reserve Bank employee just got outed by Veritas too.


What do you meme exactly? It's their job to LARP as far right wing extremist terrorist groups? I make a hypothetical post about "glowies" claiming that the KKK is a PsyOp and why hasn't some hero blowed up the KKK yet? Well, that means they have to admit that the KKK isn't real and the entire thing was a show. And they'll never admit to it. This is why they had to allow Kyle Rittenhouse to get away with it. They risked blowing their cover. Everything is fake and gay. Go dare to "disrupt" a "Patriot Front" rally and see what happens to you.


They operate in plain sight, and you continue to pay taxes, memeing you're getting what you're paying for.
It'd be like being raging pissed off at McDonald's because they got your order right.


>MY taxpayer dollars at work
You're not wrong, but you gotta ask yourself why these faggots me on the street often and there's never been a single casualty between the Proud Boys and Antifa. It's all a PsyOp. The short answer to the question of, "Why hasn't anyone blown up the Klan or Antifa is because it's all part of the show. Everything is fake and gay. Both of these faggots on the left and right are just part of the show. That's why nobody is dead. It's all fake and gay. Just like the group of nahtzees who were ALLOWED to set up shop at Disneyland and get away with it. Everything is fake and we know it. And yet, these glowfag nahtzee Larpers are going to get away with it again. My tax dollars at work.

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Pretty sure he was making a gas joke about kikes.


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Thank God for that, the whole "electric" solution was fucking retarded, hybrid electric/gas was a better choice, but they went full retard sadly.


The billionaire class doesn't want the peasants driving. All this pie in the sky EV bullshit is nakedly to make driving unaffordable for most. Elon is not our friend.


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He's the typical liberal who wants to cater everyone but ends up catering to nobody.

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I don't know if this is seething faggyshitty or what


To be fair, probably not a single one of these whores believe in God.


God is not really a variable when it comes to mudsharks. Some of them use religion as an excuse to mudshark.


She sucks a mean dick


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>t. seething nigger

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JK Rowling is daring police in her native Scotland to arrest her for misgendering transgender people after a new woke hate crime law took effect Monday.

"Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal," she wrote on X.

"I'm currently out of the country, but if what I've written here qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment."

"The new legislation is wide open to abuse by activists who wish to silence those of us speaking out about the dangers of eliminating women's and girls' single-sex spaces, the nonsense made of crime data if violent and sexual assaults committed by men are recorded as female crimes, the grotesque unfairness of allowing males to compete in female sports, the injustice of women's jobs, honors and opportunities being taken by trans-identified men and the reality of immutability of biological sex," she continued.

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>This includes the occultism of the Renaissance, Protestantism, and the Enlightenment.
And probably rightly so. Wtf is your problem?
He's not anti-white. You outed yourself as a kike shill.
>And what provided the ideological underpinnings for that brainwashing?
Not your tranny logic forged by kikes that make determinations based on buzzwords in hundreds year old statements where they've been completely removed of context. Fuck you, faggot.
>The idea that it all comes down to Jews is retarded reductionism.
No, you're projecting and making retarded reductionist theories boiling everything down to white people in completely asinine ways.
>It's Jewish propaganda that they were brown-nosing middlemen who cozied up to those in power? And here I thought the narrative of the Self-Chosen People was that they were hated wherever they went for no reason whatsoever.
These are obfuscation tactics, not proper debate.
>to push for equal rights for nogs during the French Revolution?
I just watched something on this today, but I forgot what it was already.


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>He's a fool.
I don't think you know what a fool is.


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Netherlands, UK and USA made this happen.


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The most powerful lay Catholic in the world has just proclaimed Easter Sunday 2024, the holiest day in Christianity, as "Transgender Day of Visibility."

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I mean the bidup admin coming out with that statement was already an incredible self-own and a self-btfo.


Christianfags are ruining the right-winger and NatSoc spaces with their cringe shit.


I miss the pre-Blumphf alternative right back before they came flooding in.


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You don't really need a membership, yet.

They're not mature enough to face the fact that christians always bitch and nag just to get a retarded plaster image of their jewish idols?


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>People ITT think Easter isn't up for grabs.

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Please, somebody tell me what the fuck is happening.
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No. Post more.


It's like people forgot about the SocialAutopsy debacle.

Regardless, it's still fun watching a grifter negress make kikes apoplectic, and it seems to be having a positive impact.


>Candace Owens is a grifter
mark dices pointed that out in one of his videos when she got fired
first thing she did after being fired was put up a website soliciting donations, despite being a multi-millionaire married to another multi-millionaire
that said she's making jews irrationally angry so it's still very fun to follow


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
candace owens vs little ben debate soon


So he's finally taking on someone who's not a retarded college student for once?

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Stay at home moms BTFO

>According to a new report, cancer-causing chemicals have been found in dozens of different bandage brands including Band-Aid and Curad.

>As reported by Environmental Health Sciences and Mamavision, testing of 40 bandages at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-certified lab showed that there were levels of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), otherwise known as forever chemicals, in many of the bandages tested. These chemicals are toxic and were found in 65 percent of the products tested. 63 percent of bandages designed for darker skin tones had traces of these chemicals, too.

>"Because bandages are placed upon open wounds, it's troubling to learn that they may be also exposing children and adults to PFAS," said Linda S. Birnbaum, former director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and National Toxicology Program and scholar at residence at Duke University. "It's obvious from the data that PFAS are not needed for wound care, so it's important that the industry remove their presence to protect the public from PFAS and opt instead for PFAS-free materials."
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>63 percent of bandages designed for darker skin tones had traces of these chemicals, too.
All american healthcare policy is now shaped around how it affects black people
<stay at home mandates not enforced for BLM in 2020
<Entire debate about banning menthol cigarettes is about whether its fair to take away nigs' cigs to save their lives
<now in order to justify any kind of health study they need to explicitly talk about the impact on black people


You can search most any food or consumer product and you'll find it is contaminated with some kind of toxic chemical, at this point I'm not sure if they're trying to kill everybody or it's fake news.


If it's on TV in the form of commercials, it has chemicals in it. It's going up your ass in the toilet paper. It's going in your mouth in the tooth paste and floss. It's going on your scalp in the shampoo. It's going on your skin on the soap. It's going in your organs. It's in the convenient cookware.


It's basically a litmus test.
>Marketing works by repetition so you think of the brand when you look for the product because of the constant ads.
There's so many brands, people are burdened with choice, so they opt for the most bombarded one. Specific brands target specific demographics.
If you reject the entertainment, you reject the ads, you reject the repetition programming, you seek qualitier products.


Somehow I fucking knew it

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Was this the final form they settled on for the sodomite flag, or will they redesign it again in a few years to make it look more evil?
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Quite disturbing that both secret police organizations are usually filled with redditors or tumblrinas ruled by their spineless liberal leaders who prioritize feelings above anything else.


Breadtubers are all over again in the last two weeks seething about The Sound of Freedom and "nazi theories about pedos".
So, anything new happened? Beside Vaush, any other gay left-winger got catch being a pedo?


Lest we forget The Shart of Freedom turned out to be a shitshow.

The Scripture they quote, Luke 17:2, has nothing to do with pedophilia.

Tim Ballard was a sex pest who pressured multiple female subordinates at HSI for sex on oversea missions.

The producer of the frickin' movie groped a 16-year-old trafficking victim on one of his organization's "missions", but nothing ever happened to him because she was legal in Mexico. Literally saved by the AOC, the irony.

99% of the niggercattle who went to the movie 3x are clueless about these matters. The movie made a mint, and the goys got their dopamine rush for fighting against the pedos by sitting on their asses in front of the giant electric rabbi eating popcorn.


ShoeOnHead once again getting the shit on the stick because she's calling out single dykes from TikTok due to their misandry.


I want to see if she will keep shilling for Vaush during her videos.

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 No.127828[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Greg Lansky, Jewish creator of interracial porn website Blacked.com, has been copyright claiming all of the videos where he gave speeches and interviews during 2015-2018?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5hYCvfCyhw [Embed]

That video used to be his Keynote speech at XBIZ 2017, where he talked about why he created Blacked.com. You can find a description of it here:


And then there's this Hareetz interview which is still up in text form, but all videos have been taken down.


What's Greg trying to hide?
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The kike version of Zach is Tzach.



Hey, glowies, when are you guys gonna arrest the jews who ran pornhub for distributing CP? Serious question.


I thought I read something happening on this recently.


>bumps the porn kike thread
gas yourself


Broooo, you forgot your bump there, here let me fix that for you haha! :)

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