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Political Shitposting

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>female police
What did they expect to happen?


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It was arab and med women fucking Swedish men you dumb shitskin.

They have mostly brown female police patrolling the gang areas of Sweden…


Why are sweden women the biggest race traitors?


I think because Swedes are the whitest of whites post-Hitler they thus feel the most guilty.


>Delusional ramblings of a soyjak poster

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When does the American public do something?

>inb4 "ok glownigger"
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<somebody does something


Hey man, a spade sometimes is a spade.


Hey Louie!


>most of the money going to the military complex
Damn, should had bought stock from those companies.


nobody does do anything so glowies take the reigns to get ahead of the narrative. . false flags will always be around, We the People have to be ready and aware to recognize and denounce them.

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>Never gonna give you dup, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you

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>inferior browns invade the USA and Europe
>the inferior brown men become homosexuals as its natural for them
>brown women sell themselves as sex slaves to White men in the hope of getting bleached

So this is the power of the White men



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lmao imagine being a shitskin male

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Why doesn't the We the People and just start executing criminals? Why aren't we going into chicago, albequerqe and just cleaning house? It would probably cause a revolution but seriously what the fuck.

Where are the dead or alive bounties? Why can't the sheriff at least deputize citizens willing to hunt down criminals. .
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<"we?" how about you first
Again. You first. Post proof once done :)
The "arming people who want you dead" or the "arm them by appealing to their love of the Jews and how we must protect Jews" or "arm them by appealing to their athiestic love for the Bible" or the ledditspacing is just extra BTFO to go. And the McFlurry? Is on me.

If you were honest and genuine, you'd be telling people to buy 3D printers, become untraceable with good opsec, get good at targeting undefended infrastructure and not going in with the starting pitch of "so basically I expect to die, so they can take muhgunz from my cold dead hands after getting nothing of note done". Modern problems require modern solutions - the 2nd Amendment is a century out of date, was worded poorly and has been cucked to all fuck and back to the point of terminal BTFO (and if you weren't aware, it's irrelevant to the rest of the world going through the same problems).
You shouldn't be getting people pro-2A (lawcuck), you should get them to not give a fuck about it's approval to begin with. You want your tyrannical government dead, but at the same time, you want their approval beforehand? Retard.

>there's no shortage of people that would gladly do some cartel tier shit to you.

I guess they'd have to find me first, just like all the feds that you want me to unmask myself to :))))
Wait aren't the cartels all feds?!? le Freudian slip? :))))))))))))


>saying we means you don't do the thing
God damn I would love nothing more than to cut your face off and wear it in front of you as you bleed out.


You lost the argument, it is like watching a toddler facing a pitbull. you are weak in all senses of the word.




Imagine keeping this conversation going over the course of multiple days.

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ramon airbase….
in the duplection year no less…..

could the spirit of k3k have followed the trve lost tribe of anonymovs, from 4cuck to 8kunt to /dup/btfo?….
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The Ramon curse is upon all the kikes of the world


Saged and reported


based and this


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The kikes hate Super Ramon, that's a fact, the only "anons" hating Ramon are either brown kikes or drug addicted golems.


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>My latest drama gimmick will succeed.

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Hitler heres to you
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in the UK, you now can find lots of ginger and blonde english men actually becoming muslims
at least they are making some white children, while all the christianfags just seethe online lol
so yep, that meme is 100% true like all the good ones


I should take the bait now before you ruin some other thread with your attention seeking.


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>misuse of projection
I wish I could find and kill stupid people in their sleep without fear of being arrested.


You're truly mentally ill and a weak excuse of a man. I'm not trying to be offensive, these are facts, Zach.

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Ok, who isn't a paid shill at this point

>TikToker and OnlyFans Farha Khalidi tells how the Biden's administration was paying her to engage in identity politics and sell their message.

>"Yeah I was doing full on political propaganda."

>Biden administration uses your tax dollars to pay for a full-blown propaganda.


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Documentary on India as a Super Power.
Pretty phenomenal work if you ask me.
Might want to download it while you can.


Poo in the loo


It's still up.



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Italians invent toilet in Rome to help streetshitters keep the streets clean.


>tfw semen demon like her could be in there dropping a shit without you even knowing it

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>If fewer children die as infants, people will have fewer children.
People say science is bad when used like the Nazis, but they think it's good in places like infant mortality rate reductions.
What if that psychological process was known to the elite, and they pushed infant saving measures to erode the mentality of having more children to increase the chances of offspring survival?
What leg does science now have to stand on?


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>child mortality is at an all time low
>that wouldn't be possible without democracy
<promotes contraception
<legalizes abortion

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