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 No.142503[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Do you have the full version by any chance?


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Might as well post my Chetnik videos.


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[Last 50 Posts]

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This spot on my back is hurting. Sometimes the pain is dull but it's mostly sharp. I'm pretty sure I injured it at the gym but I don't know which machine did it. I've stopped doing the machines that work back muscles altogether but it still hurts. What machines/exercises should stop doing until this heals?


Head down to african, you need a witch doctor that's an expert in BBC drillings, that'll cure you in more ways than one


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Because blacks look like monkeys and scientifically are still monkeys its not a question blacks are ugly. White People are the only humans get over it.

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God I love this woman
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Why, is gahoole still busy in florida fucking chica trans? in orland


The election was really only ever run by one vol, and he's been awol. It's over. One more memory to the pile.


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good riddance to the cancer that killed /tv/


Yeah, you

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Look at this sow lmao
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U too sweetie, u prolly jerk exclusively to bbcbeatdowns


>attention-seeking poser
>nu-wojak avatar


Nah she ain't a poser, look at the eyes chico they never lie

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>cia faggot plays cringey /pol/ maymays on the radio before "shooting up" a "mosque"
>suddenly all of 8chan collectively gives up except like 5 retards who populate the webring to this day
They really expect me to believe this crap?
14 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



halfchan glownigger detected. The only people to ever use that phrase were a select group of cringey namefags in a force spammed "general" thread on halfcuck nobody else seemed to give af about. Obvious fed-op is obvious


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Glowniggers talking about "trust."

I suppose I'll never get my briefcase full of money. I genuinely hate the Synagogue of Satan, denounce the talmud, there's only 2 genders, and I won't bake cheese pizzas for Mossad. :(


Lurking on 4/pol/ might've been where I picked that up. I liked it so much I adopted it. It reminded me of Redcoats and we all know that blasting Redcoats in the face is a patriot and American thing to do. Although, I'd never condone any form of violence against a federal employee of the United States. Violence is never the answer. Unless you're police or military, in which case violence is ALWAYS the only answer for everythihng.


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>Imagine being a fed trying to impress your friends with your badge and they say, "Wow! That's cool! What do you do?" and your answer is, "I shill BBC on 4/pol/."
Wouldn't that be GCHQ / MI6, not the NSA / FBI?

>Something anons need to understand is that we're not talking about just one nation anymore. Our rulers have switched to globalist mode. We're talking about the combined WEF, Israel, and 14 Eyes. Their combined wealth and power is unfathomable.

That's cool and all, but I literally do not fear it in the slightest. Not because they probably do exist, but because you can shut down remote power lines with a RC Helicopter, a rubber band and a piece of hooked metal wire, power transformers / fire hydrants are exposed pieces of critical infrastructure that are easy to locate, easy to destroy and annoying to replace, you can make napalm with nothing more than a bucket + gasoline + styrofoam, you can make a heat induction bomb with a metal piece of cutlery + some duct take + a gas cooker, and then there's the variety of screencapped wannabe retard /sci/entists that have tried to make DIY crystals over the years and ended up giving us cool recipes for nerve agents and mustard gas - among various other methods of greatly inconveniencing people higher up on the totem pole. Even without getting yourself involved with the-usually-illegal-to-view shit like the Anarchist's Cookbook, or the schematics to 3D printed guns.
The amount of completely legal resources the average civvie has at hand, paired with the absolute razor-edge that infrastructure is away from total implosion, and it's almost laughable to think that the tippy-top of the pile are the ones to fear. The biggest domestic attack in burger history cost $5,000 dollars to manufacture and made numerous obvious fuckups; against the infinite legal power + infinite money slush fund exploit that the feds are working with. The guy responsible for the biggest online black market in history almost got away with it just by using tor, at least if he didn't attach his name to his burners and leave his laptop unattended in a library. They can't monitor everyone, and they can't monitor everything. In fact, they probably get so caught up on the easy mask-off retards, that the "everyone else" part just slips their minds as normalcattle not worthPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


So what's going to trip them up then?

Maybe it's going to be cost of living as a breaking point - housing is up to such an unreasonable degree that most people are unable to afford a mortgage that would run to the end of their lives. The bread half of Bread and Circus? Circus is getting kinda shit as of late too. Maybe all those environmental energy limitations comes to bite them on the ass and jack heating prices up in a bad winter. Or the petrodollar getting fucked with. That shit's not flying with normalfaggots, and you've even got dirt-digging construction workers aware of how hyperinflation is a second form of tax. Tax too, which is already higher than most of the rest of Western human history….. for uhhhh what reason do we spend it on again?
Maybe the migration shit is going to be the snapping point - one thing I heard recent is that Canada is taking in over 1.5mil migrants this year (before illegals / undocumented). The native Canadian population (as in Canadian Canadian, not Native American) is ~20-25mil, and the country is already at a population of 40mil. In less than 2 decades, Canadians went from a majority to a minority in their own country. Maybe the Canadians get sick of it and flip - because not even ultrashitlibs can ignore that they're outnumbered and strangers in their own country. Maybe the "new Canadians" start shoving their weight around and start acting the part of foreign conquest they are with exclusion or cultural conflicts (they already are there with anti-Canadian hiring and housing policies). Maybe it's going to be the Turks in Germany, or the Algerians in France, or the Pakistanis in the UK, or the Afghans in Sweden, or or the [fucking everyone] in Greece. Maybe epic baste Hungary will finally get the ball rolling all by themselves, or Poland, or fucking Estonia or whoever. Maybe it happens in one country and starts a domino effect, like the numerous peasant revolts before / most recently the red wave of commie revolutions in the early 1900's. Maybe a massive attack on a massive event (Paris Olympics are just around the corner, followed by the Sodom Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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 No.142402[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Having a cup of tea.
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Please don't hate this guy, I love them very much


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I agree. I love him too, but not in a homosexual way. I love tea. And as a tea lover, I stand in solidarity with my fellow tea comrades. Tea drinkers of the world unite.



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Having tea alongside toast and fries.


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Got tea.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Where is the YouTube thread for e-celebs? There isn't one?! Now there is! Post all that YouTube faggotry right here. Drama containment ITT. Hail victory!
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Zoomers have no real social connection. Watching a streamer on their screen, posting in chats is the closest thing to socialization they get.


RIP virgil


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And regurgitating the same retarded catchphrases over and over:
>Skull emoji
>Literally nobody
>Hold my beer


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 No.108481[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nagatoro Chapter 109 is out. What did you guys think of it?
To be honest, even though this guy's a beta male, I can't help but envy him. He's got the high school life I wish I had.
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What is wrong with japs
Is cuckolding in their DNA?


I wouldn't really blame you for thinking so with the looks of things


It's fine when it's for men, men were meant to impregnate several women.


>To be honest, even though this guy's a beta male, I can't help but envy him. He's got the high school life I wish I had.
Cuckime at its finest. This is how they market it to losers who self insert themselves into beta protags because high school sucked for them.


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Nagatoro Chapter 150 is out!

How long is this drama going to be milked? Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Well yeah, it's fantasy fuel. That's what sells the series.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Zoomers are now encouraging their kids to risk their lives and do crimes to make up for their own childhoods spent indoors
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heroic post


That's clearly scripted. Why would they even be filming?


Every viral video is fake. Even the bear or a man in the woods "meme" starter was a jew.


You're the one always claiming zoomers started in the mid 90s. By your own logic they would have kids that age by now.


It's the dreaded 'Zillenial'

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