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 No.329271[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Any MDE oldheads on here that want to impotently whinge and moan because things arent like they were ten years ago?
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if you read the comments thats pretty much it.


To be fair I wouldn't mind cuckolding Nick while he watched and talked about his favorite cars.


So you are saying he would be a good dog walker?


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This is probably my favorite skit


lol good bait

[Last 50 Posts]

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>this made zoomers piss and shit in terror thanks to being recommended it on Tiktok


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Dis made da zoomblers and oolfas dontha doodoo like dup did im his druppy guppy chyer in his coort case loololololllllollll


Is that analog horror?


No it's just some producer's fuckup that happens to be better than any analog horror because that shit's for retarded gays.


I have no doubt this was intentional.

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what would you think of Liam Neeson being cast in the Matrix Films what would you reckon he would have played as in it what role would he have been?
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>this sloppy mick drunk

Moar liek Liam Peeson amirite?


They could have cast someone as a better replacement agent for lead agent in Reloaded, but that would potentially trump Smith.
The more time goes on, the more I hate 2 and 3.


that would have been very interesting to see




Bottom middle one is actually spooky as hell.

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To love cinema is to love Sarah, she's the embodiment of kino and no other Sarah can ever come on top.
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He's probably a Lucy waifufag, lower than Baileyfags even


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Lucy Boynton however is very cute and should be posted on /tv/ - Television and Movies as often as possible


Seems like we're managing to avoid gadonfag so far despite the people trying to bring his cancer from cuckchan


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>rock hard!
Like Lemmy from Motörhead?


another tranny all about trannies and simping

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I am Ashamed and appalled that there hasn't been a Thread on here yet discussing and honouring the life and works of Klaus Kinski one of 20th century greatest and less known actors
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he's a pedo molested his daughter he deserves nothing


I think she was a teenager at the time. H might have been a rapist, but he was still an extremely talented actor.


I know im just fucking with you, i dont care about moralfagging


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What's anons go-to for watching Aguirre? Dub or Sub?
I've watched it a few times now and I've always stuck with the English dub because it's what happened to be the audio on the torrent I originally downloaded.
I now own the BFI set so I have the option to watch it in German. I know that they're both dubs but from what I understand the German has a couple of the characters voice lines being not out of sync or being less out of sync than the EN dub and some of the dialogue lines are slightly different.
I'd like to check it out but the dub is what I'm used to so I'm inclined to watch it that way.
What do you guys prefer?


I've never watched the dub and never plan on it.

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Are there still places where you can stream tv shows for free? Back in the GOT days I would watch everything on a Putlocker knockoff because the torrents took forever to seed. However I don't see shit for Putlocker these days. I think Putlocker must have been gassed. What do you guys use?
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Just pirate shit, why is this hard


Fuck yourself, shit eater.


I had to pirate'd the X-File movie yesterday to watch with my wife.

Streaming services are such a fucking joke. But the politics are more worried about taking such sites down instead of dealing with actual criminals.


from 1998? I found it in one search click


kill yourself kike.

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>Jack Carter (Michael Caine) is a cold-blooded London gangster, and not the sort of man you want to cross. When Carter's brother winds up dead, he travels to Newcastle to arrange the funeral. Convinced that his brother was murdered, Carter questions local thug Eric (Ian Hendry), who eventually leads him to kingpin Kinnear. From there, Carter carves a bloody trail of revenge through the seedy underbelly of Newcastle in search of his brother's killer.

>The Double Deuce is the meanest, loudest and rowdiest bar south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and Dalton (Patrick Swayze) has been hired to clean it up. He might not look like much, but the Ph.D.-educated bouncer proves he's more than capable - busting the heads of troublemakers and turning the roadhouse into a jumping hot-spot. But Dalton's romance with the gorgeous Dr. Clay (Kelly Lynch) puts him on the bad side of cutthroat local big shot Brad Wesley (Ben Gazzara).

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Movies that are questionably not movies at all
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Episode 9 as well, if not moreso


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The Films of Nanny Lyn
Independently produced animation, made on an Amiga, found in someone's trash (presumably).


The art style reminds me of those comics made by that Spanish guy where everyone is always smiling. One of them had a guy riding a playground slide off of a rooftop to kill himself and as he's falling another guy in the room below the rooftop shoots him in the head.


Electric Retard


No that guy is Australian and while funny with the edgy stuff his art was just shitty mspaint stuff, the guy I'm talking about makes decent art.

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It's up


Nice didgets

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Expected Colbert fanfiction, got anti-journalist kino.

>Not preachy or cringe

>Road trip feels
>Meth Damon is great but not in it that much
>Younger actress (not Dunst) has a distractingly big ass
>Very loud

Overall, very solid and a nice surprise
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Personally I'm on team Captain America


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>Not preachy or cringe
<The slaughter of antifa


Holy based


I was wondering why lefties are hating it.


>Another shill thread about garbage

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Starting with this
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this one is a classic


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I think you should read the thread more carefully anon


I think you should watch the video more closely


I'm a retard
That guy was years ahead of his time.


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