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>favorite pony?
>favorite episode?
>favorite season?
>favorite song?


I had a VHS copy of My Little Pony: The Movie, the '80s version, when I was a little boy. Get on my level.


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Has there ever been a greater kino?


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>Think haha that thumbnail looks like Tamers
<It is Tamers
38 minutes of pure kino here I come


I'll never forget the time /pol/ was cleansed of shills by combining with /mlp/, /pol/ peaked in that brief moment
the jews feared the cartoon horse

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First we were friends then became lovers
You was more than my girl, we was like brothers
All night we would play fight under covers


Usher is a faggot too


That song is pure kino.

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Please post shit that is actually scary, I wanna be psychological affected, no gay slasher flicks, only kino mind fucks, thank you.
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So you've never had a nightmare after watching a scary movie?


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This one has stayed with me, mostly due to it's visuals and surreal presentation.
The horror is mostly existencial despite the cheese.


Not that I can remember. I did have a nightmare about Bioshock when I was a kid. The game itself didn't really scare me but I had a nightmare one night about something else and that woke me up but I was still in that twilight state and began imaging those slicer people (or whatever they were called) running up and down my bedroom walls.


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I remember I did after I watched hills have eyes, I was like Ten at the time so, yeah and the descent of course.

Other than that I only dream of waifu's


>Be 9 or 10
>Watched Cemetery Man, Signals and Bad Moon in a row during summer due to a horror marathon and my parents being asleep on another corner of the house
>Was sleepwalking for most of the night
>Mom puts me in their bed
>Tells me I was constantly waking them up asking if it was morning yet
>Scared the shit out of her
Watching creepy shit turned me into a creepy shit

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I actually figured it out. This is cutting edge. If the internet has any sense, the understanding will radiate outward from this origin point. I figured out why everything is going woke. I'm actually running off of a quote of someone I won't name, but I don't think it matters. He's a literal King. Maybe I should quote him. I don't want to attract shills though.

Psyops and propaganda work at a slow pace over the course of generations.
>Why are they destroying our franchises?
They "aren't." I thought they were, but it's just the next phase. Boomers used to say they liked the originals better than the new version. They've been redoing films every 10+ years going back 60 years. Flight of the Phoenix (1965) and (2004). Oceans 11 (1960) and (2001). The Four Feathers (1939) and (2002). The list goes on…

What is fucking happening is the previous gen, our gen was targeted with subliminal, feminist allied, adventure films that had more or less generally masculine male protagonists. The previous generation before us was targeted with maybe a subversive new outlook on what is morally correct. Looking back on the old films we loved, it all seems pozzed, just not overtly woke like current shit. Now it's all female protagonist slop. All the streaming shit is female oriented, obviously targeting female demographics. I think it tends to target roasties, single moms, stay at home moms, etc. Why aren't they feeding them original content or making original franchises? Besides 50 Shades of Grey. SEXO

They're merging the young boy demographics with older adult female demographics using the same intellectual property: LOTR, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, all MCU, Fallout, and now Warhammer… They're doing this so young boys and older women have common languages to enable this type of relationship: female pedophilia with young boys. Feminism has enabled women to gain access to institutions to having authority over children, and now they're being targeted by the same fantasy, escape entertainment media, so they can covertly, in plain site, bond psychologically (flirt in a seemingly harmless way), which can then eventually lead to covert sexual bonding or attempts at such.

Have you seen the damn near innumerable amount of female teachers being arrested for having sex with middle/high school student boys? It's fucking insane. There are hundreds all over the Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>I've never seen propaganda in my life.
>In fact, I have "take your meds" on ctrl+v for anybody that would even suggest it still exists.


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saved and based


I'm guessing the mod has a an investment in the OP's schizo rantings because he's tried so hard to keep it on topic.


>This is now a meta thread.


bump, we have to figure this out

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>good parts is seeing Jenna sex scene


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Just google lil bro


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She commands my full attention


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I need a Jenna & Snood threesome before i die!


Even if jenna was a tron?

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Most of the movies and tv shows I watch are either animated or black and white. I never understood why this was until I heard someone remark that characters in black and white look less like real people than ones in color. I guess I don't like the sight of real people as much as stylized representations of people. Why do I dislike the sight of real human beings?

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This Richard Pryor-lookin' motherfucker is best Doctor since Sylvester McCoy
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I was expecting the woke stuff but I was not expecting these episodes to be so bizarre, poorly written and Disneyfied. It's hard to believe it's written by the same person who wrote Rose / The End of the World and successfully ran the show for 4.5 seasons. Space Babies and The Devil's Chord are easily some of the worst episodes of Doctor Who I've ever watched, including Jodie's run. RTD has completely lost his mind.


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>Daily BLACKED IP thread



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 No.332359[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Heh, no Fallout tv show thread.
I wonder why.

There's a bunch of twitter and reddit drama over this scene. Niggers are like smackin' they lips n sheeit, and soyboys be like, "wtf I hate jesus." Everybody else that is tolerant of race and gender politics is just seething about the horrible lore adaptation. Autists realize it's anti-Russia libtards in Hollywood that continue to snap. Me? This is the show.
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>It's better than Fallout 4
That doesn't make it good, being better than that pile of shit isn't an achievement.


It was actually pretty good though. The characters were likable, and believable. The characters you think are going to just be "white chuds" are actually well rounded and treated like people.
They captured the essence of the different factions pretty well, and didn't do something dumb like make the BoS unironic knights in shining armor.

Some concessions were made to the "current year". There were some black people and gays in it, but then that's in every Fallout game in the first place.
As much as "capitalism bad" is trite at this point (and funny coming from Amazon), the idea that a private business who exist to make fallout shelters would have a vested interest in making sure that the war doesn't end is a perfectly valid topic to explore.

It was pretty all around "okay", and I don't see the point in pretending things are worse than they are, when there is so much genuinely terrible crap to focus my hatred on.
Did you see Star Trek Discovery, or the new Doctor Who? That was SHIT. Fallout is okay.


>and funny coming from Amazon
Your reddit popped out


It is funny though. It's like they think we don't know what they are.


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The well has been poisoned, however a true reddit moment would be sucking off Amazon while crying over America's imperialism. Those pretentious capeshit cartoons with shock value are big among redditors, yet no racial slurs or any harsh words such as "retard" or "faggot", funny how they implemented boundaries when it comes to mature entertainment.

[Last 50 Posts]

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>Parole officer Donald (Robert Christian) compels his foul-mouthed ex-con charge Joe Braxton (Richard Pryor) to escort a bus full of special education students from Philadelphia to the Pacific Northwest, where their teacher Vivian Perry (Cicely Tyson) plans to set up a new school. But when Braxton's latest attempt at going straight becomes a frustrating series of mishaps, he struggles to complete the job he was hired to do while resisting his growing affection for Vivian and the children.

>War heroes Rip Murdock (Humphrey Bogart) and Johnny Drake (William Prince) are sent to Washington, D.C., by train, but are not told why. During the trip, they learn they're about to receive top honors for their service. Johnny, seemingly terrified by the publicity that awaits him, jumps off the train and later turns up dead. Suspecting foul play, Rip begins digging into his pal's past. He encounters cover-ups, threats to his own life and deadly femme fatale Coral Chandler (Lizabeth Scott).

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Don't forget Jack.


Name depth and variability is essential for having a diverse identity and strong sense of self.
Take Elizabeth for example. A strong father might call her daughter Elizabeth at all times. Other times he might talk to her like she's a kid and call her Lizzie. In elementary school she goes by Lizzy. At her job she goes by Beth. In her friend circle, she goes by Liz. Some are brief for quick witted folk. Some are diminutive for parent to child. Some are official for serious matters or legal documents.

If you name your kid a one dimensional name, they don't have much to work with.


Justins are fucked


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>Korean Kino


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Favourite Episodes and scenes from south park
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>South Park
What a fag


Blow me


No way.
I remember the the first season just being lame toilet humor and getting better after that.


It's annoying when shows erase continuity after every episode.


I enjoyed when they were doing seasonal arcs because there were a lot of episodes that weren't just ripping on whatever was in the news cycle.

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