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1960 Finnish studded tire commercial, feels somewhere between noir, Lynchian and grindhouse at moments to me. I'm amazed.

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Suburban Knights is underrated. Sure, it doesn't have the amazing lightning-in-a-bottle energy of Kickassia, but it has it's own charm. The artistry of Doug's direction is much more refined in this picture. Also, if you can't appreciate a bunch of fat spergs beating each other with toy swords in the middle of neighborhood playground, you just hate fun.


Am planning to watch Suburban Knights for some time now. The setting seems funny and unique enough.

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 No.327897[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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This jew faggot has a bigger head than his mother! HAHAHAHAH!


They're aware of the bad optics, but if she didn't make that picture, the tranny would have killed itself by now.


Dude just looks like a fag now. I'd rather nail his mom.


Looks like a large adult gay man's head pasted onto an adolescent body stunted from troonification.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Going through the show again but this time remembering their end show achievements and I have to give it to Francis. Solid C+. Dropped out of high school, emancipated himself, got a shit job, married a brown girl, moved, new job in same industry but with honest bosses, making a living. :')
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Just like every show
But it was mostly a quality show to the end, it gets a bit formulaic at the end and Francis arc doesn't really go anywhere but other characters and situtations plus some character backstory turn it around.
I guess people were just burned out, it's a pretty cynical show and it was on for 6 years straight on Sunday Nights.

Burnout is real


For me, the talking straight to camera is a strange thing to do, and when I see it now (even in the British House of Cards which pre-dated it) I just think of MITM. Quintessence of the format for me.

The drop-off point for me was the introduction of a kid even younger than Dewey. Before then there are a lot of jokes that are pre-overton window shift. After that it's more story focused and srs becoming adults business at the expense of the time for or the room for much of the comedy.


I liked the slap stick comedy of baby Jamie outsmarting Reese


>She had multiple other boyfriends while dating Hal
>Its implied she fucked Boone Vincent in the VIP room before malcolm showed up
>Wanted to fuck her son put her face on all of reeses porn magazine and walked around topless around the boys
>Strung along the fat nerd for years


>She had multiple other boyfriends while dating Hal
I said her marriage

>Its implied she fucked Boone Vincent in the VIP room before malcolm showed up

I have to rewatch this one

>Strung along the fat nerd for years

orbiters have always been around. modern technology keeps them locked away in their rooms in front of a screen nowadays.

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Comedians who were never funny and were only perceived as being funny from a very small demographic who tried to make they are funny from being the same race or sex as them
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some are just hit and miss


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The Majestic is my favorite Carrey. Not a comedy, but quirky.


agreed basically, him and his team can be funny, but they're also just creepy assholes for no real reason
Every time I think, oh maybe I shouldnt have said that or whatever about these controlled opposition assholes they prove they're not worth your time at all
It's funny too how he cultivates this 'every man' identity but you listen to him speak in his latest clip, apparently you aren't worth shit if you've ever had wax in your ears or had to go to the dentist. He's always brining on the kind of outcast element onto his show, but then he goes and says shit that shows, he's just a big sold out faggot.
gang stalk me cock sucker and i'll just ignore you


>It's funny too how he cultivates this 'every man' identity
Yeah, and he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth too.


Like hippies it's easy to be an everyman with money

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clown world
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Is he supposed to outsell tickle-me-elmo toys or something?


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Like Sonic


Knuckles was always my favorite Sonic character and now I know why!


>jews have one concert shooting with arabs they are fighting

Bomb and invade civilians in response kvetch so loud around the world it echos.
Evident jewish fragility is the West biggest problem.


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Jews are mixture of both negro races, that makes them into

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Nu-Males should be hunted and skinned alive on sight

>"When I was growing up, my dad would grab me by the shoulders and shake me while he screamed in my face," Wheaton wrote. "He choked me more than once. He was always out of control, always in a furious rage, and always terrifying. I'm a 51-year-old man and my heart is pounding right now, recalling how I felt when I was a little boy who loved Grover the way today's kids love Elmo. So this appalling, unforgivable, despicable act hits more than one raw nerve for me, and I'm going to say what I wish I'd been able to say when this sort of thing happened to me."

>"What the fuck is wrong with that guy?" he wrote. "Elmo is, like, the best friend to multiple generations of children. In the Sesame Street universe, ELMO IS A CHILD, who is currently putting mental health and caring for others in the spotlight. What an asshole. What a stupid, self-centered, tone deaf asshole … Larry David strikes me as a person who mocks and belittles people who are vulnerable and sensitive, and enjoys being cruel, because he feels untouchable … First of all, you aren't even in the segment, but you just decided to barge in and draw focus because … why? You couldn't stand that a puppet brought people together in a meaningful way that you can't? You couldn't stand that your appearance on national television to promote your wildly successful series was delayed for a few seconds while the adults talked about mental health? You wanted to manufacture a viral moment where everyone gets to see what an asshole you are, so they'll tune in and watch you portray an asshole in the last season of your show that celebrates how great it is to be an asshole without ever experiencing the consequences of being an asshole?"
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Based dad. He didn't do it hard enough obviously, because his boy grew up to be fuckin wil wheaton, but still.


Even if you're shitposting, only American crocodiles can be said to be chill. Everywhere else, crocs are very aggressive and territorial, if they are stalking you it is not because they are curious. It is because they want to attack.


larry david is such a fag.


How can he be based if he didn't do it right?


Go back

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Were the creators of this cartoon ever outed as pedophiles? Because I was getting major pedo vibes from it before I even knew what a pedo was.
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The worst thing he did was launching his streaming platform, knowing the market got hyper-saturated and being unintentionally hilarious like wanting to cure autism with the power of Christ, of course the window-licking cartoon fans didn't take that lightly.


This is almost as retarded as asking why someone knows what Spongebob is.


What's Spongepob?


Poiferan homosexual propaganda.


The pilot episodes for this are so much better than the actual show its unreal.

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No, I want to ram my white bwc into her brown womb and bleach her genes with a white baby!!!!

BWC conquers.


So… you want to impregnate a makeup kit is what you're saying


>janny spoil the image

Even youtube don't spoil.


Youtube allows gay anal dildo testing videos. Maybe you should spend more time there.


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Nobody is safe as Barrett Kosh THe MOvie is playing in Dubai sponsored by Wishbone GOld PLC

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