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Starring Tom Holland, the typecast beta oil driller.
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why is the one on the left so hot?


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The nigger
The nigger is holy
You will not blasphemy the nigger


datboikhei is pretty based. love that reflective shit


>racial abuse
no one is abusing her, im just calling her a nigger.

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I don't know what all the complaining is about, Bella and Ellie look identical and frankly I think they did a great job casting her.
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Pederasts were usually involved with teenagers. That guy's a real sick fuck.

Also, what's the deal with manly guys like that dressing like that? Is it just humiliation fetishism? I sure hope he doesn't actually think he looks feminine.


What does that make you, saving that picture?


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Ifk but he flew the queen in canada also went to university with anothee canadian killer what are the idds tgey would be in the same class

At best a debauch pansexual, but kids are too far gone, u need therapy


Is that the serial killer airman?


i agree, i hate Spec ops the line

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Kino songs that should be made into films
I'll begin
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Genesis are probably one of the most kino bands. Most songs/albums could be made into films


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I honestly think this would be a really awesome (post) apocalyptic film. Waterworld mixed with Willy Wonka.


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Where's my movie damnit?


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Why would the Swedes find it acceptable for a bloke in a dress to sing their national anthem?

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 No.299791[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

She's probably about 2 days away from hitting 1 million subs on Youtube. Let us all watch her cross that milestone together!
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>shits in your bed


Must be a Habsburg.


Imagine the cute little smell


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Meet a girl named Jen and her deformity
And her fanbase of men with their virginity
Got a dead youtube channel and she's on her way
To feature in a thread way way way fucking gay
Now she's phil (phil) philtrum of the future
Probably wishing momma didn't open that can
Now she's phil (phil) philtrum of the future
And her sisterbrother's also a man


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Good. More Bailey for me

[Last 50 Posts]

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>my name is ballsack schrader and you can go schtoop yourself

Was this twist really necessary? What did vince mean by this?
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bump for truth


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>Breaking Bad has a meal
J Balvin confirmed BB/BCS canon




My lesbian son is dating a girl named Hugo.


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I don't know if this is a brand new take, or if others reached the same conclusion before me, but I think the whole Chuck arc is supposed to symbolize trannies.

Here you have a psychosomatic person who suffers from the delusion that he's allergic to electromagnetic radiation. The psychological stress makes him weak, much like how trannies feel injured when they are misgendered, deadnamed, etc. Likewise, Chuck's peers make all sorts of absurd concessions to play along with his delusion: keeping cell phones out of the room, working in darkness, etc. Just like with trannies, society participates in a charade instead of addressing the root of the problem.

The genius of the symbolism is that the story takes place in the early 2000s, long before trannies were taken seriously. There was no "gender ideology" back then; normal people saw them for the deviants that they are. However, I'm convinced that this is the purpose of Chuck's arc, because the show was made at the height of the trans movement.

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Apology accepted.
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>Kubrick? Not even Scorsese?
Look at it again, and get some sleep, buddy.


All of Star Wars' soul comes from a single man, and it wasn't lucas:


I hate this stupid world so god damn much.


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Come back George I'm sorry

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At least he's making kino again


He should end AVGN with this video.


It ended with the Megaman video anon


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Not to mention he could've gotten the chance to finally make it into Pedowood's leagues during the shooting of the AVGN movie by just doing cameos.


Angry Virgin Gay Nerd

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This cartoon is considered and advertised as Anti-Woke, starring Adam Carrolla.
We're um… eating good again, uh… cartoon bros.
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>Lolbert individualist
How's that working out with liberal democracies?


How's that working out with your actual life?



You mean blatant oligarchies modeled after an ancient Italian oligarchy instead of anything related to histoeric democracies? Essentialist identerian ideologies are working exactly as intended in those: divide et impera.


Identity is at the forefront of the friend-enemy distinction and therefore at the forefront of politics as a whole. Rejecting identitarianism entails a quixotic dismissal of human nature.

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Just saw Scaramouche (1952). An 18th century revenge tale about a man who plays a clown in a theater troupe by day as he plots to kill a heartless aristocrat by night to avenge the death of his best friend and foster brother.

The film feels very ahead of its time both visually and in terms of writing. This is probably because it blends elements of several different genres, which seems to have confused the critics of its day. It's essentially a swashbuckler but with a lot of time dedicated to political drama and comedy. It's also very risque for its time. As incongruent as this sounds, it actually balances these aspects rather well. The biggest weakness in the story is the ending, which feels somewhat underwhelming after everything building up to it and the final plot twist is more than a little hard to swallow. That being said, I don't think it detracts from the film too much.

The characters, even the side ones, are fairly strong and memorable and the acting is quite good as well. A few of the actors even act more like French actors than American ones. The villain is especially great. The only one of the main cast who feels like a typical Hollywood actor from the 50's is Janet Leigh but she's still adequate in her role.

The visuals, like I said, are ahead of their time. Only by a about a decade or so though; it certainly doesn't look modern. The most famous thing about this movie is the 5-minute long swordfight at the end. Despite its length, that fight scene is able to maintain a high level of excitement and tension throughout which is quite a feat since you know the hero is going to win in the end. There are many other swordfights in the movie too and they're all used pretty intelligently to serve the plot. What's nice about the fight scenes is that there's very little music in them and the silence helps tremendously.

Overall, I give Scaramouche an 8/10.
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I got as far as them crashing a drag show with constant zoom in on homo asses, not that the scene where he's stripping wasn't bad enough already. Clearly Netflix wanted to turn this into some gay thing because a perverted straight detective is not allowed in troonworld.


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I was pleasantly surprised by pic related. The visuals were great and the tense direction makes the story much more exciting than it had any right to be. It's like The Naked City but better in every way.


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I finally got around to watching The Postman Always Rings Twice after years of owning the DVD (it came as part of one of those 4 movie packs.) Overall, I really liked it. It has a great aesthetic and the story is a very well constructed tragedy in the classical sense. The highlight of the movie for me was the crooked lawyer. You rarely ever see lawyers portrayed so completely amoral like that, even in modern films. The husband also stood out to me. Not because he was such an interesting character or because his actor was so good but because something about him felt out of place in a movie like this.
I thought the beginning and the ending were rushed. I guess they had to keep the film under a certain runtime and needed to squeeze in as much plot as possible into those 10-20 minutes. But the bulk of the movie is still great.


Atmospheric asf b&w noir visuals too


looks Bavaesque, kino

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Emergency Kino Alert
Film announcement: Tom Cruise and Scarlett Johannson to star in remake of The Gauntlet that starred Clint Eastwood.
Harv is released, and sanity is already restored to Hollywood. Wtf?
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This tbh. Should replace the mafia with a nigger street gang, would up the dramatic stakes.


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>Mafia is long gone
Sometimes I feel like all the illuminati, deep state conspiracy stuff is all just a cover so people stop paying attention to the bigger elephant in the room, the various racial mobs and mafias of the world whom even historians make no qualms about having owned police officers, police chiefs, senators……


I haven't actually seen The Gauntlet. It's good?


The first hour is enjoyable enough. The last part is just a loud bullet fest you end up muting and wondering why the cops aren't getting killed in each others crossfire.


Do you think scarlett will show off her shitter once more in this film?

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