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Daily BLACKED IP thread.


We don't need niggers playing vampires. Niggers are monstrous enough in their natural state.


Black vampires suck the blood out of society



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ITT: Movies that could have been good if they had just ended it sooner
The first two thirds of this movie are a fun science fiction adventure. Nothing amazing, but very entertaining. Then they get out of the dome and it goes off the rails. About 70% of the last act is just an autistic old man they meet mumbling gibberish to himself. And the ending where Logan destroys the main computer by telling it that "there is no sanctuary" makes no sense. "Sanctuary" was never thought to be anything more than a place where the runners lived after supposedly escaping from the dome. Why would the revelation that it doesn't actually exist be so mind blowing that it would cause the computer to have a melt down? It feels so half-assed, like they had no idea how to end the movie and just threw something together at the last moment.
It should have ended right after they escaped from the dome, with the shot of them looking at the sunset.


muh symbolism!


>Why would the revelation that it doesn't actually exist be so mind blowing that it would cause the computer to have a melt down?
My understanding is the computer both indoctrinates a small percentage of the population to rebel and want to escape and also sends out sandmen to the outside world periodically to chase runners in order to test the conditions of the environment. If it's safe enough that the test subjects returns alive to give a report the system shuts down in order to force humans to leave and repopulate the planet instead of being confined and dependent on an artificial environment.

It wasn't explained very well and I could be wrong but I'm not going to read the novel it's based on.

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wasn't it alluded at in the book that IT raped Beverly?


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You can't rape the willing


Haven't seen this joke since I surfed reddit.


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Cool story bro!

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Anybody that has done any physical activity can tell you how awkward and slow women move when doing any athleticism compared to average men. Let alone having a drama geek girl throwing herself around.

The amount of delusional women that are in to sports and try to be rugged like a man always come across as arrogant larpers and stupid while all men nearby are recoiling on the inside.


Post body


Post tits

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>love pretentious, old critical darlings that are on every poser's top ten lists but am afraid to tell anyone because they'll think I'm another poser who's just parroting opinions I think I'm supposed to have even though I genuinely love these films
Anyone else know this feel?
Pic related: my 3x3
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Nothing is any good if the wrong people like it.


This is why I could never get into Babylon 5


fifth element is such a great movie


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>I used to make kino you know

Sure grandpa, lets get you to bed

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I fucking love this woman soo fucking much, the most based woman on the planet right now
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did the tranny mean to get?


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Jewtin is literally Voldemort!


fag projecting this hard


>Ukrainians think that's a castle

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It's pretty litty. Episode 12 hit hard, kind of made me want to read the books now.

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the last bond movie ends with Bond just giving up and dying
it was actually somewhat entertaining up to that point but the ending goes totally against the spirit of Bond


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Thomasin and Myha'la as Bambi and Thumper in DaF remake


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Time for an asian Bond Girl!


Nasty ass whores.


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>You Only Live Twice, The Man with the Golden Gun and Michelle Yeoh never happened

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>A bizarre anthology of non-sensical, Amiga animated "children's stories" (found on VHS and uploaded to the net in the late 00s) narrated by a soft-spoken woman (possibly Nanny Lynn?) the identity of whom is still unknown.

NEXT WEEKS FILM: Golden Age Film with a Bad Bitch
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Generations are just marketing labels made up by jews. They basically take an arbitary span of 10-15 years in which you happened to be born and try to sell it to you as a lifestyle brand. Any age group wider than about 5 years is too broad to generalize culturally or behaviorally, but if they went that specific then they'd have too many lifestyle brands to manage. They still try to get as narrow as they can manage though, which is why the zoomer start date keeps getting pushed back and why they're already talking about "gen alpha" as adults.


Generations are 100% arbitrary and unnatural, but they do tangibly manifest. The distinct zoomer culture first appeared in the late '10s which conveniently is when people born in the new millennium became adults. "Alpha" has 0 distinct qualities from zoomers and 2010 was an equally indistinct year. Whatever the next discernible, post-zoomer generation is, would have been born or at least started school during or after the covid lockdowns.


I think "baby boomers" were the first ever coined generation term, and "the greatest generation" or whatever it was called was a retroactive title.


Yeah, generations are pretty much boomers shoehorning their own manufactured "youth rebellion" larp onto their parents and especially their descendants. I predict that when the boomers all die out, we'll be put through another cultural reset that renders the whole notion irrelevant.


How does Gen Z(oomers) just so happen to coincide with "The Great Reset" where the newest generation is "Uh, I guess let's go back around to Gen Alpha."
Has to be entirely manufactured.

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Gahoole please ask if she's coming back on twitter or instagram


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Also why her best friend look like shit in 2024 ?



Dead career

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