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Rosties who had sex with Gerard in the '90s are still seething and falsely accusing him of rape because he's ugly.



Imagine thinking what dick went into your slut twat 30 years ago is something the public and the government need to be concerned with.


If the dick owner isn't wealthy nobody cares.


Isn't Gerard Dipperdoo supposed to be le epin hot guy among the woman community? I thought so because of a verse from that cool little segment on Bill Nye's show a few years back.


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It's that dude from that french cunny movie.

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tvchan faggots lost, soyjak.party won, /qa/ won
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That's probably when shit gets better though.


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nice failget, soyfag


Soyteens wish they had half the shitposting power /sp/artans hold




Nobody wants to suck your fake fucking clit you goddamned tranny

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Classic Sci Fi and Horror Movies from the 50's and 60's
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Next gahoole stream watchalong would be nice
it's a kino


I had grown completely cynical of remakes by then and couldn't bring myself to care. Do love Jeremy Irons though.


The two Doctor Who movies with Peter Cushing.
At the Earth's Core.
Fantastic Voyage.
The First Men in the Moon.


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>The 7th Voyage of Sinbad (1958)
Based taste. I ordered the BD of this recently in the Indicator sale.


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Nice. I bought an imported copy of their 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T release a few years ago. The Mill Creek version that got released in Burgerland has worse video and audio quality and doesn't even have any bonus features.

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Was Michael Clayton (2007) a good movie?
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Eat a big mac with lettuce, pickles, onions, lettuce, ketchup mustard and oh yeah, my sprite already



No pickles, please. AndIknowmyMacFlurry! Of course.


you got no retweets because nobody likes Drive anymore we've all moved on to Drive My Car


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Yeah… same reason Dark Knight Rises memes died. Everybody moved onto Raise your Knight in the Dark.

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Everything made sense until the mimes started playing tennis.
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Movie reviewers, not dancing monkeys


Pauline Kael was Armond's biggest influence. He's said in interviews that reading her reviews in high school is what made want to become a film critic.


Sounds like basic kayfabe shilling.


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>Here's your film critic bro

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Kinda sick and tired of being sick and tired of roasties trying to present value apart of their youth.
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New unfunny spam just dropped


>Broke Dick Seethe Mountain


nice post


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>listen kid take these classes then come back and talk like you know what you're saying

newsflash buddy. brass tacks, she'll never look as good again.


MTV Kiss Award winner 1999

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Have you ever been interested in watching a movie/series but were hesitant because fans of that movie/series are so insufferable and so sick in the head that you're afraid if you watch it you'll become insufferable and sick in the head too?
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>just download a virus


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AI is healing the world, bruh


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cool down with the seething


Oh great, this unfunny crap again


>huurrr hurrr hurrrr rrrrreeeeee stooppppittt
No lol
Too much effort just to shit on turds.
Cuckchan to reddit

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Can't I call someone a sperg while also agreeing with him? Zoomer polarization is getting ridiculous.


I'm getting more of a seared bite on the Lair 4, than I'm getting on the actual endi- no no no no no no no no…. No please don't say that no no no… No. Nonononono. No no nono no no. NONO NO NONO NO NOOOOO. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna trip. I wanted to come in a 100% hater.

I'mma tell you off the top. I wanted to take a bite of this and be like 'ehhh nah nah it it'- I'mma just flat out say it; your Impossible Lair 4 BK, IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL ENDING BK. YOUR IMPOSSIBLE LAIR 4 BK IS BETTER THAN YOUR ACTUAL ENDING BK. IT HAS A MORE NIGHTMARE TASTE.

IT'S MORE OF A TRANSFORMATION FLEX. IT JUST TASTES BETTER. Get over here. You get back in the bag. BK. That scene is so flavorful my m- and the fact that it works so well, it literally compliments the game. Like I'm not even mad that I'm losing, and I'm not even mad, that I'm watching childhood nightmare fuel right now.


Is this a bot, WTF are you talking about? Why are you talking about Lair 4 like a Sandwich series?


>he doesn't know



>He doesn't surf /dunk/

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I never cared for the Dune movies, Too goofy.
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You dun'care? :X


Suck my balls, my big fat meaty hairy balls, wrap them around your fucking mouth.


Consoomers already forgot about Dune 2, all their eceleb gods are now making videos praising Fallout, and next month will be another slop.


He's only made the first book. It's a little too soon to judge, don't you think?


Oh I like Villenueve. But I can judge him. He can't make a movie.

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Just how do I become intelligent enough to watch movies properly?
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The board is too stupid for this thread apparently


Putting a meaning into each scene doesn't make you deep. It makes you a pretentious fuck with his head up his own ass and a drug addiction just like all of 60s Hollywood New Wave of Cinema.


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found the retard
hey, do you have a can of open Coors Light on your mousepad right now, anon?


What is this reddit? It seems you're gonna' miss Pedowood once they get dismantled, all this subtle liberal pedophilic propaganda to make your terminal online kind feel special will be gone.


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>What is this reddit?
Anon called you out. Did you have an open can of coors lite or not

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