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Gahoole, it is extremely important that you (and maybe Daimyo) review all the Madea movies. Just start with the first one and you'll be hooked. Trust me.
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The ghost of Mumkey Jones' life is already doing this.



gahoole you say? sure, i'll give Snyder a try ;)


this is kino. gave the jews some of their parodoxical satire right back in their hooked noses.


He's done a fair few of them, I just picked this one at random.

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Legitimately, what are the best movies directed by women?
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Monster I mean


Natasha nice made some quality kino


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Which one doesn't have faggot orgies scenes praised by the director's fellow cat pissed dykes movie-critics?


The movie about the female serial killer with Charlize Theron and Christina Ricci.


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I love female filmmaking, believe me. Nobody loves female filmmakers more than I do.

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why did they make him into such a whiny sensitive little pussy?
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Nothing is canon past Nancy Marchand dying.


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>this isn't canon


And the authorities won't do diddly dick to them because it's racist, spics have a shorter fuse than wops hence the failed states they came from.


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So they finally made the crossover with The Wire by doing a shooting of Tony Blundetto getting hit by a nigger for a commercial, it seems the scenario is in the purgatory.

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NEW YORK (AP) - Actor Steve Buscemi is OK after he was punched in the face by a man on a New York City street, his publicist said Sunday.

The 66-year-old star of "Fargo" and "Boardwalk Empire" was assaulted late Wednesday morning in Manhattan and taken to a nearby hospital with bruising, swelling and bleeding to his left eye.

"Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city," according to a statement Sunday from his publicist. "He is ok and appreciates everyone's well wishes."

The assault was first reported by the New York Post.

The New York Police Department put out a nameless statement on the assault Wednesday. Buscemi's representative confirmed Sunday that the unidentified assault victim in the police statement was the actor.

The police department said there were no arrests and the investigation was continuing.

Buscemi's "Boardwalk Empire" co-star Michael Stuhlbarg was hit in the back of the neck with a rock while walking in Manhattan's Central Park on March 31. Stuhlbarg chased his attacker, who was taken into custody outside the park.


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>random act of violence


We are in a race war, only one side doesn't know it.



True also just want to point out all niggers have a easy knockout point its right at the jaw hinges right below the ear hole. Always sucker punch them first and call them a thief or pedo so anybody nearby thinks its something else related.


Is that nigger wearing a prothesis? What is that on his face?


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It was Gandolfini's ghost with a shotgun

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Coppola kino is back on the menu boys.
trailer is shit but the shots are good


Sofia coppola produced better kino


>Adam Driver
That's a nope.


The last time Copela made a decent film, no one here was even born yet.


I existed in 1990

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I will never understand why this gets all the amount of unwanted and unnecessary hate it gets, it's no where near as bad as it's made out to be.
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Old memes are way better than today's slop.


Yeah bro, entire era centered around star wars and winnie the pooh memes, get over ye self boomah


>entire era centered around star wars and winnie the pooh memes
When was that?


March 6th 2008, get educated

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Roger Corman, dead at 98.


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What type of cult?



Too bad he didn't make it to 100.


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What was his greatest kino?


I like the one with giant slug rape.

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Zack wants to do a Snyder Cut of SP but there are rights issues and he might need funding to do it. Are you willing to shell out your accumulated neetbux and rupees for the Zack Attack?
Does Sucker Punch have the potential to be transformed to the same or a similar extent that Justice League was?
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This video is a good starting point, if you haven't seen it.


Seen it but yeah good stuff.


Pretty sure I read somewhere that there was footage Zack wanted for Sucker Punch which didn't even get shot. That being said I think I also read elsewhere that all the footage was shot and the Snyder cut was ready to go so who knows.
I'd like to see a Snyder cut and I'm sure it would be superior to the two cuts that already exist. It should help to make more sense of the plot and action sequences and tie things together but I don't think it would "transform" the film like it did with Justice League. (I don't watch capeshit but just going by the reviews)
In the case of Sucker Punch I think it would go from 5/10 to maybe 6 or light 7/10.


>15 extra minutes of upping the bar on how men are oppressors
Yes please…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Zack bros…
Sucker Punch bros…
How are we gonna recover from this?

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Please post generously.
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Don't you love the humor produced by Gen seXless? Toilet humor or sex jokes = Mature comedy gold


You made a thread with this same topic last year. Is this where you write a report comparing the responses?


You got any proof to back that claim up?


>You got any proof to back that claim up?


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no… I mean that ass, BACK IT UP

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>favorite pony?
>favorite episode?
>favorite season?
>favorite song?


I had a VHS copy of My Little Pony: The Movie, the '80s version, when I was a little boy. Get on my level.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Has there ever been a greater kino?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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>Think haha that thumbnail looks like Tamers
<It is Tamers
38 minutes of pure kino here I come


I'll never forget the time /pol/ was cleansed of shills by combining with /mlp/, /pol/ peaked in that brief moment
the jews feared the cartoon horse

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