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File: 1601364662056.jpg (48.46 KB, 696x392, 87:49, 937438473.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>Oh no no no

We got too cocky Harold bros!

>At a meeting of New Japan Pro-Wrestling's parent company Bushiroad's board of directors today September 29, 2020, a change was announced in NJPW's directorship. This change will take effect at the beginning of NJPW's 50th year of trading on October 23rd.

Outgoing President/CEO Harold Meij

New NJPW President/CEO (as of October 23)

Takami Ohbari (current NJPW of America CEO)



Holy shit the nips are retarded. Harold basically saved the company after getting it away from Inoki's retarded grasp. But instead of going
>Okay this dude is legit
They went full nip autism and are going to fuck it up.


File: 1603253493535.png (210.12 KB, 680x889, 680:889, 1599188015851-1.png) ImgOps iqdb

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