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>Don't be a Cunt

>No Porn without censor
>Nothing actually illegal (CP, Loli, Mark's Ass)

That's it
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Online trolling
I really want trolling gone in the aftermath of a few threads. Mods here had said these trolls are persistent in hurtful/abusive comments and keep evading bans. This is why I want to impose a rule on this board, if any. Please refer to Global Rules before posting here.

So, what is it?
Imagine you're watching a YouTube video when you notice that people have posted nasty comments to try to start an argument - this is an example of online trolling. An online troll is a person who tries to start arguments by posting mean or controversial content online.

Why do people do it?
There has been little research to date on the causes, motivations and effects of trolling. There have been some high-profile cases of trolling targeted towards celebrities in the media but it's important to remember that it can happen to anyone. Research has found that the common motivations behind online trolling can be categorised into 'boredom, attention seeking and revenge'. (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010)

‍Is it illegal?
Online trolling is a type of cyberbullying behaviour; there are several different laws that make acts of trolling illegal:

The Malicious Communications Act (1988) states it is illegal to cause distress or harm to another through electronic communication.

The Prevention from Harassment Act (1997) states that it is a criminal offense to harass others online.
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Don't scroll past this post please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite.

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!


MODS, PLEASE SEE https://tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html FOR FULL INCIDENT

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Nigga, what did you pay your ass to see?


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!


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Wrestling is saved.
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Seethe more while I watch NJPW kino.


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Here's a silly animation, brothers


NJPW stopped being kino years ago.


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!


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It's very popular among some people now and in Japan girls love it.
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This is how you should handle women



I was really into sumo for like a year, missed a couple bashos, came back and I didn't recognize anybody.
>No Hakuho
>No Enho
>No Tochinoshin
>No Ichinojo
No watch.
(Not really), but it's tough to care when everyone you even halfway liked can be washed away by a stiff breeze never to be seen again.


I watched some highlights on NHK World before, it's interesting, but I never looked into it that much. Where do you watch full tournaments?


I only watch a few matches, for me it's a casual entertainment.


There's a guy who uploads them to YouTube daily. NattoSumo, I think.

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WWE Champion Bray Wyatt Talks about Bo Dallas in 2017 Interview


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>Uncle Harper


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We'll never know how wildly inappropriate and retarded the Uncle Harper gimmick/angle would have been, will we?


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He's finally back and he got some bolievers with him.


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it's over

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>If this doesn't get a (You) within 24 hours the Ogre MUST delete /wooo/ immediately.

CM Punk is back in the big leagues!
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Fuck you, here's your (You) you flaming queer


>Masonic pointing ritual.
Oh how baaaaased


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>Mr.Glass is hurt again

What a fucking embarrassment!


You're so epically silly that I laughed so hard

Anyway getting a (You) stamp is to do with the person who posted it.

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I recreated 619chan

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Unfathomably based!
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Checked JR's channel. They aired a rerun episode with the excuse that he came down with some tooth pain and had to go to the dentist.


Cornette actually sounded exactly like Hogan during his son's DUI arrest.
>When I was there, he wasn't drinking. I left before him, so something must have changed.
>I never saw Vince behave like this or heard him talk about this. Blah blah blah this must the the late in age Vince.
Automatic defense position.


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>vince has louis tier cuckold fantasies
By far the most surprising thing about this. Wtf i thought he hated niggers?


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He's an american, a true son of liberty. All americans do, and must, have cuckold fantasies to further the state religion of negrolatry. Washington crossed the delaware, and the marines stormed normandy, for this, the highest of all true american values: watching a white woman you're attracted to getting all her holes filled with BIG BLACK DICKS.


>Nothing came of this.
I'm kind of amazed.
Also go fuck myself.

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What's your gimmick and where do you fit on the card, brother?


My wrestling gimmick is I just come equipped with a gun and shoot my opponent to death


How do you distract the ref?


The ref sees it but pretends to not see it and pretends to not hear it. Then it gets circulated virally online via botchimania.

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