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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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File: 1589237978943.png (399.46 KB, 665x724, 665:724, cf122a0e80400725c6626246cc….png) ImgOps iqdb


They expected one of us in the wreckage, didn't they?

>Have we started the fire?
Yes, the fire rises.
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I only used twitter to troll trannies with socks, its not so fun anymore. Why are right-wing zoomers retarded enough to congregate there, discord, telegram, and gab when two are honeypots and the other 2 are centralized trash, they could at least make a secure IRC/mumble or use signal which is almost completly untraceable.

File: 1670534657663.webm (5.53 MB, 640x360, 16:9, {YTPMV} Big Guyron-360p.webm) ImgOps iqdb


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File: 1698680959734.mp4 (3.01 MB, 424x516, 106:129, gymnastics with Ramon.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1732521822213.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 25.09 KB, 488x628, 122:157, big guy4u.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


I'm a big guy for you


fucking retard


What's retarded about op?


OP here

hello old friend

He gave the correct answer


Cringe samefagging. OP won.


Don't know about that but >>812 is right. it's an old 8chan /bane/ joke.

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Hey this sites back to being good love to see it men


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His YouTube channel has almost ten views a day.

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I'm Bane get it my name is Blaine btw I'm male I can post here and axe wounds cant
Admit it yall missed me


Are you still taking nudes and posting them around?

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Big girls thread
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I refuse to date any woman shorter than 5'7"


Gay interracial cuckold pornography.


Stop being a faggot, Marksimp.


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I habs this on watch post more muscle ladies plox


That is a Man.

File: 1734045387236.png (10 KB, 385x212, 385:212, First Banepost.png) ImgOps iqdb


13 years ago the fire was started… Happy Banemas!!


I was thinking of this board just now. Didn't even check the date. This can't be a coincidence, right?


Big guy mind drew you in here


happy banemas anons.


Dead board.


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I've seen this movie well over 100 times and studied it plenty. It's not Bane saying he's big for CIA.

You do know he says for you as in painful to remove his mask? It's hard to tell through text if you're just making a joke off of the picture and the jokes being made. But I've seen plenty of people think he's saying "for you" as in he's big compared to him. Just clarifying.
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It would be extremely painful for CIA when he realized he killed a man who became a big guy for him.


File: 1727475024477.jpg (9.9 MB, 4928x3264, 77:51, Rev._Jimmy_Swaggart_02.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Dumb interpretation, no way that's canon


It is I am a big guy 4UUUU you dumb nogger.


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From the horse's mouth.


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Good ol' Swaggart. Haven't thought about him in a long time. Wonder how he's doing these days.

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How do we bring life back to this ailing board?
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Ah god I need to breed ah man ah fucking man i pray i pray to allah allah allah allah oh allah that she has blue veins tits ah may allah bless the earth with honey, milk, and blue veiny breast. suck htem until they are purple. ah god i need i need i need t osee those big long 3 inch nipples ahh allah bless me with her ah allah please be praised allah i need milky honey blue veiny breast my throat runs dry of the thought of no suckling those nice big soft big shaped breast ah allah




File: 1727480680202.png (1.15 MB, 1001x749, 143:107, EL RAMON.PNG) ImgOps iqdb


Emoji always liked Ramon's pearl


But can any of us on here honestly not say the same?

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File: 1721965445085-1.png (262.26 KB, 1081x721, 1081:721, Ramon as Bane.png) ImgOps iqdb


Anons used to Banepost and Ramonpost at the same time back in the days.
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Where do you think you are? LOL fucking retard.


File: 1724891599439.png (336.23 KB, 645x822, 215:274, Yandere Moth baneposting.png) ImgOps iqdb

That's why you're NEWZach. You're butthurt and presisible, just like Hapa. So boring and pathetic.


He is big guy.


You're a butthurt guy


File: 1730397760152.mp4 (646.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, Yeap.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

True oldfags always made insecure newfags seethe

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