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 No.137370[Reply][Last 50 Posts]




fuck the jews lol

thread 2
old thread was getting pretty slow to load and up there in the comment count
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zoomer quite literally on suicide watch.


>oy vey there was a rise in antisemitism goyim!
>passed 50 - 0


Funny thing is, recently I made friends with a zoomer (19) and a millennial (30) and the zoomer, strange as it may be, is desperately thinking about the future, trying to get into a good medical school, working part-time for two years now, practicing ice skating, etc.
Meanwhile, the millennial is the one who uses various filters on photos, spends all day lying in bed in tiktok and only gets up to play some modern slop game, goes to gaming school to become a dev but only plays shit and doesn't know the oldest games from a decade ago.


I'm sure Google bankrolled that endeavor as well!

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 No.145605[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Putincels bros…


Has anyone here read Aleksandr Dugin, the greatest intellectual in all of Slavic history?


Give me the tl;dr on him.


The Eurasain sun god will conquer the evil colonial atlantisist west and usher in a new mongol golden age from Asiatic heart land.


A crypto-jew who preach "alt-right conservative anti-America" shit but still just a jew golem after all.

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Nintendo was on USAID's payroll
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So they really were part of the soyification of America.


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NGO employee forcibly feminizes American man, colorized, 2022


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Don't listen to him, it's all a CIA psyop just to provoke hatred among americans and keep them divided.


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>To promote adults in children's media


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3D Pokémon is a disaster, this one even more.

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It's dead Jim.

They pulled the plug on Carter.

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Jimmy Carter died on Dec. 29th. I saw fucking flags at half-mast up until the last few days of January, it turned into a protest of Dup.


Fuck Dup




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>Shekels Sanders
>Al Whore
Together with Dup and Kiketer form the almighty 4 horsemen of dindu noffin


They all eat jewish shit and the jewsa was a bad idea to begin with, democracy doesn't work.

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When did Black History Month spread beyond the classroom and become a whole of society affair?
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Niggers complain that February was chosen as it's the shortest month, but they take advantage of the proximity to Valentine's Day, which is always a boon for nigger love.


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I'll give the niggers what they deserve.


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>All of Africa could have all been whitened
>Instead kikes and their amerimutt golems "saved Europe"
Biggest tragedy in History since French jews European descendant South Americans into thinking independence and Republicanism were a net positive.


I don't think bleaching Africa would've been a good idea. We are still suffering repercussions from the last time White men thought it would be a good idea to breed a race of mongrels.


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Brazil is a super power and most of people there are mixed race chads, cope!!!

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How are we suppose to mutilate white children now?!
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It's over for psychopaths who wish to harm children, whether under color of law or not.


Only way to get a role in LA these days!


Truly the darkest of days for pedophile hollywood kikes.


The fires are nothing compared to this bigotry.

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 No.153489[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

New kino toon just dropped!
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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Quite weird how these sephardic shits went awfully quiet during Biden's presidency, they didn't even mock his dementia, only portraying him as the stereotypical "gringo" guy.


Sam Hyde is a boring loser with a small dick and a sexual fetish for blacks and troons. Kys


seethe harvested


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More like NuSeethe!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
<Still believing sage is downvoting
Holy shit, talk about mental stagnation.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Teenage girls are going to be out there trying to kill everyone because the average man doesn't give them good orgasms, doesn't make them pregnant, and doesn't fight back against the system.

Most "men" are so pacified and retarded they will never fight the jew and their niggercattle minions.
Even teenage girls are functionally more masculine than the average cuck you see posting here.
This young sexy redhead takes up the fight you're too fucking gay to even think about.

If you are a man it is YOUR DUTY to find and pound the pussies of teenage girls until they're pregnant, then take up arms against the jew.
Even 18 year old girls have more strength and honor than you.
Get it together.
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>went insane from being rejected by males.
They already were insane, or they wouldn't have chopped on their dicks with a kitchen knife thinking it would make them real women.


he's talking about ftm not dick choppers


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Wait, it's a girl, a mtf troon or a ftm freak?


>omg it's like sooooo hard being a guy why didn't anyone tell me
This dumb bitch has 100% been told that several times, but just like a woman completely ignored what was said because she didn't want it to be true.


It's disturbing how she passes as a male. This shouldn't be allowed. It should be rooted out like counterfeit money.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


specially from this particular generation.

" I would really like you to talk to me like that in front of my man, please!" Yes, it's clear that I'm trembling in anticipation of speaking with the king of simps who started a family with someone who can be found in less than two seconds on Google doing disgusting things, in what world does she live?

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That's such a hyperbolic statement. Obviously it's legal to pray in your own home as long as you're a jew or muslim.


Someone must channel the Divine energy into the world without anything reaching the kelippot


Oy vey being white is now illegal

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