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>I'm so happy that nothing ever happened during my term (aside from some bonus obamacare for vets) (and killing the male population of Ukraine) (and a sheboon in the Soupreme Court… I guess)
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>her husband is a jew, and they're not her kids, they're Doug's kids from his first marriage
Holy fucking shit, you're right. Memes really do come true. She's like the inverse of the "my wife's son" meme. She's really the personified global citizen mutt that the globalist elites wanted. I should not have been surprised by the kike connections. I just hope that goys like black nationalist Tariq Nasheed and the Hotep movement get the warnings out there to their people. Kamala is ready to sell your people out and throw all of you under the bus for the kike's "Great Reset" plan.

If you dare to dig deep enough, you'll always find rubbing jewish hand meddling in everything. Wake up, black people.

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 No.145187[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Who fucking cares?


[Last 50 Posts]

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The Killer kicked ass.

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Is anon watching the Satanic ritual in Paris?

>false flag terror

>opening short film of the Kalergi plan with two little White girls transporting the torch with a Black male teenager
>Horseman of the Apocalypse
>Arno from Assassin's Creed Unity running around doing parkour with the torch
>sodomite pride short film and scene
>vaxx-damaged Celine Dion comeback performance
>we got Snoop, we got Pharell, we got Coco
>shilling Woked starring coal burner Ariana as Dorothy and her black lesbian sidekick as the Wicked Witch
>huge Louis Vuitton ad embedded in the ceremony
>fat sheboon performs the French anthem



Frons is the most muttified country in Western Europe and I'd bet my bottom dollar it has the most literal cucks per capita. Their negrophilia is the same as America's.

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Don't matter

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Lucas Gage's response to jews leaving their satanic flag on his children's swingset after jews in Israel swatted him on the Fourth of July.
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Nice yiddish, Moshe


Butthurt Jewzach/sagefaggot


>free palestine

wow…what a faggot


It could have come from the German word. Yiddish is just a kike knockoff of High German anyway.


Cause they can't create anything of their own.

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Who has the legions of shitskins being killed in droves?


How am I defending kikes?


Weak bait, mate.


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Jesus and Ramon will one day destroy all the ZOG. The merchants will scream of fair and pain.


Ramon is paid by Jews to fuck whites. He takes viagra for women since he is gay, just like you…but not regarding women of course since you are an incel virgin.

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This can't be! He was the chosen one!


The kikes forced him to suck mutilated jew cock and he liked it.


PRAISE (((our benefactors)))! PRAISE ISRAEL!


I… I can't remember. Was it MAGA… or MIGA?


20 9/11s a day..thats like…18,220. oy vey

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In corporate America, hostile takeovers are commonplace. They occur when an aggressor-a larger corporation or rich individuals-seizes control of a smaller corporation without asking permission.

What few recognize is that the United States itself has been subjected to a hostile takeover. Since the aggressor, the illegitimate settler colony known as "Israel," is much smaller than the USA, the takeover has necessarily been surreptitious.

As of June, 2024, Israel's gradual takeover of the USA has become obvious and undeniable-a proverbial "elephant in the living room." In this election year, all three major presidential candidates compete for Israel's favor, even as the whole world recoils from the Zionist genocide of Gaza. The Democratic incumbent, Joe Biden, supplies the butcher Netanyahu with all the weapons he needs to massacre tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children, uttering only occasional peeps of pro forma protest in a lame attempt to mollify his base. Biden's Republican challenger, Donald Trump, openly supports the genocide and calls on Israel to "finish the job" (of massacring Palestinians). Most bizarrely of all, the independent challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who offers a refreshing alternative to mainstream approaches on other issues, has staked out the most pro-genocide position of the three.

Kennedy's position is puzzling for many reasons. As the "alternative" candidate, he might be expected to take an alternative position on Palestine, especially since it would markedly enhance his slim chances of becoming president. Young Americans oppose genocide and side with Palestine, as the ongoing campus protests demonstrate. If RFK Jr. harnessed that youthful energy by reversing course and announcing his support for Palestine, he would immediately gain tens or even hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic youthful volunteers who would start ringing doorbells and promoting his candidacy, just as anti-Vietnam-war students did for his father in 1968. Since polls show that most Democratic voters oppose Biden's pro-Israel stance, and that American public opinion overall is following world public opinion in the direction of ever-stronger support for Palestine, RFK Jr. could conceivably win a plurality of votes, and the presidency, by leading that shift. Instead, he has chosen to doom his candidacy by echoing the ultra-genocidal ravings of his handler, Rabbi Schmuley Boteach.

Though Kennedy decries the corrupt forces thaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Stop spreading misinformation, Hitler the Second!


jewzach seething as usual, is good to have such a lolcow for our amusement


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I think we enjoy each other. I am definitely amused. I think we are destined to do this forever.


He is Zach 2.0 but at least oc Zach had blue eyes and kissed some ugly girls.
The Weasel won and keeps winning.


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The real reason why US Marines are the best golems, just like in your animus.

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That governor is going to need more than just an insurance company spoof, the power of manchildren in a failed shithole state meets no boundaries.


Nigger bros….


built for bwc


Black femcels once again btfo'd. They respond by attacking innocent children and gaining ten extra pounds.


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Hold my beer

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