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dup on gutfield


I love that the girl asked about the aliens. This is the closest we've got to trump admitting there might be. He needs to keep his word on this and declassify all documents related to UFOs and UAPs.


More like btfo on gutfield.


Judging from his answer, he probably knows about as much as we do.


Either he's lying about not knowing or they wouldn't tell him even if he asked. I agree.

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I'm in a heavily female-populated environment and despite my unshaken awareness that those truly responsible for everything are the kikes (and they are), I have to admit that white women have been the main enablers of their plan to destroy the world even more than cucks (Engels and Hemingway for example).
I finally understand women and they scare me like they never did before. They do what they do but they don't know what they do. They are perfectly capable of living in extreme contradiction with themselves without even perceiving it. This is why they get so offended when a guy argues against their weird values: they don't understand the argument at the most elementary level, despite being otherwise capable of logical thinking. If there's going to be a hyper-totalitarian regime going on in the next few years, women will be at the helm.

Niggers deserve an even longer and less gentle essay. Spics are a fascinating case because their emotional intelligence has only gone crazy in the last few decades and in part their insecurities and attachment to socialism put them on a one-way path to failure.
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While I agree with you that Ramon is based and wonderful, namefags are not. You should be hung by the neck until dead.


If brazilians are so violent, why they don't kill the jewish guy banning vpn and twitter in their shithole?


Spies and niggers are violent only against the defenseless and others of their own kind. They never actually go after the powerful.
Despite the statistics of crime and murder in Brazil, it is never a politician, banker, or academic kike who is killed.


Some spics fags embraced lolbertarian views a few years ago and now are expecting to everything just fix itself when the government goes down, really fucking cute.


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>Pope Francis met on Wednesday with a group of self-professed homosexuals and 'transsexuals,' led by pro-LGBT nun Geneviève Jeanningros, who make monthly trips to his weekly general audiences, where they are given seats of honor in the front row.

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Christianity was always rotten.


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Dusk BTFO!


Lol, jews seething


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How the fuck they keep on paying artists to pull out this shit if their currency is so worthless to the point of being used as monopoly money? I understand they're the most useful retards because they can lure the naive kind through star spangling doodles, however there's a limit that even the most delusional finger-painting spergs have to face and that is: Being able to afford basic needs, something that all of Venezuela can't and will never achieve in the next 50 years.


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A knife-wielding madman, connected to a murder investigation, attacked four girls inside a movie theater before injuring two others at a McDonald's during his stabbing spree on Saturday.

The unprovoked attacks began around 6 p.m. inside the AMC Braintree 10 when the armed suspect walked into the complex, past the ticket booth and entered one of the theaters without paying.

The suspect stabbed the four girls, whose ages ranged from 9 to 17, without saying a word, Braintree police said Saturday night.

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>zzzchan moment!


>it was me, nuzzzach, not just some random shitposter from zzzchan!


You a newfag pedo.


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Canada, USA, UK and Brazil are the open-air laboratories of the kikes. There's some very wrong with their air, water and food to the point that they are so mutant that they cannot even be considered human.

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Za pivkom gazilionchik oformi


kys pidor


chushkan za parashu sprychsya



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Who is this?
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mentally ill schizo faggot what else is new


He is a cop and a christian, so I don't see anything wrong, he is based. Keep seething woketards lol.



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A kike trying to subvert the Black boi culture

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He dresses like a dumb third world shitskin too.


He's insane, you can't convince him. He's just gonna say you photoshopped it.


>Ramon retvrning to mother evropa


based ramonposter


I agree anon, we must continue to fight for our existence.

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Seems like a great year to be a pedo in UK.


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They've got to make room in the prisons for the far right somehow.

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tvch has become a jewish cope chamber


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A peanut gallery for all cuckchanners who refuse to give in their emails.


Hey its Jewzach seething again!

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Taylor Swift doesn't have a pussy. He's a man.


Emojitroon wet fantasy.


ok jew


Brittany Mahomes questioning her support of Trump after Taylor tweet https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-13856311/brittany-mahomes-donald-trump-questioning-support-taylor-swift.html?ito=native_share_article-nativemenubutton

Dup lost the bbcamenko. This niglet breeder was traumatized by Trump saying "i hate Taylor swift" on truthsocial.
So, in summary:
White woman breeds coons.
Her political positions depend on the whim of a tweet.


You can't trust a nigger-fucking whore, they are the type of people who bend with the wind.

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