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Don't matter
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I tire of clownworld. Can the violence begin already? Ready to bash skullz. 88


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Fucking wokescolds


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Based libtards.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Let's share the objective true of SCIENTISM, about how race mixing is good, how nutritious insects are and how much more moral it is to eat them and how microplastics are actually helpful to society.
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This is nothing new, I grew up seeing women over fifty adopting this type of haircut. Before it was still customary for them to wear scarves.
I find both of them more worthy than sluts getting plastic surgery and shamelessly trying to pretend to be younger.


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>Nice. lol
I think I got that one from an old woman on The Fedora Lounge, of all places. /fa/ used to rip on them back in the day for being autistic, so I got curious and lurked the forums a few times.
Yeah, it's been happening for a long time. I still think hair that short looks terrible on all women, and any woman who does it is hurting their appearance.
>I find both of them more worthy than sluts getting plastic surgery and shamelessly trying to pretend to be younger.
I think plastic surgery can look fine as it isn't too overboard. Cosmetic technology is getting better and better, and it's even gotten to the point where you can fix certain problems at home if you know what you're doing. This mole removal picture was supposedly done with a Dermavel pen, which you can buy for a few hundred dollars. I can't say I know how well they actually work, but they're supposed to be able to tackle other skin problems too.

As far as I'm concerned, it's better to do what you can (within reason) to maintain your appearance than to just let yourself go.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Please cancel him


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>sign in and let Google know who you are goy


I remember this guy, out of so many channels about diet and fitness he is far from being one of the worst.
And eggpill always made the kikes seethe.

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Ooooooooooop lololololol kys leftoids lmfao lolololollol fucking faggots! Lmfaooool

Snopes btfo lollllll lol hahahahahahaba
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>nu-Wolfenstein was telling a true story but reversed it to show jews as the ones who invented the moon-going tech


Awful series, only the first bugthesda one was kinda okay, all the rest is pure slop.


>the communist jews who imported nazi scientists deleted the moon tapes which was an entire political stunt just to get there before the soviet union

Man this is some 5D schizo brain salad thinking there bud

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So America stopped this just to allow China to take it all instead? the inferior version of the Japanese? What was the point?
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Lefties are quite kosher, before /pol/acks threw a wrench into their scripts and start to believe that Israel is the new Nazi Germany. Good goyim points never mattered and now they're the new target for being anti-semitic.


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2020 was the best year of my life. I got on NEETbux, moved out, and started the process of undoing years of collected trauma and now I'm healthy and fight the jews every day. Feels good man! Friends, one day soon we will hang fags like pic related from the streetlights


What kind of NEETbux are you on that you can live independently?


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I'm in gov't housing. Took 3 years to get in though. The section 8 waitlist is an even bigger nightmare, takes 10+ years sometimes!


Government housing that's not section 8? How does that work? Is it a city or state program? What about money? How do you pay your bills and buy stuff? Sorry to be inquisitive, but I'm on NEETbux myself (veteran's), so I like to compare NEETbux stories with anons.

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Post em
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That's why I can't stop thinking about his dick.


I've been away for a few weeks and now I come across you finally accepting your homosexuality and obsession?

Congratulations! Seriously, congratulations, I hope you can finally be happier from now on.


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welcome back


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Seethe more, JIDF goblincel.
Ramon and Assad won, no matter how much you cope and act like a butthurt hapa.

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 No.148697[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nothing happened.
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Excessively long vlog by a mouth breathing ginger. Get to the point already faggot and why would you ever volunteer to work for FEMA? Wtf?



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It's already been decided. China will replace the US, BRICS is going through. Neither party is capable of doing shit about china, neither will the left. It's over.

China will be buying up the real estate in NC.


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Michael Crichton wrote that they would control the weather, among other things, and was killed for it.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm tired of politics. There is no political solution with these glowniggers doing their shit. I just want to be a hedonist, just watch shows and play vidya, and forget about /pol/, forget about everything like it was a fever dream.
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How does it become a man to behave towards the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
- Henry David Thoreau


Silence is violence, but words are violence too.


We should just kill ourselves. This is God's will.


The world is ending, there is no future, and nobody is doing a god damn thing to stop what's going on. What other choice do we have? Fuck it. Eat, drink, and do whatever gets you off. If the moralists don't have anything to offer then fuck morality. Fuck doing anything. There is nothing left to work towards. Nihilism won.


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I'm tired /dup/

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>withdraw troops from five Russian-controlled regions, four of which voted to join Russia in 2022
>reduce the size of Ukraine's military
>no re-nuclearization of Ukraine
>abandon ambitions to join NATO


NATO and the Ziolenskyy regime have already rejected the ceasefire offer.
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Does anyone know why the spics love Putin? Is it because he's a manlet?


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I just come here every so often to post "two weeks". So…two weeks.


Diversitoids love "big man" politics and are prone to hero worshiping corrupt leaders who project an image of strength.


Hilarious how you keep on seething, subhuman faggot.

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90% of the leftist movement is literally useful morons, not as an insult but as a diagnosis, and 10% are cunning political adventurers who are trying to saddle this mass of useful morons and use them for their own purposes to seize power. But among these adventurists are mostly just petty-bourgeois elements who want to acquire the status of the ruling bureaucracy in a system with one hundred percent state ownership of the means of production. The capitalist is always the sponsor of communism, not in terms of selling rope, because capitalists of other countries bought revolutionaries, they themselves could not be afraid of rope, but in terms of client-killer relations. Communists always kill the elites of a country, even if it is in a state of reform, throwing countries back in development for many years. The USSR first caught up with the RI of 1913, and then caught up with the USA. China first caught up with the USSR, then caught up with the US. Sometimes the regime did not catch up with anyone at all, but simply killed. And who lived a hundred years of revolution without much trouble?USA. Now it's the USA's turn, but they are paying for their own revolution, China and RF are bankrupt. But there is one country for which Marx's teachings were created. This country is Israel.
Israel was created by leftists and socialists, why do they hate their child now?
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>too stupid to distinguish between different ideologies
The left is not an ideology. The left is a disease.


You stupid asshole. The guy's not asking you about the Rothschilds, he's asking you about the Stalin-Rockefeller connection. And he does it in a rhetorically ironic way because he obviously knows the answer.


Germany didn't plan to create a state, they planned to take all the garbage to Madagascar, they generally tried to dump garbage all the time, then to the Arabs, then to America, but no one needed that much soap. It's a huge difference between creating a giant enclave within your own country.


If the American bankers hadn't paid the leftists for their coup in 1917, Israel would probably be in Ukraine's shoes. I have no idea what Empress Catherine was thinking when she created comfortable conditions for Jews on the outskirts of Russia. I guess this proves once again that women in government are only capable of destroying empires. They should have kicked them out as they did in Europe, but Russians are always too kind and tolerant - it ruined them.


there is no left or right, there's just the international banking cartel.. and everyone else. World Jewish Congess, ADL, SPLC, WEF, CIA, NSA, Israel, etc. all kike banker institutions.

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 No.127828[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone else find it suspicious that Greg Lansky, Jewish creator of interracial porn website Blacked.com, has been copyright claiming all of the videos where he gave speeches and interviews during 2015-2018?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5hYCvfCyhw [Embed]

That video used to be his Keynote speech at XBIZ 2017, where he talked about why he created Blacked.com. You can find a description of it here:


And then there's this Hareetz interview which is still up in text form, but all videos have been taken down.


What's Greg trying to hide?
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I thought I read something happening on this recently.


>bumps the porn kike thread
gas yourself


Broooo, you forgot your bump there, here let me fix that for you haha! :)


why are you always seething like a kike incel?


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Saged denied

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