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 No.1[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How to Enjoy TVCH Video game Board

1. Read the Global Rules
2. Be Badass
3. You can't ever lose
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>They added the Avatar
Absolute ludo

[Last 50 Posts]
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Good channel. Perhaps Gen Z and A are not doomed? What sucks is that Drumpf is not a solution and is just going to sell you down the river.


We don't need military "recruitment" at all. Recruitment is a tool for empire management, this has been true going all the way back to the Marian Reforms in the Roman Republic. If you want a military to defend yourself, mandatory service is what you actually want. Recruitment just detaches the public from the consequences of war and necessitates an incentive system for class advancement from warfare, leading to endless wars.


Not to mention recruitment also results in a bunch of shitty military sims made as glorified ads to lure kids into enlisting.


I agree with the anon saying well Europe should have a military indepedent from the USA, problem is all militaries today ultimately serve ZOG in the west. Even supposedly based militaries like Assads turned on him for fucking druggy shit and they don't seem to give a shit now that Israel is bombing them into oblivion.

We need to have an actual foot in the door before we can say we need an actual defense force for our people.

Ten fucking years since dup, nothing changed, if anything things look much the same as they did before. More people being radicalized and using /pol/'s talking points? Sounds like how I felt in 2015, and yet nothing changed. At least back than I knew that a good amount of the based people back than were real human beans, today most supposedly based people seem about as zonked out as anyone. I would like to think the future is gonna be better but I am guessing its just gonna be the same, but less white and lower IQ, just like its been now. Maybe in that time people will actually do something or something will happen that will allow us to seize some form of power to finally remove these freaks from power and so we can get back to making a decent civilization.


How can you say nothing has changed with Dup? He kept us out of any new foreign wars in his first term. This time, he appointed a former junior officer to run the Department of Defense as a slap in the face to the retired general/MIC revolving door establishment, he is moving fast to forge peace in Ukraine, a war Bidup's hawks instigated, prolonged, and almost pulled the United States into directly.

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>Does nothing
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>for all intents and purposes all of those terms apply to themselves the most
Such many cases, see the kikes, pedos and nuzach, they all do that.


What's funny is I distinctly remember a certain narrative that began circulating around the late 90s-early 2000s. The gist of it is that bigots (which is whatever class of white people the establishment was feeling like attacking that day) were at their core simply obsessed with finding someone to blame for everything that's wrong with society and their lives. This later metastasized into the various playground insults you're referring to over the decades. But when you really think about it, especially if you look at today's reddit, you will realize that leftards and normoids are actually the ones doing it the most. They will bring up muh right winguhs and dup everywhere without the slightest provocation, even in discussions about the most inane videogame shit. Not saying that cuckservatives don't do this because they do, but to a much lesser extent. And when you happen to be able to doxx these redditors they always, always look exactly like the chud stereotype they themselves are trying to push.

And if we're strictly talking about videogames or entertainment mediums in general it's mind boggling that these same people are now much more extreme regarding censorship than even the most stereotypical cuckservative caricature they were mocking back during the OG Doom days. When you point this out they will simply say that they are doing this out of maturity, not religious fervor while they are the ones displaying severely cultlike behavior. Humanity has gotten so insane.


>have over 100 games on my acc
>less than 10 friends
<still keep Steam just incase cracked multi cannot trick Steam servers into accepting my client

CS:S is one example of a Steam game that never checks if you're playing as legit or cracked. But beyond that, I do want to keep my Steam account just for the abovementioned reason. However, I am open to new ideas on how to pirate Steam games and still connect to multiplayer with zero issues.

>multiplayer in 2025

I hate libshits and niggerfaggots but I just like talking to people. Maybe it's because I'm a normalfag at heart (idk) but I do crave for online interaction. I watched too much of old GMod videos I guess.


I just like bullying normalfags in video games. In older steam games that aren't moderated, and ones where you can be cracked you can use any mannor of unfair tactics/cheat and if theres an open vc you can hear some failed normalfags rage at you.

I don't even talk in the voicechat but sometimes I play autistic sound effects or offensive voice clips.

>speaking to people makes you a normalnigger

Well maybe it means your a little closer than them since you are a little less closed off. The reason the old internet was nice was because like-minded non-normalniggers could actually come together and talk without having to being subjected to normalnigger standards of what is and isn't right. Like not enjoying normalfag stuff, not being fake, and not sucking jewish cock.


>Maybe it's because I'm a normalfag at heart
I'm a old turbosped who doesn't play vidya anymore but the only thing I miss is vent servers with the old wow guild. the desire to shoot the shit with randoms and acquaintances is the second worst part of the human condition.

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Share games from your past that you still have fond memories of.
For years I tried to find this game again, I remember my mother taking me to a niche store called Fantasia which was a movie and video game rental store and also sold cameras and other electronics. This was one of the many SNES games I rented there and left strong memories in me.
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Right, the caveman mania was probably most focused on the PC Engine.


I didn't say it was a good game. I only said I played it on release way back in 1997-1998 and still have fond memories of it, only to have them thoroughly ruined by the redditized reboots.
>only two of the mainline bosses were challenging
Not even that. Ruby Weapon, which was an optional boss, was the only difficult boss in the game and it was only because it had a retarded gimmick of being able to remove party members on a whim.


FFVII is a great game. Maybe the best FF, maybe not. But it has a feeling and aesthetic unique among all media. It's also really fun to break, which is the mark of a top tier RPG.


>It's also really fun to break, which is the mark of a top tier RPG.
We must have played a different game. Last time I beat FF7 at the lowest possible level (that's where my "only two challenging mainline bosses" claim comes from btw), I didn't feel the railroading much less than a standard play. The main skill is simply to abuse the shit out of the Enemy Skill materia. There are loads of RPGs that are a lot more interesting and fun to exploit mechanically.


<Last time I beat FF7 at the lowest possible level (that's where my "only two challenging mainline bosses" claim comes from btw), I didn't feel the railroading much less than a standard play.
>plays a 30-40 hour game multiple times, and even does challenge runs, despite claiming to dislike it
<The main skill is simply to abuse the shit out of the Enemy Skill materia.
Which is a whole catalog of abilities unto itself. That's like saying "all you have to do is use magic."

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A thread to show our appreciation for the only bad goy out there being attacked by all fronts for telling the true.
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I like him for the same reason I like gahoole (and mormon shaggy, to a lesser extent)
it takes a lot of courage to be honest about things online especially as a person with right wing political views
there are very few truly honest people out there


lol Straighthoole he is one of the biggest guys i have ever seen he and his chad buddies are a bunch of honest men and gigolos.





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He's crying about toxic masculinity.

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Vavra was the one posting CP on tvch all along!
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>dialed-in jew politics
The first game did not have niggers and barely any stronk womyn etc, but the historical context of the story itself is a fascinating case of judaism. Sigismund set out against his own half-brother Vaclav IV because the latter was a drunken retard who did not care at all about his own kingdom, much less the entirety of the Holy Roman Empire. The empire was under the real threat of a Turkish invasion and Bohemia was a strategic point which Sigismund needed to stabilize, and that's exactly what he did. Now Vaclav IV being an idiot is itself a minor problem, because he was in fact the one who invited Sigismund to rule Bohemia in his name and it was implied that he would even accept if Sigismund forced him to abdicate as long as he could continue to fuck whores and drink piss as much as he liked. He did this because he knew his own people and, more importantly, the Bohemian nobles disliked him. The very same nobles initially supported Sigismund's tour de force, ostensibly because they wanted him to help their declining kingdom, but more likely because they smelled an opportunity for a power grab. Sigismund himself knew this which is part of the reason why he did not seriously ally with any of them and treated Bohemian cities and villages harshly instead.

Although the game made it sound like Vaclav IV was a hostage, it is more likely that Sigismund kept him as a royal guest to make sure the uppity nobles can't get to him or worse, kill him themselves. Above all, Sigismund also recognized that the Bohemian people disliked the Empire, perhaps even more than they disliked their own king, and could possibly defect to the Turks if such an invasion ever takes place. As a further indicator to what the Bohemian situation was actually like, the Hussite Wars happened pretty much right after Vaclav IV died. Although it had a religious pretext it was for all intents and purposes a power grab, as Sigismund was too busy being the Holy Roman Emperor. He only became King of Bohemia after Vaclav IV died, so he was never an usurper like the game tries to paint him as. The game's Codex even says as much, contradicting the entire plot. I guess that does count as jew politics.


Looks some /v/irgin whistleblower has revealed that Mark Mann's tranny-jannies would insta-delete posts exposing the game being pozzed to shit before release. Does that mean pedophiles would side with anyone including their SJW nemesis just to normalize their paraphilia?


>pedophiles would side with anyone including their SJW nemesis
>thinking those are two different groups


Mark keep on taking L's, ofc only trannies, spics, zoofags and pedos would side with a fat jew!


Real Leninism hasn't been tried until now considering there are fucking 3 active /v/ideogame boards at SpicChan, the third one (/bv/) got conceived because the second (/vb/) is ruled by Mark's personal babysitter. /vg/ is left to rot.

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Who would have guessed that a game created by a fat Jewish would not be based?
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>unlike you guys i'm not a dropout living in my mom's basement
Textbook Freudian slip lol


>i almost bought this game
That is the mentally of a nintentoddler, what's next? Jump off a bridge just to collect own da axis?


>Jump off a bridge
Let's be honest. He couldn't get off the ground. Maybe waddle off a bridge? Drive his mobility scooter off a bridge?


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Soulless vs. soul


reminder that in morrowind lore cyrodiil looked like this
then the hobbit films came out and Todd decided it needed to look like a generic fantasy land instead


>then the hobbit films came out
Todd just wanted to represent his people.


Todd is 5'11ft and a very talented guy, please respect him.


How much of his leprechaun gold does he pay you to lie about him online?

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Have you been keeping up with the best game reviewer on youtube?

Were you aware there is a man now continuing on the tradition of Channel Awesome?

You are now aware.
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"Thank You Gahoole, Very Cool!"


If he ever comes here he's going to get exposed to Nuzach and faggot Ramonposters. We're going to crush his humanity.


I've though about that. I do think it would be a funny dynamic where he hates us and we love him tho. But yeah we're in a different world compared to him


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This poor guy is about to have a monkey paw granted wish
>I want to become a bigtime youtube media reviewer
<King of the chuddies


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And get smeared on like NeedleDrop

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Post the best rages, crashouts, tantrums, meltdowns etc. over video games
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Something something bullying bad, something toxic, something trolling being racist & "kink shaming".
Today a channel I like that used to do really good Second Life content posted something new only to be deleted minutes later for making fun of furries. And also Britbong flag any other channels making Second Life trolling.


I used to have a blast trolling in COD:MW2 with the riot shield. I would sometimes win the whole death match. It's hard to imagine something like that would be banned, you are operating within the legal parameters of the game without any hacking involved.


One of the channels was videooven who was exposing the retards playing any Valve SDK game:
>The voice changing video
>Gmod kid bragging about his imaginary car
Nowadays his channel is just the husk of what it used to be.

A retarded norm that affected even the Internet Archive, god forbid if you have fun in front of the numale moderators.


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ELPRESADOR is the undisputed GOAT.


There's this video of a fucking jap screeching over his beloved vtumor once he realized she was getting asspounded.

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