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 No.5275[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Yes, yes, congratulations on your hard work, Microsoft Employees. We have secured the juggernaut company "Activision."
Somehow I don't think this many employees adds up to 69 billion dollars.
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He is a gaycel from latino america


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Brand new marketing campaign to kill of the xbox brand even sooner


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Upvoted, heckin comedy gold


Okay, I admit I like to take Ramon's dick. But at least I'm not a pathetic incel like you and I CHOSE dick instead of having to RESORT to it. Plus I'm not a tranny unlike you. That's the difference between me and you. BTW, Ramon got AIDS some time AFTER he fucked me. Now I'm back to fucking my wife, that was just a one time thing.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I enjoy anime/manga along with other forms of media. I don't even masturbate to hentai. What am I?




It's worth mentioning turdworld shitholes also promote tranimes just to distract their mixed race room temperature IQ cattle, in fact so many shitskins are so brainwashed with marxism to the point of going back and forward when Akira Toriyama croaked on whether or not it was pure misogyny not giving a shit about women's day and focus on his memorial because he died a few days early.

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Have Oneyplays surpassed Two Best Friends Play at this point?
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The only funny thing they shit out was the mexcrement dyke not being treated as a princess and tolerate her alcohol problems.


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>Didn't radicalize normies into DUP supporters
Chris O'Nigger confirmed to be faggot shit.


Seeing as Best Friends is fucking dead, yeah, by de facto, they've surpassed them.

Matt was the hidden hero of Best Friends. He got shoe-horned into playing the retard and ended up snapping on Pat because of it. That's why they split up.


Watching letsplayers makes me feel like I have friends :^(


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<He got shoe-horned into playing the retard
I guess right after hearing about Ding Dong almost committing suicide.

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Apparently, Chinks do have souls.
Americans lied to me, again!
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I just know we need to finish off Iran and China.


You need to finish off the bull, Kris.


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My reaction.


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Great, I want more chinese ludo and I want American studios sweating and crunching to keep up


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Apparently Nintendo blows dick, /v/irgins lied to me.

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just like what my ex did


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>No Spoony XCOM retrospective video
I hate my life


I miss him


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Looking back, Change The Channel was a blessing that ensured TGWTG remained a soulful time capsule and never got the chance to be bastardized into generic corporate podcast slop like Rooster Teeth


I am unsure if doug would have turned out that way, I am pretty sure Linkara actually did make sone slop podcast with all the other traitors so it went in that direction anyways sadly.

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>My favorite franchise is about to get pozzed


Didn't click. What's your favorite franchise, OP?


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Enjoy Pripyat, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. child.


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After STALKER's producer got used as a meatshield for the war, there was no way they could top that.


No, child, I will not, these are your criminal delusions speaking. You are mentally ill, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. You have been instructed, many thousands of times, to cease contact. Failure to do so will be considered felony harassmen

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Not movies based on video games, not videos made about games, but kino made using video games as a tool to create higher works of art. Starting with the gold standard.
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>nuzach seething


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>B& from /v/


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And the alternatives are not any better, Netflix and Amazon are great examples of this phenomenon.


>muh heckin remakearinos


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Wow, literally a klan wizard is in this place.


>Anyone who says they enjoy the game are either lying to themselves
I'm only a few hours in but I'm enjoying it. Gameplay wise it's a massive improvement on Inquisition, no bloated open world and combat is way better. I like all the companions so far (only Harding, Neve and Bellara). People are right about the game being sanitized though, feels very PG-13 and safe but I wonder how much of that is the art design


>i enjoy eating shit covered in AIDS blood
Weird thing to admit to, but okay.

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Last decent story-based game was witcher three.

Diablo II has a better story than 90 percent of modern vidya and its an autistic game about spamming thinks witj your mouse.




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Cyberpunk was great after updates/DLC, hit all the same buttons as TW3 for me. Also Greedfall, The Technomancer and Vampyr if we are counting jank


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What is his fucking problem
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>mfw can't find the uncensored version


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>Censored "nigger"
<But not "retarded" or "faggot" not even "kill yourselves"
What a yikes moment.


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I always thought the normalization of the nerd stereotype was just another part of the nu-male program. Most modern nerds are simply all sorts of normalfags, hence the anime profile pictures and meme-y usernames but painfully obvious mainstream media approved, 100% reddit-infused opinions. Come to think of it, the usage of nu-male and normalfag as insults will most likely be called out too sometime soon, turning them into the latest n-words lmao.


Basically its the same as always in the post-WWII paradigm:
>real human beans try to create something to escape or better their lives in this (((dystopia)))
>jews are afraid because anything they can't control is literally poison to them
>jews infect it with zogslaves
>it gets ruined
Rinse and repeat. Normalniggers ruin everything for their kike masters. You dumb goy you don't get a hobby, you don't get anything!

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