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File: 1715982449322.png (583.36 KB, 764x430, 382:215, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb


Have Oneyplays surpassed Two Best Friends Play at this point?


Friendly reminder that Matt was right about everything.


What did he say?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
That Tomar is a dumb jew


>wasting even a second of your free time on shit-eating stream whores when you could be actually playing a game with your own two hands
Is this what's become of image boards now? Kill yourself, OP.


Shut up, zoomer.


You seem confused anon. Stream whores are for narcissist attention-starved zoomers. Previous gens don't give a shit about what some insufferable faggot does on a stream.


Bots have invaded tvch


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The only funny thing they shit out was the mexcrement dyke not being treated as a princess and tolerate her alcohol problems.

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