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Yeah, I'm thinking he's back.
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i was giving you a quick rundown why the video is cringe and the guy is a faggot because he misprounces words to sound funneh and puncucking non stop while he cant just spedruns his stupid video mudlims. you know what watch the vid before i waste more time explaining simple things to you

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Post boomer music
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I want to go back


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This song comes to mind when I think of the corny side of boomer rock.
What were you doing to come across that? I'm genuinely curious.
I don't understand the backlash against disco on a musical level. Frankly, a lot of disco is more listenable than a lot of rock from that time was.


Because a lot of it was low quality
Same as rap or other garbage such as Brzilian funk


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1 million listeners worldwide mostly US RUSSIA and even Ukraine … no shit no money to pay… only for jazz indie artists … when I say jazz I say from house music to prog rock - no pop no trap no arab pop www.radiorosbrera.com you will find the mail for the submission. we don't ask money for promo.

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>classic rock station plays grunge


First hearing bands from the '90s or even more "hardcore" '80s and '90s songs on a dadrock station was a strange experience for me. It was pretty surreal catching them playing Danzig.


Rock is shit anyway, metal is king.


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What do you think metal is a style of? Jazz? Country?


You think they are going to play ZZ Top forever?


There are stations that still play Crosby and Sinatra.

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What's some /cuckcore/ music?
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Is that the story of his life?


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didn't Hasan or other breadtuber was seething about him?



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Even Eminem the race traitor found him too faggy for his taste.

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>Thank god I'm not a jew


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>Goodbye WHORES


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post them


Looks like your little jewish sage thread caught no responses kike


Op is making fun of hapas and spics, how is he a Jew?


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I didn't see any attractive women there. Even those spics would make better women.

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>Muh luv
>Muh hippies
>Muh wurld peace
>Muh racemixing
>Muh drugs
Fucking faggots
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normalfags will say the culture is in decay only since 2016 but they are so fucking wrong, music, literature, cinema, television, painting and etc are in frank decay for a fucking long time


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It's also racist, since having any standards whastosever is white supremacy.


jews are obsessed with John Lennon cause he was a communist, and Paul McCartney is a shabbos goy who killed MJ.


Who is MJ?


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<John Lennon communist
Why never, totally not a leftwing stereotype whose life consisted in playing a shitty toy guitar and never worked his ass off in his miserable life only to get clipped by his number 1 fan and his fans thank the executioner because Lennon finally reached immortality, like any dictator who indoctrinated his cattle, ignoring the guy ditched his daughter, beating the shit out of his wife and the main reason why the Beatles split.

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 No.2285[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Recommend me some /interracialcore/ music please so I can play it when my wife's boyfriend comes over.
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This was the peak of nig music, nothing before or after will ever beat it.


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Incel faggots like yourselves life's are worthless, even if this is sage.


Obviously about two gay niggers

[Last 50 Posts]

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For a record deal?

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