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What are some bands that are musically similar to Lost Horizon? I haven't been able to find anyone else like them, and it's upsetting that they only put out two albums before they disbanded. Daniel Heiman recently did an album with some Danish guys and while the vocals are there, it's not what I was expecting and I realized that it needs those high-flying drums and guitars along with (for lack of a better term) the uplifting/godlike lyrics it comes with. They're undoubtedly my favorite band and I would love to find more like them.
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Why did you bump this thread with such inconsequential bullshit.
Go the fuck back to /v/edditchan and kill yourself, faggot.


Do you think it's true that Chuck Schuldiner was in the closet?


Clearly, he died of AIDS


News related, but it seems like Mötley Crüe is being attacked by gen x and millennial faggots because they talked about Trump and cancel culture in their newest album.


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Sounds like people should be more upset with the fact that Mick Mars isn't involved anymore and that the other guys are all pricks. Has the band even done anything good since the '80s?

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 No.537[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I was drunkposting french shit with yakuza in /tv/ but I realized I should be posting here
so I'm posting random music here
post whatever the fuck you want as long as you like it
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>tfw zach is gone forever


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Ramon at Work

[Last 50 Posts]

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What are some flaws that just make you retreat when deciding to pirate a certain piece of music?
>The melody is quite catchy and sticks around for a while
<The lyrics are so retarded to the point of being insulting
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Axis forever btfo


I've largely lost interest in music with vocals. With the few exceptions being gothic, new wave and coldwave.
I used to love metal, but nowadays I find it boring to listen to some bands that I loved more than ten years ago.


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I sort of see why artists always have to lower their standards when publishing art for the public, gotta get that Reddit clout, but fucking hell the lyrics are like the icing of the cake much like with writing with those star spangling cartoons. Why is it that NegativeXP and Johnny Rebel remain relevant while slop with playground humor as vid related gets forgotten the next day it launched?


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What a coincidence, a few minutes ago I was listening to this song again, but with a different animation.

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Testing a loop


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I know what song that came from btw you sampled that from one of Kenta v. es's older songs

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People who dislike weird Al need to be lined up and shot.
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Weird Al will be one of the Jews spared on the day of the rope.


He's not Jewish. I thought he was of mixed Yugoslav descent.


I honestly hope he's not Jewish. He's too creative for that, although his rise to fame is unusual for a goyim.
I know he would definitely love Ramon Kino tho.


He's a Slovak/Crotian mix propped up by jewish managers in the 80s

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Are they kike'd? I want to listen to new music that isn't kike'd because so far I've only listened to classical but I'm getting burned out after 16 years. No black metal and no rap of any form please.
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They have a lead vocal negress singing against da Natzhees.
What do you think?


See >>2983
Their first albums were good, things only started to get bad during the 2010s after they went through so many controversies and probably decided to appeal more to nu left-winger faggots.


Yah, I cannot defend that. Smells like Trump Derangement Syndrome to me.
I will stop listening at 2009. It is the same as any other media. Everyone rushes to love niggers after Obama.


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Rammstein is very sarcastic on modern politics.
Plus, they endorsed Riefenstahl.


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Look at that arrogant cretin! He doesn't know that Rammstein are leftist trolls from the GDR! Hey, asshole, you probably live in the USA, don't you? You think the whole world revolves around you? Why do you think the band should be named after a major disaster in FRG that occurred at a US Air Force base in honor of NATO exercises and make a song about it? Are you stupid? Haven't you seen their music videos? Only leftists can demean nationalists like that. And Lindemann straight up misses the GDR, this moron misses the occupation by totalitarian communists because he doesn't like the democratic left. And as usual he has garbage in his head because he spent all his time mocking Merkel, who worked for the Stasi in the GDR. He didn't like his own leftist dish.
Don't you like rap and black metal? Yes, you cunt? Suck my anti-communist, anti-kike, Siberian cudgel.

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We have to go back, before the soylent, before the nuamles, before the soyjaks, before the cuck and anti sex epidemic.

When men could be men
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They might be the Rolling Stones of thrash nowadays, but they have a much better catalog than Megadeth.
>Metal was always shit.
>Nigger rap is shit.
>I've probably been finding more music in a while than I did early on. I'll admit it's partly because of UG guys I watch showing off their demo collection, the other half being having more enthusiasm to go find more music after 'burning out' or going back to older stuff I heard like the Phlegm demos or the Sarcastic demo and going, "Why didn't I listen to this more often? It was badass the first time I heard it."
I reached a point where I got sick of the metal subculture and started feeling like the juice wasn't worth the squeeze musically. It became harder and harder to find metal that actually connects with me. I've gotten a lot more finicky over the years. Modern bands especially I've given up on paying much attention to. I ended up getting more into other genres in my late high school years, although I still come back to my metal favorite metal records I used to listen to and occasionally check out old releases I missed. I've actually felt a lot more free since I stopped trying to fit into any musical subculture. I used to force myself to like influential bands, and now I have no problems admitting that there's a lot of stuff I don't even like.
>I've had a hard time listening to black metal partly because of that
I was lucky enough to get into it before they completely drove the whole thing into the ground. It became the form of extreme metal that ended up being closest to my heart.

One of the things that chaps my hide is how the concept of atmospheric black metal nowadays seems to be associated with the parasitic interlopers who try to pass themselves off as real black metal fans.

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>they have a much better catalog than Megadeth.


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You could have at least chosen a good song. Sad!


> Are the hipster locusts still involved with death metal to the same degree?
It dies off a little more recently. I only hear about maybe Tomb Mold and Blood Incantation or zoomer death metal like 200 Stab Wounds and Frozen Soul, but the trend has largely died off after most people moved on to the next trend or found actual metal and ditched these fags.
>Metal in general has become faggy nowawdays, but I can't imagine death metal is as subverted as black metal is.
When I got into DM, Crematory and Abhorrence held a very special place in my heart and still do. But you also had a bunch of grifters like Phil Tougas parading them about and releasing shitty metalcore sounding demos or ripoffs of Demilich and Timeghoul.


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Does anyone else here enjoy Those Poor Bastards by chance?


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ITT: songs to dance to at an '80s Halloween coke party
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gimmie some examples


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Ya like Company B?


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>nobody has posted the quintessential in 8 months

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na nanana na nanana na nana na nana na nanana na


Was that gay guy who claimed to have been the main composer for the Residents telling the truth? He died right after he said that IIRC.


Snakefinger was better.

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