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Found some good shit

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Is this soy?

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hello whats the ending so to this

like at the credits
pls advise tx


ending song

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Miles and Shia had a kid and he teaches you guitar hacks.




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Miles Tellier, that one actor from that shitty fantastic four film.

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>tfw no Monique gf
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>tfw no Minogue gf


All this does is make me miss the era of 90's techno.


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techno still lives in your heart anon.


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i feel it anon, i feel it


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I hate Bob Dylan


He was the voice of a generation. You just don't understand how deep and insightful his lyrics are, maaaan. You want to hear my coming of age story about getting high and dodging the draft?


Blessed and Nasimpilled thread

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Parliment or Funkadelic? Usually I'd say Funkadelic but other people who prefer Funkadelic are so insufferable that I'm tempted to say I like Parliment better out of spite.


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Man, coon tunes used to be gud.


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What the fuck


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What's your favourite Touhou track?
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Revolution ⑨
Number ⑨
Number ⑨
Number ⑨


I wish normalfags had never discovered anime…


the douga one


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The one where Travis Scott raps over it.


The one where Travis assrapes the frog girl?

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