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Best genre for 10 years, it's slowly getting mainstream, so enjoy it while it's good quality lasts.
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Vaporwave is usually apolitical too, aside from the occasional satire of consoomerism, which you can appreciate whether left or right.


>Vaporwave is usually apolitical too
Tell that to wikipedia.
Tell that to /trannypol/
Tell that to redditors
Tell that to breadtubers


They're trying to appropriate it into their little ideological box because they like it, but the claim that vaporwave is politically-driven music doesn't hold up to scrutiny. I've been listening to it from the beginning, and I'm as conservative as they come. I don't hear politics in it at all. Just emotion and nostalgia (for an arguably more conservative time).


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Vaporwave barely has any political connotation anymore, it's just people posting dreamy nostalgic stuff.
The political shit stayed in the early 2010s


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Indeed, Synthwave > Vaporwave
Always, no matter what.

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Anyone know good sites for downloading or torrenting production tools? Lost a bunch of stuff in a hard drive crash so I've got some rebuilding to do.
Second to that, what are your favourite free tools? Could be VSTs, other plugins, samples, etc.

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Anything from Moonman to Cybernazi, Rome to Clan of Xymox. Don't matter the musical style.
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A classic


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Super Ramon


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He should work with JBalvin

Gahoole should make his holy mission on Earth to make JBalvin, Ramon and Rex Viper to form a partnership with Richard Spencer. Imagine all the ludo they could create together.

World Peace, just like Bill & Ted!


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Recommend me some /peniscore/ music, /ost/.
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I dream of places like that.


I love MSI, I guess I should remix it together with Super Ramon.


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Now that the dust has settled, who had the Bohemian Rhapsody of our generation?
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Is there an uncensored version of the video?


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Not a fag, I'm just interested to see if they released an uncensored version for propaganda purposes.


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Probably this


Wrong, it's etheir the "chad song" or this one >>2609

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Press F to pay respects.




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File: 1686365309917.mp4 (10.8 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Daddy DJ - Issues - feat L….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Wow, I can't believe Daddy DJ is coming back in 2023. Might be an interesting year.

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post your top 5 albums ITT and rate
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only good taste on /ost/ tbh


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a perfect circle is underrated and that is their best album
picture for ants and boomer taste


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There you go

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Makes Hip-hop and rock chill and coherent
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It was fun until they started messing with 90s techno, that was too far.


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>hwite wimminz is gonna' call the popos
Truly thoughtful.


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Some accounts were slowing down other stuff and calling it "Witch-core" and bullshit like that

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All Star but it's a Bach chorale following the conventions of the Common Practice Period

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