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Nice, this is my favorite one of his though


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Good shit


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Their more "modern" cds still have a punk soul, but with hip hop and electropunk style mixed. Also Jimmy Urine is based.


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>Jimmy Urine is based.
kys pedo


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>Jimmy Urine is based.
The single he released some years ago was really shit with one good song on it, and the better version of it wasn't even the one released on the album itself.


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this is how left-wingers see themselves, as a collective blod monster killing nationalist people on the streets


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Man, that's some godawful huezilian music.


the bass is good tbh


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I found this one while trying to vent my hatred for the shitskin shilling Soy of War


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The fuck is this garbage?


File: 1671590452585.mp4 (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Dead By 30.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

>Jewtube took down post punk channel
Fucking piece of shit website, not only should I stop using embeds from that shithole, but they shouldn't even be allowed in this board.


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didn't he got canceled?


Yeah, apparently the he was sexting a 16 year old when he was 30.


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I'm sure this is just an excuse given, the real reason is "racism" since antifa fags and other "punks" hate the dude.


>Does and believes exactly what the government tell him and follows eveeyone else
That shit will never cease to be funny.


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Such many cases, the punk scene is full of fags like this



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File: 1683709243162.png (396.37 KB, 720x1025, 144:205, Garfield antifa, tumblr.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Wake up, sheeple
>Time to blow corporate cock

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