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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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Hello and welcome to /art/, tvch's board for anons to post their thoughts, critiques, personal work, DIY Q&A, news, recommendations, or whatever else that you'd imagine concerns a place like /art/.

- Standard board rules apply, no cp, spamming, & spoil lewds.
- Please keep all threads on topic, if you're posting any personal work keep it to one thread.
- You're welcome to post links to personal art accounts, but keep your shilling at an absolute minimum

To keep this board as open and friendly as possible I would like to confirm that /art/ can go beyond the usual painting/ drawing/ sculpting scope people would generally assume it's for. For this board any sort of sfw creative endeavor is welcomed, whether it would be your cosplay attempts, car painting, photoshops, DIY projects, etc. As long as there's some form of artistic creativity involved you shouldn't fear if it would be acceptable or not. So have fun out there /art/ists! :)
7 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


anime gets a pass

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There is a global ban on publishing anything about DA:600564059.
8 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


There is a global ban on uploading DA:600564059 as spam and trolling.



There is a global ban on uploading DA:600564059 as spam and trolling.



There is a global ban on uploading DA:600564059 as spam and trolling.




Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!


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Dr. Seuss BTFO
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File: 1618978953097.jpg (88.04 KB, 1192x670, 596:335, Dr. Seuss got ran over.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Image believing you're fighting the good battle
<Just to have your legacy to be shat on post mortem.


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welcome to joe biden's America


I hate kikes.


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But it's racist if you imply that japs love anime.


that is a blast from the past

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Hey /art/, can you help me find an old image about female body shapes that used to fly around image boards in 2015?
It was about the female beauty in traditional art and used black&white photos. Instead of categorizing the women by geometric shape, they were called bovine, equine, cervine and so forth.

I have been through terrabites of old images and can't find it. Also because their shapes are compared to animals, I can't use search engines without being flooded by furry porn and horrific AI images.


Pamela Anderson is straight up disgusting, she was the first ugly and plastic female being shilled by the jews.

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Let's share imagens and tips about A.I art.
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Don't put it on a jar!


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that's about it ;)


I don't care about lame coomer AI art. Try to make something creative and unique to this place instead.
t. Art critic.


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>"y'all hear summtn?"


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looking for books that teaches drawing but escpecially like scott robertson's basic, and then with distance determining and propotions of object in perspective like perhaps especially motorcycles, humans, horses, drawn upside down, in mathemathical perspective correctness

Post number #1011739, ID: 5889ba
| cont) like how to bring the distance between steer and fenders in a bike, and how steer and wheel LOOKS, when it rotates and its angular connection with the body and the rest of "unrotated parts", again, in perspective, so to look real, and correct in math, and perspective.


Looks like the bot needs a tune-up


>>3274 a book will do but clearly you cant even read

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Wtf was this drawn by Matt Groening? It looks like he traced over jpgs he got off google. the man's been so busy on lolita airlines and letting koreans do his work, he forgot how to draw his own cartoon characters.
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Still no Sneed and Chuck edit?

Last time he drew his retarded characters looked like ass, that underage slave should be grateful at least she got a shitty doodle from an overrated political soap box cartoon.


Looks like someone started to do cleanup on marge and then just figured fuck it, get it out the door it's good enough.


Didn't they show support for South Park but did jackshit because they're spineless faggots?


I wish he used his binky life in gell artstye.


They even look like zombies now.

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Let's go.


all those are better than the crap posted by the psychotic drawfag


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Alright anons, let's get to drawing. Post stuff that you've made just now or in the past. Wheeeeeee!
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File: 1709751590865.png (4.84 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, punk.png) ImgOps iqdb

How am I doing?



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I'll start
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File: 1708861210058.png (13.75 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb


I'm not drawing that.


You should try it, how else will your artistic skills level up? :)


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