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Sculpting and Designing
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File: 1639368350981.jpg (14.21 KB, 474x325, 474:325, dsadasd.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


some artist grow much faster and more effectively in less time and less effort and even less complicated stuff like obviously better ways yield better result but what's the way. what am i mising. where's the logic lol
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My bad, I have ptsd from the faggy spammer. You're missing the "shill yourself" part. Specially shill yourself to someone who may care about whatever kind of art you do. If you have an instagram, try following low (under 800) follower count accounts, they're usually the genuine ones where you can boost yourself by interacting with them.


>>2327 THAt's JUST FUCKING CHEAP. YOu think everyone likes being booted everyday like that?
HOly cow that's even worst than your faggy spamming. THIS IS WHY WE DONT TARGET ONE SINGLE CUSTOMER


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If you had art skills, what would you do with them? Its not like you'll start enjoying drawing/painting just because you're good at it. And if you enjoy doing it already, then it doesn't matter if you'll ever get good at it.


>Its not like you'll start enjoying drawing/painting just because you're good at it.
Yes I would. Probably make good art and sell it with the nft bs

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Could any of you artists mimic Gigers style in any of these images? The difference is I would like a raccoon in lieu of the male. Its for my garage bandand if I make it big you could be in on a lucrative opportunity.

Anyways if you can draw something of caliber I will pay you.
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Sorry I forgot I posted this, it's concept art for an album cover my friends and I are making.

If you drew that, its pretty based. My email is [email protected]
If you send me proof or anything we can discuss further there


thanks man, yeah it's mine, message sent


Wow anon that's kino


Glad you like it, thanks. Merry Christmas.


Thank you anon, merry Christmas to you too.

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given a piece of media having, composition, rendering, subject matters, lineart, color scheme,

can i rawly generate data that is worth X amount of traffic just, using like public domain materials and nothing else?

basically guessing the stuff out and hidding that shid right there


ugh stop spamming this shit. where are the vols to remove this trash. get off drugs and or booze and try again


>>2353 theyre busy banging your mum because you are such an autist lol so maybe read and say something useful cuz nobody needs a pushover addict like you


just fuck off and die already


no u


How do you do my fellow tweaker?

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Am I Chris Marker yet?
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If I explained it then it'd make the thread pointless, I'm sorry. You could watch La Jetée and Sans Soleil and then Hitchcock's Vertigo but it's all for a small reference and La Jetée is a (s)log to sit through. Certain things lose what little charm they had if you point out what they're about, specially outside of the larger context.


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>aM i cHrIs MaRkEr YeT?


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Trees have rings not spirals. But Vertigo has spirals.


haha the background is bubbly

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so does hypothethically making a 200 view art value 6000 times gets you 200*6000 views/traffic?
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sorry, talking with half dead pope/prophets.

so, reaching quality:
trying to produce art that is worth 5k sales/traffic, since i dont get better after 1000 shitpost anyway, i guess naturally i need to create a targetted quality to produce something of ExAct worth? how do you do that as precisely, obviously since people got some standard of sorts and taste how to derive the value of ONE ThousAND into say, a piece of art or video? evidently since a specific standard is desired and one may not succeed unless???

…sigh i got no idea man.


Where is the head?


>>2336 censored for ad



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Any first step improving my one page view, 0 comment/like/share, regular (shit)posting into something worthwhile?
i can think of, joining zine, winning awards, joining zine… mostly things i am not very good at.

hate to regularly shitpost but no good response. it's like talking to a wall or something. Not sure how to improve quality since my most realistic, time costing work wasnt as expected either.
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>>2342 maybe the only way to get out more is to get a job at meal delivery service…


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>t. Donna Hayward

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It's that seasonal time of the year again and what better way to celebrate it than to create your own Christmas card for all your loved ones.

Draw up your own Christmas card cover and post it in this thread to be an entry into the contest. Contest ends Dec 24th. on the 25th I'll select the winner and sticky it on the front page for the rest of the year.


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how much will my art worth? how much amount of people will buy and enjoy it? how much sales?
how do i appraise my own work?
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>>2306 how do you kno that


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Do you believe in cryptozoology?


>>2309 does it ask you to believe



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