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Sculpting and Designing
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File: 1639576876819.jpg (439.19 KB, 676x1378, 26:53, IMG_20211215_205311.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


sorry, talking with half dead pope/prophets.

so, reaching quality:
trying to produce art that is worth 5k sales/traffic, since i dont get better after 1000 shitpost anyway, i guess naturally i need to create a targetted quality to produce something of ExAct worth? how do you do that as precisely, obviously since people got some standard of sorts and taste how to derive the value of ONE ThousAND into say, a piece of art or video? evidently since a specific standard is desired and one may not succeed unless???

…sigh i got no idea man.


Where is the head?


>>2336 censored for ad



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Any first step improving my one page view, 0 comment/like/share, regular (shit)posting into something worthwhile?
i can think of, joining zine, winning awards, joining zine… mostly things i am not very good at.

hate to regularly shitpost but no good response. it's like talking to a wall or something. Not sure how to improve quality since my most realistic, time costing work wasnt as expected either.
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>>2342 maybe the only way to get out more is to get a job at meal delivery service…


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>t. Donna Hayward

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It's that seasonal time of the year again and what better way to celebrate it than to create your own Christmas card for all your loved ones.

Draw up your own Christmas card cover and post it in this thread to be an entry into the contest. Contest ends Dec 24th. on the 25th I'll select the winner and sticky it on the front page for the rest of the year.


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how much will my art worth? how much amount of people will buy and enjoy it? how much sales?
how do i appraise my own work?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>>2306 how do you kno that


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Do you believe in cryptozoology?


>>2309 does it ask you to believe



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like caustics, refraction,reflections, halo, shadows or lightfogs…
how is this planned out so to prpduce realism, mathemathically?

i recall syd mead(or someone) plots shadow by pulling a linefrom light source to object… i imagine there are similar things for like reflections and refractions?

havent found one, pls suggest
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Draw a space marine


ok what do the space marine do


stuff like that is generally planned after the base object is made. make the shape of the mountain first, then add value to where the light hits and where the light doesnt


>>2311 ye i ade the base object already but i dont know how to plan it. naturally just pull lines where the light projects and then calculate/blend the same color? i mean i am looking for books on this i think i came up with one myself but i am not confident if it is good obviously so i need some better reference


all you worthless rats

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how to draw out/project the right angles and lengths of an object (gvien size of x amount of cm in their length, width, or depth) so to present the subject as correct to its actual sizes especially since perspective does not show the same length in view?


a nifty trick is to use a ruler or string to get those angles.


yes true but >>2310 then the projected length we dont know how much does one unit in sideview becomes in perspective because it gets smaller and smaller exponentially by some ratio i have no idea but seems to effect the precision of the shape…

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help me improv my art to be something of worth like fifty thousand dollar

like sure, anatomy, rendering, color scheme…. how to target the quality that is worth X amount of dollar/traffic?

how do you exactly target something but not steal or trace exact but somewhat similar quality but not just copy

also maybe get that traffic straight ahead

like, what do i look for in maybe that million possible buyer


draw a space marine


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You aren't OP, are you?


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trying to get maximum exposure for your art, channel, post, vids…that particular "link". not spamming or shilling illegally and nuissancely,
just putting yourself on top of everyone's search log and demand…
maybe try and hit hundred thousands of traffics in view, comments, likes share so on… how is this effectively done, against google search algorythm, perhaps a site's recommendation, or maybe something even more universal like IRL word of mouth.
focusing the "hundred thousand" people, what exactly is the key for each material/products to acquire this exposure independently? especially on current trend? how to know the current trend's demand too AKA trend forecasting, and their exact value (since, hundred thousand)

thank you

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heya, doing graphic/animation/product design biz here. but i have never made a portofolio ever yet, properly… whats the specification to a good portofolio? hoping to get hundreds to thousand jobs/user monthly… how good should my portofolio be AT LEAST? how many stuff, what to show, the trend to follow and why, please go into details.


Stop spamming. Faggot.


go on

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