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Sculpting and Designing

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File: 1701160299339.jpg (911.29 KB, 1910x2935, 382:587, R.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


how do you construct refraction on objects, like a whole contour of it
especially how the direction and shape of the refraction is determined


File: 1705853999914.png (62.94 KB, 944x679, 944:679, 3568259.png) ImgOps iqdb

Fuck you.


>pic related
Now that's an old one, almost old enough to drive

File: 1699444259162.jpg (127.92 KB, 1442x810, 721:405, 20231103_105350.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


How do you draw refraction on the surface of objects like glass or crystal

Basically how things should distort accordingly based on its physics and form and generally how it looks on the screen


You steal refrigerator art and claim it's your own and then draw a space marine.


[link removed]/

File: 1687107153171.jpg (3.48 MB, 3456x3456, 1:1, 16871070614823043771946209….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Someone draw over my picture on how the reflection and refraction works in this picture
Basically two same translucent stuff reflecting each other and so on
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File: 1689046844057.jpg (163.27 KB, 1280x902, 640:451, Hitler's art.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

The side of history that nobody will tell you.


Long time I don't see him


File: 1689484157046.jpg (340.63 KB, 667x1000, 667:1000, 162992556_kill028_juliana_….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Draw anon, draw Super Ramon dressed as Joey Ramone from the Ramones.


i enjoy both memes about them, but i don't know anything about them, post their lore


I created an A.I thread and tried to make my first "art", especially with him. Maybe you can do better, buddy.

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>Painter Giovanni Gasparo uploaded a picture of his canvas to his Facebook page on Tuesday. Titled Martirio di San Simonino da Trento (Simone Unverdorben), per omicidio rituale ebraico (The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in accordance with Jewish ritual murder), the painting is very detailed, showing a group of hook-nosed Jews with peyot and yellow, uneven teeth strangling the child and draining his blood. Some of the Jews are also shown wearing kippot and shtreimels, with one in the center wearing a tallit over his head and shoulders. In addition, the child is shown with its arms outstretched, reminiscent of Jesus Christ on the cross as the Jews look on with apparent sadistic joy.

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Looks like movements while praying the Rosary. You move your fingers along the beads and say a Hail Mary in each one, plus some extra prayers on the larger beads and reflecting about the mysteries of the Rosary.


File: 1592855540173.jpg (55.35 KB, 638x960, 319:480, 7dda9aca0dcf141b774d1e454c….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Ty. I thought it was some sort of symbol but all of them have religious items in them so I think you are correct. This guy is really talented too, lots of his stuff wouldn't look put of place in a gallery of great classics. If you went in with no foreknowledge and bias and compared his work to stuff like the mona Lisa you'd think his was the great classic. Hope the ritual murder painting doesn't ruin his career.


Italians aren't white.


Whiter than you'll ever be.



File: 1689445297243.jpg (76.46 KB, 1014x674, 507:337, gasparro amoris laetitia.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Thoughts on Giovanni Gasparro?


File: 1689484010587.jpg (79.35 KB, 720x360, 2:1, Nuzach by Giovanni Gasparr….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Italian anon here, we are related, for real, I don't want to dox myself, but we have the same lastname, even tho we are only second-degree cousins. I guess I should try to reach him.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Draw Jbalvin
Draw Space Marine
Draw Super Ramon


File: 1719680435780.jpg (1.21 MB, 1650x982, 825:491, My reaction to seeing such….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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How to plan your colors and value like this


File: 1685453681970.gif (1.18 MB, 498x280, 249:140, lckuck.gif) ImgOps iqdb

I only need two colors, anon, BLACK in WHITE!!!!


>>2934 picrel is not in colorblind.

But thanks for bump
Theres so much color to plan there


Just start with base midtone then add shading and highlights where necessary.


>>2937 can i get more details. Like where exactly the shades and highlights go


>>2937 i have guesses but i m double checking. So you can be more widely on the subject.

File: 1678718657860.png (1.74 MB, 1050x992, 525:496, 1665329321529.png) ImgOps iqdb


Somebody make /art/ of this picture please


File: 1682133118083.jpg (629.1 KB, 875x1050, 5:6, cd28233f80379252.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

plz respond

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 No.363[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your art
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File: 1646394245564.jpg (194.17 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Illustration 1-0.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

So like I know this drawing is bad but like anyone willing to point out what makes it so unappealing to look at


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First off, there's way, way more unappealing artwork than what we're seeing right now, so don't knock yourself down too bad. The drawing itself is, indeed, amateurish, but the only way you can develop more skills is by practicing so I can't say much on how you can exactly get "better"

Now, as for your original question as to the drawing itself, I think the mask looks like your trying to hide from actually drawing the face. Not only that but the mask itself is just blank. Maybe add some detail that'll give some dimension or texture to the mask he's wearing (vents, fabric folds, cloth pattern, etc)

My best advice is try drawing a full plain face and adding features and details. Maybe look up reference photos and see how you can make the mask more form fitted to the character's face.

Other than that idk, maybe back up a bit so we can see more of the character or work more on the hair to make it look less scribbled in pro tip: fill in with a dark purple, THEN scribble hair lines over with a lighter colour. But it's all up to you fam, keep at the good work and don't knock yourself down cuz it's a good start.


ugly color
ugly haircut
weird ass pupil
bunch of vertical lines in the eyebrow??
ear should be further back and angled

still looks better than 63% of shit on deviantart


fuck that's not bad
i drew that 3 years ago when I was unemployed and was practicing drawing
then I got a job and never drew again
let that be a lesson to all you NEETS
never get a fucking job


This is objectively false,, the lesson is that art is fucking gay, none of you homos can do it, so don't even try you fucking fruit.

[Last 50 Posts]

File: 1675039461162.mp4 (1.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, IYkYGfhzOexBPlp1.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


do you like my marble machine


File: 1675111764284.mp4 (3.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, swagger.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Not enough porn. I want to coom here, not watch marbles!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
now make this

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