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File: 1670719243350.jpeg (2.26 MB, 2609x3693, 2609:3693, EC57C91B-72A8-43CA-A4B5-A….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


Could someone critique this please?

What's your overall impression?
What do you think of the details on the face - does it look like a convincing face?
What do you think of the texture of the shadow at the bottom?

Thank you.


It looks really good. The shading on the underside of the bust could be a little darker. The lines at the bottom look cool in a stylized way, like the shadows are part of a living organism.


thank you - I ended up getting an A



File: 1707923790135.jpg (Spoiler Image, 59.87 KB, 380x540, 19:27, aee206300.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Now draw ramon

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