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You better find a gf or a new hobby.
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>nazi virgins have friends
Your only friends are Trans500 and a cum rag lol.


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I know you love to cope about it, Nuzach, but you are the dude always online seething and crying and not getting any cuddles and pussy for almost 20 decades, lol.


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ok? and?
you set yourself up bad on that one, coon lol.

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 No.151623[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Prior to yesterday, if someone said jews were planting explosives inside of electronics and had the ability to detonate them remotely they would be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and a "schizo". And yet this is exactly what happened.

Also, remember when the jews were caught tunneling beneath the sewers doing God knows what? That's another thing people would get called crazy if they thought was happening, and yet the jews were caught doing it.

Really makes you wonder what else the "Schizos" claim the jews are up to which has yet to be proven but is nonetheless true.
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Now that is a nigger.


That's why you think so much about his dick, incelzach.


Quit projecting your own homosexuality onto me, trannyshitter. Go watch Trans500.


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>Quit projecting your own homosexuality onto me, trannyshitter. Go watch Trans500.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.149730[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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You're the only one here that regularly says coon.


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>Using my OC images to make more kino
I'm not worthy!


You can tell this femme is a mudshark. Hopefully she's gets exterminated along with the other degenerates in France


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Guys please help he won't post black dicks anymore and he seems depressed.
Can yakuza or emoji give him a call and see how he's doing? I'm worried.
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He spent the entire weekend seething and acting like a butthurt pajeet on at least three different webring imageboards.
Now he's on /dup/ with his usual small dick energy crying about Incels and Trump.


>the nazi virgins worship Ziodon.


There he is. Flawless victory, you got everyone to mock you.


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>you got 5 virgins angry and now they're seething at you.
I know! Haha.


He reminds me of that character from Kung Pow. The guy who thought getting beat up made him the winner.

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Good for them.

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 No.143985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ASMR thread
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File: 1729357988641.jpg (35.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, Cumbrain.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>I can't believe Gibi is pregnant now. I remember hearing rumours that she was a swinger who went to sex clubs.
Fuck that's hot, what a dirty slut.
Imagine impregnating her in front of her hubby!


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If the clip you are talking about is that supposed video of her at club showing her tits, it isn't her - you can see if you look at the face closely. I would doubt she is a swinger though, doesn't seem the type to go in for something like that.

That being said, I am somewhat surprised about her pregnancy. I am pretty sure her husband is gay as Richard Simmons; if you look at his face and how he acts, so maybe it isn't his. Then again, plenty of closeted gay dudes have had kids over the years to keep up appearances or give the woman they are with something. I'd say Gibi 100% knows he is gay and probably picked him because of it. They probably met at some feminist club at university and she picked a weak dude that wouldn't be threatening sexually, a gay guy who only can get it up for women every now and then would be a perfect pick for her.

People like to fantasise their fave ASMR bitch is some freak (and some of them def are) but honestly Gibi strikes me as the "sex once a month" type.


This is cute. Thanks for posting it amid the "I wonder how my favorite 30+ e-whore got pregnant," speculation.


to many cucks

[Last 50 Posts]

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What is the average day in Brazil like?
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>>153788 (heil'd)


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This is Brazil, in their richest and "most based" city


They look like they're having fun, that's nice.


Isn't brazil one of the top depression nations even tho they try to sell about being happy with their shit lifes?

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Yakuza stop drinking
Stop smoking
Stop jerking off to girls twice as young as you

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File: 1729439105300.jpg (383.03 KB, 624x754, 24:29, 1725481805134.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

And posted various webms dedicated to her when he was in his 30s, something is wrong with him, he should of been jerking off exclusively to mulatto culo


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The French singer he used to be obsessed with.


What is it with you fags and your love of spicspeak?


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Spanish is on the rise, culturally, linguistically, globally, french is dying, spanish is about to be the number 2 language of earth, less we forget.


That's a nice Faye poster.

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Also her tour is a disaster.



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Why isn't this faggot banned yet?


Mods are trying to play 4dchess against a ghost. It failed.


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What we need to save tvch is a Gahoole and Ramon meetup



One of the few good reason to vote for Dup or any other "righ-winger" faggy is to improve the economy.

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