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I want 8chan back, and I want it back to the way it used to be. There is no goddamn reason why we cannot do it.
Close all these faggy little ego projects and put everything back on an 8chan.
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I only use tvch and alogs (former julay) in the last few years. I used to be a way more active anon, making ocs, being a frequent poster, mirroring streams, but I lost my energy to keep up with the cyclical thread after the entire Surfer and PPP drama and platespics being way more active.
I stayed here, and I was one of the first anons to name Nuzach since I was back then alogging Pedochu/Niggerchu and Acidkike, well, it's a long story, but over time Nuzach and other shit going on here made me stop being so frequent as well.
I just want a nice place with chill anons to talk about anything, but this sperg and other fags from discord need to make everything about themselves and poisoning the well.


I lurk all of the webring, including sites that have come and gone but I mainly frequented both tvch and alogs.

I was also around when the drama that still lives on in the legacy of nuzach. I have also watched as the webring has slowly but surely withered away over the years.

What I realized is the main thing that really will always cut the userbase of the webring in half or thirds I guess is the loli vs non loli vs pedophile shit. It is in fact the main reason nuzach still resents the administrations and users of both sites.

Obviously alogs and tvch allow none of it, smug remains in the middle not tolerating the CP and CP adjacent crap and zzzchan remains true to it reputation allowing everything that shouldn't be allowed. I think now that things have long since calmed down, and due to smugs relatively friendly adminship we can remain neutral with them. I know not every zzzchan is like some super pedophile like agent johnson sadly a ton are ni/gg/ers though. I used to think that there was no way to reconcile the webrings differences and to attempt to create something to succeed H8chan. At this point with the further decline of the userbase I am even more unsure.

I am however, sure of one thing, no anons should be demotivated to use a site just because one butthurt pedophile, I personally advise that you just ignore nuzach and filter him. That's often what I do. He isn't going to go away until he goes away. Giving him any attention whatsoever is what he wants.

Hes basically exhausted his milk as a minor lolcow so why bother giving him that attention anymore. I often only ever call him out in threads like these where he tries to rewrite history and as you said before poison the well.

I would at least minimize the attention you give him, cause ignoring him doesn't always work either.


If zzzchan allows illegal stuff, why it's on the webring then?


Listen, every time I try putting effort into an imageboard, someone else ruins it, and I feel like I don't like you anymore.


Have you noticed how Nuzach has a deep hatred for everyone who has ever been involved with the Guntstream in any capacity, not just Wrist and Gahoole?
I've noticed him attacking about esoanon and calculator-anon, for example.

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Master Chief has sex.
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I miss it when trolling was fun like when chadwarden did it.


YoungDefiant and Michael Does Life did some good trolling before they embraced the grifter ways


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Patrick Nelson is still, Virgin.


Master Chef


Spics should embrace this role again, they have nothing else to contribute to the world other than being trannies, gardeners and dwarf court jesters (like nuzach is for everyone as >ourlolcow)

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 No.140345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I saw Mommy kissing Super Ramon
Underneath the muérdago last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep

Then I saw mommy tickle Super Ramon
Underneath his spandex suit so green and tight
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Super Ramon last night

He saw mommy kissing, kissin' kissin' Super Ramon
>I did, I really did see mommy kissing Super Ramon
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did they fuck you unconscious?


I got knocked out with chloroform by a teenage nigger predator while we were playing video games, and I know he sodomized me because 1, I was an adorable shota, and 2, he grew up to be a career criminal convicted of rape and other heinous crimes.


embarrassing, did you shit out cum afterwards?


He must've cleaned me up because there was no tearing or cum on me, and I didn't recall what happened until decades later.


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Ah yes, all those fake posts made by (You) the kike who loves to falseflag are very convincing!

[Last 50 Posts]

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Death is preferred for Gahoole.

>Get laid, Virgin.
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Nastassia Ponomarenko is Successful.



She is


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>Gahoole is still a 30 year old Incel.
I guess he will now obtain his special wizarding powers. Good for him. He seems like a pretty cool guy to give magic to.


would you fap to F1nn5ter getting xher back blown out by ramon?

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Those look kind of neat.

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 No.147665[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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There are some images which make fun of me, yet we could change them to fit our motives.

Homercord image: could be used to make fun of homer cord falseflaggers that think Pingas man is enclosed in their boogeyman, when it was me fighting aganist Miko.

Transgender racebait Pingas man!: used to make fun of Pingas man impersonators. None of the impersonator threads were from me and instead were from people like the Sonic-user, the OP of that pingas racebait copypasta, and a shemmyfail named Pingas Man!


Pungas man!*


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Also, I stole get 1111 for Soyparty NEWS and 2800 for SUDE!


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 No.139410[Reply][Last 50 Posts]



Previous thread is dead as fuck
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source ?


Search "nigger jumps at judge", you'll find it.
Alternatively, The Matrix.



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 No.144790[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who is stalking Bam
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You're addicted to me banning you.
You're now experiencing withdrawals.


he killed himself


What makes ramon so goddamned based?


He named the jews, oldfags enjoy his goofyass and he triggers some pedofaggot from /japa/ and /intl/


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He got hunted by the MOSSAD and survived… even tho he paid a price.

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She's always been into indians.
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Race-loyal White women are getting to be rare, they're not to the point of 18-year-old virgins yet, but they're competing for the spot.


Most white woman are still race-loyal statistically, so are hwite men, nigger porn has fried your perception of reality.


That might be one of the very few things I think will improve. Not for my generation or even for zoomers; but alpha gen woman are going to be able to see the ungodly amount of bitter, old single lesbians and see just how horrible their lives are that they might turn it around.
That of course depends on society not collapsing first it will or chicks not being fucking retarded lmao, nevermind


Not sure if you noticed yet since apparently you live under a rock, but white women won't have kids with fucking anyone anymore, not even the coons.
lol yes, we know ,Yakuza.


I don't live under a rock, we have to force them to have kids anon, not like asian women are having kids either. Female liberation was a (((mistake))).

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 No.143985[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ASMR thread
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It is possible that Gina might be a Sephardic kike like AOC. Kikes like this fly low on my Jewdar and are hard to recognize.


Faintly, but you could say the same thing about any place they've infected. It's mostly a way for them to claim a Roman nose and confuse people that cant tell the difference between big noses.


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Would you bang?


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I finally found the deep end

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