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File: 1734042655853.mp4 (3.9 MB, 640x640, 1:1, The Legacy of Kris from C….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Could be worse


Nuzach is such a hero for that!


Hey guys, it's Yakuza. I sucked BBC Like Nastassia Today. I really enjoyed it and I was impregnated by the North African Phallus.

This has been YakuzaNigger with a Public Service Annoucement. Make That Kino.


Well they could be male porn stars.
Also what if all cops were actually female porn stars, maybe the world would be a much better, sexier place lol.


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Everybody knows female zogbots are the biggest floozies.

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>t. BBC respecter


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coom in the troon


do it

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>huhhh… just checking out that new Super Ramon kino
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By Satan, I want to rimjob Mark so fucking much, such a beautiful jew. Gahoole rejected me, but fuck it, I can get another chubby guy to get my tongue. That would make all the /pol/tards incels seethe, heh, I'll make Mark's butthole shiny!


He lets the villain sucker punch him, and still wins. A true Aryan.


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kek it out now.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>mfw got banned from cuckchan for 1 year again


Haven't posted there for 15 years, haven't needed to.


I stopped using 4chan in 2002 when the newfags started to fuck up the site.


what is '4chan'?

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How could you hate a face like that?


Posting smug ramon and then saying you like smug ramon is seething to you, our ESL friend?


White women dont like me neither the black kangz, I am the true definition of an incel. I pray every day for a nuclear holocaust.


Zach, its me, your pal Shane Diesel. Doll yourself up for us, champ

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Nigger dicks are stuck on alogs.space lmfao. I remember when that used to happen here and it was so fucking funny!!!
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I'm here drinking tea, listening to the birds singing while I also listen to Dmitri Shostakovitch and Chopin.
I share my bed with my wife and the Milan Kundera book I'm reading.
Meanwhile, my dear gaycel you just have yourself, seething, coping, proving yourself as a bitter and small faggot who desperately needs to deny your homosexuality and your lolcow status.
Not that my life is perfect and I am not guilty of flaws, but at least I have thrift and hope in my heart, not just bitterness and insanity.


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Common Ramon Bro WIN!


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In fact I was going to post this pic along with my post which will obviously make our little lolcow seethe.


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He literally will post gay porn and than claim its a ramonbro


Mentally retarded Third World brownoid homosexuals screeching the same few insults at each other like monkeys throw shit moments before savage favelados storm their houses and torture them to death (VIDEOS UPLOADED 2 LIVELEAK) (VULTURES CIRCLING 4 THA KILL)

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That Swedish whore who was with Destiny fucks niggers lol.
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But jon didn't get btfo he literally won the debate, destiny never proved him wrong he just yelled at him and declared victory.


How is that statement even remotely controversial? Isn't that easily proven?


Jon handled it better than Goyvin McInnes, however he went straight to the point and said "black people are criminals" in which so many numales turn off their brains and start screeching, despite the nigger statistics approved and published by their fellow liberal feds who want stir up racewars.

That's the problem, these faggots refuse to see shit that could shatter their fantasies or their peers will be breathing down onto their necks. Other example is Vaush telling his audience to be self sustaining and get exercise: he got shit on quickly because they refuse to face reality, not of because of his autistic urges at Discord.


Groypers are desperate to deny any gay action done by the fed manlet, but I wonder how zoomer faggots like Fuentes and TurkTom among others were attracted to DesTINY when the guy was unable to hold his wife.


Throw in ShortFagOtakike he also sympathized with Dickstiny when he questioned Vaush about Rittenhouse, pretty much that was the reason why his fellows progs threw him under the bus.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Emoji is becoming a big boy, now he has a job and is facing difficulties as a grown man.

He's had issues with some of us in the past, but I think it's time we showed him he's welcome.
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What happened?


Take a wild guess, nigger.


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The JAV's are run by literal yakuza and they do simular stuff to yids such as interracial porn.


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Yakuza are patriotic. They do dirty work but are not Jews



I can actually see why they would rather control it than yids, still anything involving nigger porn is disgusting.

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<tfw ywn be the mom that pimps out her own daughter

why bros even go on?


Just whore things.



Menko's are scheming.


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Men did this!


Hopefully she slashes her wrists. Lots of porno whores do that you know.

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