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File (hide): 1718321640077-1.jpg (300.94 KB, 1080x1839, 360:613, BNWO QOS BITCH KRIS 3.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

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 No.146981[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Louis CK general thread.
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You've been pussy free for twenty years to the point of going insane.
Maybe instead of seethe you should take Ramon's advice to get some action >>154865


No news about Kris?


I wish, I wonder how happy he is with Dup winning.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.140345[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]>>158329

I saw Mommy kissing Super Ramon
Underneath the muérdago last night
She didn't see me creep
Down the stairs to have a peep
She thought that I was tucked up
In my bedroom, fast asleep

Then I saw mommy tickle Super Ramon
Underneath his spandex suit so green and tight
Oh, what a laugh it would have been
If daddy had only seen
Mommy kissing Super Ramon last night

He saw mommy kissing, kissin' kissin' Super Ramon
>I did, I really did see mommy kissing Super Ramon
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>>140345 (OP)
>Super Ramon slowly becoming the new Billy Herrington
<While shitskins at SodoAmerican are worshiping Ramon Valdez who's the typical freeloading mexcrement who refuses to pay the rent and being a submissive dipshit for a cheap laugh

The rest look like the typical hipster fuckboys who are incompetent doing simple tasks.


Your ocs?

Imageboards died when gachi era ended.


Yeap, now this is what I call /art/


It's my vote without any doubt.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.158524[Watch Thread][Reply]

Why do normalfags act like rape and racism are the biggest taboos? To the point that they skirt around even saying rape or any racial slur, especially nigger. Even corporations basically censor out the words completely which essentially makes it seem more taboo even though it isn't, it's shit that always existed in the world amd continues to do so yet people act like they are worst crimes. Meanwhile physical violence, murder always gets a free pass and is easier to talk about even though it is a more heinous crime, yet normalfags don't act like it because of how normalized it is in the world, hearing about it all the time in the news and trivialized in entertainment.

I understand if it is all due to social engineering. From kids in school they drill in the fact that racism = bad, womens rights = good and murder is normal, to the point that these ideas are ingrained in the general populace even as adults.

Honestly it is just annoying to see people skirt around words amd giving it childish names like grape, SA whatever.
3 posts omitted. Click to expand.


Look at most rapists today and they are far from being strong men.
Most are fat or skinny weirdos who wouldn't get anywhere without gang rape or sleeping pills.


Coon is Trans500ing again


You can't get sex even in a closed room with a woman, buddy. Stop clinging to high school.


>rape is a tactic used by weak men to get sex
Tell that to Genghis Khan's army, or any other army that raped and pillaged throughout history for that matter.



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 No.156952[Watch Thread][Reply]

There aren't any national chains that are truly great, but Marco's is the best. It's slightly above average in every area.
>Pizza Hut
They still make the best stuffed crust pizzas around. Everything else tastes a bit like styrofoam.
The best of the frozen pizzas, but still only frozen pizza.
>Red Baron
Good sauce, everything else is average.
Used to be very good, but now I can only find their gluten free pizzas, which are terrible.
>Papa Johns & Domino's
No substance. It feels like you're eating pizza-flavored cotton candy. The flavor is pretty good, though.
>Little Caesars
Only thing it has going for it is that you can get a lot of it for relatively little money, sort of like Hershey's chocolate. It's not terrible, but there's no reason to get it if you can afford one of the others.
>Tony's & Chuck E. Cheese
Haven't had either of these since I was a kid and I remember thinking they were substandard.
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Italians invented the pizza, Americans perfected it.


Perfection depends on the use, i do agree american pizza is perfect for mutts and sweet tooths


The Italian-American diaspora from NY/NJ is where the best pizza really comes from. I am fortunate to live in a part of Florida where many of them have settled and opened pizzerias.


>NY pizza is good
>American pizza is good


I can get DiGiorno pizzas for around five bucks so that has replaced my late night fast food runs where I can't seem to get a combination of food under $8 that will leave me satisfied.

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 No.157842[Watch Thread][Reply]

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I am Italian.


You are not Italian, I am Italian, you are some brown manlet pretending to be a medbvll like I am, but guess what, you never will be.


It's ma'am.




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 No.146825[Watch Thread][Reply]

>8chan even long after 2014 STILL had a billion more users than the entire webring combined.
nothing really puts it into perspective of how "over" it is than this.
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The lolis represent the 8chan pedo community.


>t.CP poster


This was an oldschool webm making fun of/informing anons about just how bad it was to have these fucking losers on your site. They contribute nothing but put a target on the sites back and will also be the said individuals who will try to pull the plug if threatened.

They are openly hostile towards everyone and only wish to simply spread the virus that is their fucked up fetish.


I would own essayfag by forcing him to watch me take a coon dick from behind while I rim Mark's fat jewish hole.


Words won't jump out and strangle your sorry ass, you thin skinned manchild.

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 No.146917[Watch Thread][Reply]

BREAKING: 8chan.moe will be shut down on July 7, 2024, at 12 p.m. C.S.T.

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Hahaha more seethe from our retarded gaycel!



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 No.158518[Watch Thread][Reply]


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Neni & BekSten ft. Baza & Edita - Ulicna Prica (prod. Flame)


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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 No.155856[Watch Thread][Reply]

This thread was previously an attempted shill thread but I've kept it up due to responses.

Discuss the fate of alternative Imageboards and solutions to keeping communities afloat as well as creating them in the first place.
37 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Is Nuzach desperate enough to use a guy he hates to try and get people to stop posting another guy he hates?


I'll take that as a yes.


Yes, and when nobody buys it he has to showcase his own porn addiction by posting interracial cuck shit everywhere. The depth of his hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is staggering.


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>i always assume he is trolling, unless you keep >biting the bait

Bite my sausage also, my dear orb




 No.157384[Watch Thread][Reply]

I fucking hate Niggers.
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small tittied SLUT


Who is she?
I bet she has a big ass though.





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