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File (hide): 1738229916656.png (206.79 KB, 388x447, 388:447, 1510338542815.png) ImgOps iqdb


 No.158997[Watch Thread][Reply]

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I don't care about any retarded boogeymen. I'm just here to have fun.

2D > 3D


You're doing a fantastic job, Essaychad. Much better than Mark ever could. Your site is much more enjoyable


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Hahahahahhaha, pure gaycel chimp out.




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Yakuza and Ramonbros forever.

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 No.149730[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Not necessarily. Birthrates are dropping all over.
Dedicated pockets of white resistance could be enough to repopulate and reconquer white lands in the future. Especially considering that whites would have a leg up on most of their competition in terms of traits like drive and intelligence.


Africa was sparsely populated before the White man brought civilization and medicine to it. They have been given an unlimited EBT card by the West, and so their population has ballooned. If we stopped supporting them, if the UN stopped babysitting them, and European navies sunk the boats, their population would be culled by natural selection back to pre-16th century levels.


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Yep, another easy win to the /cow/boys and Ramonchads.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.144790[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Who is stalking Bam
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Worthy of an archive




the ghostler

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.155002[Watch Thread][Reply]>>157877

>huhhh… just checking out that new Super Ramon kino
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Who? Talk about his lore


Some attention whore who came up with a new safe sterile meme for all numales to share and edit, in which his ego got inflated and decided to hook up his social media up his ass 24/7, until he got caught not only with an alt porn account but also stalking trannies. He was so terminal online that his parents kicked him out of their house and he had to sell his twitter account in which he quickly changed his mind but the deal was already done.


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>>155002 (OP)
>You better start raping those tranny pedophiles, Ramon
<Before I make a move


Linkara would be the kind of faggot who would complain about Ramon Kino in public but love it in private.


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Don't mind if I do!


 No.158939[Watch Thread][Reply]

Zombie Pastimes
Watching films released more than a decade ago
Watching anything with ads
Listening to dadrock
Playing pre-Gen8 vidya, if it's pre-Gen6 you are a turbo-zombie
Eating processed foods
Reading classic literature
Reading paper books or magazines

If you do any of these things, you are zombie-tier.

Can /dunk/ think of any others to add to the list?
6 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click to expand.


I personally think it's an overrated concept. There are some good media but zombies by themselves are not interesting.


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Neophilic normalfags feel threatened by it for some reason.
I like the concept, but there really isn't that much zombie media that I think is all that good. A lot of it comes down to good atmosphere and involving human drama. I think the zombie designs themselves usually look like crap, but then again Night of the Living Dead was pretty bland in that respect and is probably my favorite zombie movie. I don't really see a point in anyone making zombie movies anymore when they'll almost invariably just end up making a soulless retread of something that's been done better before. And that's saying something despite how few classics there really were in the genre's heyday. Take a look at this list and consider how many of them are even worth watching for non-diehards:

At least proper old-school, low-budget schlock was endearing even when it was crap. The way they shot on film and without modern color grading bullshit was a lot easier on the eyes. The harsh, clinical look that modern movies tend to have just doesn't feel as primal and unnerving as something that looks like an old backcountry snuff film in comparison. The soundtracks back then often had real character too, even when they were just stock music recordings.

I have to say that I'm glad the "zombie apocalypse ecksdee" trend from a while back died out years ago. It always just reminded me of this video. There were also the normgroids who would jump on the trend who didn't seem to have any real interest in horror beyond whatever slop was put right in front of them.


>watching movies from the time before they became slop is le BAD!!
>playing games from the time before they became slop is le BAD!!


Who are you quoting?


myself, i'm a butthurt latinx sperg

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

 No.155192[Watch Thread][Reply]

>weakest Ramon enjoyer
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Who is the red haired girl?


new kino


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Based Yakuza, the weakest Ramonbro

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 No.108481[Watch Thread][Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nagatoro Chapter 109 is out. What did you guys think of it?
To be honest, even though this guy's a beta male, I can't help but envy him. He's got the high school life I wish I had.
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Negros and spics can't accept that it's only a tan.




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Based bump


the clitty

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.153449[Watch Thread][Reply]

Notice how Emoji is losing is mind in the same time.
Sophia burn just did the most disgusting porn scene ever made ( puke, spit from her nose, piss, man toes in her nose )
Anna claire cloud is in her humiliation ritual arc ( only anal scenes, extreme gang bang ).
Manuel ferrara got heart attack from his vax and lost all his weight.
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Fuck ramon !


Hey guys its me the quecboi who love big latina tranny cock. Im gay!



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 No.156686[Watch Thread][Reply]

He is reporting and trying to take down all mirrors. Zoomer broken dick loser lol.

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Emoji is trying to slide this thread



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Op is a faggot.


Since some threads are being lazily bumped, I will believe you.

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 No.147410[Watch Thread][Reply]

The whole sektur is packed with literal subhumans. Surfer, you are a subhuman retard, absolutely an incel virgin.
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It worked well for Europeans before they started thinking they were too civilized to have children.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
It's funny that OP is a queer just like Surfer and his buddies. They're on Discord almost every week watching some porn and masturbating together while pretending to have the moral high ground.



I must say I'm disappointed with Robi.


Shaggy said that Surfer is trooning out.

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