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Shit is so bad nowadays that people are nostalgic for the 70s.
So why not the 00s?

What do you miss the most about this mediocre decade you were growing up in?
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During the 2000s I could buy three Kinder Eggs for a few cents and return home with my chrome bmx and play MtG with the other kids on the street outside my house without worrying that a drag queen or nigger would show up to ruin things.


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It's weird that MMOs basically peaked in popularity the 2000s and is basically a dead genre now despite improved internet speeds. The social aspect was neat, people used to use it to hangout online but now they do so on other games but it isn't quite thr same.


people became disillusioned with them I think
the promise of MMOs was never really fulfilled


I remember doing an Easter egg hunt with other kids in my local community and none of that shit existed.


What are you referring to?
Nowadays these games are played only as a cope mechanism between failed normalfags and autistics. Taken a look at the new game from the creator of RuneScape, there is no interaction or fun, just repetition and a false sense of accomplishment.

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Are there any other sleazebag black male celebrities who are using the leverage they have with their zogbucks to burden the planet with more niglets and mutts, just knocking up as many women as possible out of wedlock to make more souljahs?
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Matt Walsh is a retard, but that's dumb.


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He is also a giant zogbot, if you dislike all cuckime you have to be a giant faggot.


>if you dislike all cuckime you have to be a giant faggot.
No, but to call it satanic you have to be.


That's not a good yardstick to measure things by. A lot of millennial and even Gen X weebs are leftoids, same with the gaming fandom. They aren't the more recent tranny or homosexual invaders; these people are actual oldfags, they simply never sperged out that much before 2008 because the online culture back then was very different. John Romero is a well-known example, there were always tons of faggy guys like him but they never really dominated their communities until the Obama era as more and more normalfags flooded online hangouts.


You have a point there, but in my experience, the average weeb isn't significantly interested in politics, they're mostly just dedicated to their fandoms. You might get the impression they're all leftoids, because a lot of leftoids have latched on to weeb culture and use anime avatars. That said, there has been an increasing trend of politics being shoehorned into every conversation since around the turn of the millennium, beginning with the Bush Jr. vs. Gore election, escalating with Barack Obama, and reaching its crescendo since 2016.

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It's dead Jim


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a normal day in real life


How hard is it to just make one thread to post in rather than post five new threads?


not the same anon fucking retard


/tv/ is dead I leave

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no hung Black Stvds
do. better. sweetie.


Fake nuzach, I'm the real one, I don't use gay terms like sweetie and stvds, lol stupid virgin faggot, show the true respect for beautiful big coon dicks!


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He is selfish and useless in every way. Emoji is much better.


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Bumping it to make our local shitskin incel seethe.


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You lost


Racists can't be Christians.


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BWC wins and will always win.


I get rejected by women even in my own dreams

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cutest fictional yid


2D women are trash.


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ehh I don't have a need for 3DPD, please elaborate why 2D women are trash though.


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King of who? What's his title again?



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Post some hecking wholesome things


I love eating alligators, I eat about five of their eggs a day.


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Do they taste like chicken eggs?

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Gayhole bros…
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are you the tranny who sucked off mark's small jew dick?


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mark being based as usual


mark tuah


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Invest in cryptowahoo

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Yakuza stop drinking
Stop smoking
Stop jerking off to girls twice as young as you

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What is it with you fags and your love of spicspeak?


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Spanish is on the rise, culturally, linguistically, globally, french is dying, spanish is about to be the number 2 language of earth, less we forget.


That's a nice Faye poster.


Yakuza was kicked from 109 imageboards



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I fucking hate Niggers.
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Nigger Sons.


VISIT kanyewestballs.blogspot.com


cringe emojitroon


Archive it, lazy bumb.

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