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It always was here anon.


Big Whit Cock revolution


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Absolutely! If the cock ain't white, get it out of my sight.


Will loves BWC in his wife.


yakuza was born for bwc


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How do you do fellow hwite folks?


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I miss good shows
I miss actual animation, fuck, shit man, entertainment used to be so good.


I smelled chlorine the moment I saw OP's pic.


I wanted to do an EVERYBODY WANTS BWC edit, but my skills aren't up to the task.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
This is the new Alt-Right dog whistle. WB now stands for "WHITE BOYS!"

Some hook nosed kike from the NYT will write an op-ed about this soon. The holocaust is coming.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Mt Dew = Kill a jew


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Try again. Fucked it up.

Mt Dew = Kill a jew


Mountain Dew!


Imagine the entire Wu-Tang Clan sipping ice cold Mt Dews. Imagine all the people, drinking Mt Dew. You can say, I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. Someday you can join us, and the world can live as one. Where we holocaust the jews together this time and fix 90% of the world's problems


It really is unfortunate that my generation didn't skull these fucking marks when we had the chance. Sorry kids; this is normal now.


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Nah, it means "Warn a Brother."


God I fucking hate wiggers


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>Shitskins are still praising (((Warner)))
Perpetually buck broken.


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You have no idea how thirsty I am to demonstrate how based and Christian I am. Give me a Jewish or black foot or dick and you'll see, woketard, you'll see my epic oral skills.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
How dare you appropriate punk culture like that!


Exept Punk was originally made by English Neo-Natzees, lol.




You don't get it, rich redditors who barely can name five punk bands are the lords who decide who is punk or not.


They were more like a bunch of trolls than serious ideologues.


This guy knows. Not only was it started by British skins but there's a certain Boyd Rice interview clearly showing that early punk was full of NS symbology.
It's not supposed to be ideological, it's a cultural phenomenon. I hate when people say a certain ideology is "stealing a subculture / genre", because it didn't belong to you to begin with!


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>Not only was it started by British skins
In what sense? There were earlier bands like the Ramones and The Saints outside of the UK, and the term "punk" applied to rock predates those bands. It was used to describe the music of the Stooges as well as '60s garage rock.

Were there a lot of skinheads in the Sex Pistols' fanbase early on? I genuinely don't know.
>It's not supposed to be ideological, it's a cultural phenomenon
Yeah, but it doesn't make sense to paint the early punks as subscribing to x ideology when they were all about winding people up. There certainly was more right-wing sentiment than the faggots who took over the punk scene would care to admit though. It's just hard to tell was how much exactly was sincere and how much was just for show.
>I hate when people say a certain ideology is "stealing a subculture / genre", because it didn't belong to you to begin with!
Left-wing fags did co-opt it pretty early on though. I always blamed the Clash and Crass, but I remember getting into a discussion with a guy on /cow/ years ago (who I suspect might be a certain Foxdick Farms poster now) who knew a lot about punk who said it was Conflict who deserve a lot of the blame. I still blame those early bands for getting the ball rolling, even if later ones like Conflict did kick the faggotry up a notch.


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Is Johnny Rebel considered punk because he will never have an offical "EVO" channel on Youtube?


>Dead Kennedys
oof, outdated. Get with the times "punks". Nothing "fights the man" like songs about the man from 50 years ago who are also all dead now. Dead like punk


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Found the interview I was talking about. I know for certain Boyd himself was genuine NS even though he's also a bit of a troll about it. As for the other names mentioned in the video who knows. But it's clear early punk took significant inspiration from NS symbolism.
(sorry for the terrible quality I had to compress the video to fit file size restrictions)


All the subhumans jews and latinx who hate Mormon Shaggy are jealous and afraid of his BWC


Punks will always be Aryan.


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Bryan Dunn, Yiros and Grossly Offensive hecking love ugly agp "punk" troons.


Everything I've ever seen from the "punk" scene that seems pretty accurate, they were always a bunch of system shills, that's why they were promoted


Most of modern urban cultures got ruined by marxists.


hey guys its yakuzapedo here, i want a young twink to destroy my old muslim ass with his BWC


There's really not much in the way of punk there, but it does show how much of an impact fascist imagery did have on rock.

I definitely like the idea of modeling concerts after fascist rallies. People underrate the importance visual aesthetics can have when combined with music. For example, cool record artwork adds something to an album that a slapping a lame photo of posing band members just isn't going to have. You could moan about the supposed superficiality of it all you want, but putting care into choosing visual aspects that mesh well with the music in invoking a desired effect makes for much better art than neglecting them. Who wouldn't rather watch a live Gesamtkunstwerk of popular music than a bunch of schlubby fat guys in shorts who look like they just came in off the streets? People are going to be more inspired by a show that goes beyond the mundane experiences of ordinary life than they would by an amateurish one that looks like your former high school classmates putting on a show at the local Eagles lodge. Rock stars appealed to people because they were larger-than-life or otherworldly characters. Even the old-school black metal guys, who weren't necessarily into playing frequent live shows and were far from household names, tended to be pretty adept at shrouding themselves in an aura of romance and mystery in a way that paired well with the music they were creating. In reality, it seems like they were basically just a bunch of teenage tryhards who happened to be really talented at what they did.

You could also tie the Nuremberg Rally concept into the greater magic rituals of LaVeyan Satanism. Considering Boyd Rice's connection to Anton LaVey, I don't think the idea of using a concert as a psychodramatic ceremony would be lost on him.


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NuZach can't stand their music.


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I don't listen to nigger music or trannies. I listen to classical music i.e. actual white music.
You should try it some time, assuming you are white, or you can continue "ironically" posting about your tranny love.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I imagine I've heard more of it than you, JewZach. What is it with you alternating between pretending to appreciate white civilization and attacking it, anyway?


I can assure you that you haven't.
and like I've said a billion times now, there is no one Nuzach. I'm really sick and tired of this beyond lame and tedious game. The ball is in your court.


I swear I made a bet with myself that he would say he liked Chopin or Wagner in a pathetic attempt to seem like the based anon in the discussion.

was obvious that he was going to refer to trannies and niggers in some way in the post, because he is obsessed with gay sex and black cocks


How do you do fellow anons? Its about ethics in posting nigger dicks.


Isn't he justifying the fact that he posted interracial cp in another thread that the real problem is white women, not the kikes?


Its all white peoples fault, dios mio!


i saw the post and that wasn't cp , it was up for weeks on 4chan, why you gotta lie like that?


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It was CP, the girl was obviously like 13 or 14. At any rate, interracial porn is not wanted here. Fuck off back to cuckchan or discord with the other porn freaks.


Nigger, the girl had fully formed tits already, it wasn't a child.


You are baiting. I refuse to believe anyone could be that stupid.


i'm not


So you are a pedo, we get it.


nigger, if you dont like interracial porn thats good, but it wasn't child porn, plain and simple


Nobody actually believes this about you, just so you know


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Bumping it to make our local shitskin incel seethe.

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