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Welcome to the /truth/ - the scariest board on tvch. Here we will discuss the paranormal, the occult, and other conspiracies (Read:facts.)

Things to keep in mind:
1. Keep it on topic
2. Everything posted on this board is a proven, verified fact
3. Do not enter if you have an IQ below the Mendoza Line


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Everything you need to know is contained in this link:

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why does god create a world of/with death if god like life to exist. why does god allows trials and tribulations with evil if god really wants everyone or care.
if god is all infinite then why is it corruptible with finiteness or if it is finite why does it will itself with infiniteness that is evil

among these sometimes i heard songs like "god can get bored too" and these usually lets me down /my argument off

but after awhile or as it always sat, it becomes a question of is the concept of god itself capable to nullfying the world itself, because other than the idea of good and justness, it is in itself, as the song says : nothing but bored, like human itself

so easily ask again, why does god, goddess, deity, being pro life, eternity-willed, and all desiring lets a life of death or trials and tribulations, to hurt its "everyone it wants" so it can worry which one to pick, and then, deny and kill the rest? in fashionly close to two facedness and cruelty, if not evil itself.

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Why do the Freemasons hate and openly mock Native Americans?
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He's got Stockholm Syndrome.


Based Irishman


Your gods are marvel characters lol!


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It's kind of funny when Christfags say this to make pagans or pagan-adjacent people they hate out to be manchildren. At this point Yeshua is basically a children's mascot character and emotional support blanket for spiritually stunted adults. Even as a kid who believed in Christianity I thought it was embarrassing the way Jesus was being portrayed.

I get that people embrace the Jesus character as a coping method, but it's a serious problem when those people's beliefs begin to have real-world consequences.


>but t-than I found christ
They always have to give out their successes or comebacks to Rabbi Yeshua, and the thing is annoying because it stamps on human accomplishment and dignity. You see this in all abrahamic religions, yids only reason for existence is because they are the chosenites, Mudslimes take it a step further, being even more honest slaves to YAWEH.

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 No.2892[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

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Anyone know what this is?


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French catacombs. lots of fun stuff in there


They are not real.


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Niggers can cope about this but it's obvious that Native Americans are the aliens' chosen people.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I've heard someone list the 5 elements as
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Elemental shit is the dumbest kind of esoretism I've ever seen, even worse than astrology.


Astrology might have something to it.


What do you know about colors and magic, OP?


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Reminds me of the fat dyke with her highschool quote:
>Solid matter
>Liquid matter
>Gas matter
<And black lives matter
Like niggers are made out of different particles that don't get along with liquids.


Jesus christ that is sad.

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Is it true that Matt Groening worked for the CIA, or is it just a rumor?
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That's one foot massage I wouldn't mind getting.


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The glowies provided him with funny guys at Harvard, have you bothered to read his retarded bunnies comic? They fucking suck, leftypol before even imageboards existed.


>Lynda Barry
She was the inspiration for Daria on Beavis and Butt-head, if I remember right. Mike Judge said that he was told he needed a female character on the show, so he remembered her appearance on David Letterman and decided to base a character on the idea of what he thought Lynda Barry would be like as a teenager. She's also a quarter Flip.

Judging from that video, Life in Hell doesn't seem very funny. It comes across as something that coasted by on its perceived edginess but just would be perceived as tame today. I do like his art style, but Matt Groening is lucky The Simpsons attracted such talented people.


I want to put my tongue in that hole


Instead of a punchline, the comics just pushed his retarded progressive ideologies, it really shows how different the Simpsons have gotten when they brought the funny jews while Matt Groening was just standing there during the golden era.

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Ghosts are now canonically real for our reality.
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why are they finding ghosts in their particle reactor after performing a satanic ritual on the facility grounds


Those aren't ghosts, they're demons.

It's beginning to look like the plot of Quake unfolding.


More like SMT


I'm schizo or what? I swear I saw this webm being posted a few days ago on the site in another thread.
Aren't these supposed to be pajeets and cucknadians worshipping some pajeet god in Toronto?


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 No.2840[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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kek, gahoole should stop using diskike, this is hilarious however.


It's pretty obvious that that person on Discord is a winner while you are a loser.


t. discord tranny
Christcucks will always be cucks.


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>doesn't even mention the epic election season content on >>>/dup/
<complains about transphobia
why do they/them do this


>Narcissistic e-christian who only complains and never adds anything to the site
>Also a shitty shitposter and animalfag
This is peak reddit.

[Last 50 Posts]
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I don't agree with Robert Sepehr in everything, but I enjoyed some of his books and videos, but in recent times I am noticing that both Christian larpers, Pagan larpers, spics and niggers (at least some sects from both)really hate everything he says and writes, but are unable to prove or argue against him, only using ad hominem.
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Are you baiting?


No, I've only recently watched a few of his videos and read that he doesn't actually have an anthropology degree. I know that the thing about being descended from an SS officer doesn't seem all that believable to me.


P Hall and Robert Sepehr, both making jewish, communists and christians seethe.


Is the Christian faggots who infested cuckchan who hate him and even Evola



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Niggers and kikes can't handle the true.

There is also this link with folkstories about white giants with red hair which supposedly has been covered up. Possibly a older civilization of white, red-haired (Tuatha Dé Danann? What we would call elves now?) which dominated the world before a catastrophic event or darker-skinned races contaminated them.

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Well, good for them. Had it not been for the white man fucking your shit up, you'd have been flying around in starships and seeding planets. "We wuz terraforming and shit."


They are taking down the truth!!!


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we will prevail


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Some of you aren't paying attention!


We will fight and will prevail, Tvch!


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pleiadien symbol activation

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