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Welcome to the /truth/ - the scariest board on tvch. Here we will discuss the paranormal, the occult, and other conspiracies (Read:facts.)

Things to keep in mind:
1. Keep it on topic
2. Everything posted on this board is a proven, verified fact
3. Do not enter if you have an IQ below the Mendoza Line


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Everything you need to know is contained in this link:

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I've heard someone list the 5 elements as
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Is it demon in the abrahamic sense or non-abrahamic?


Seems like wicca bullshit.


Actually its oldschool magic.


Elemental shit is the dumbest kind of esoretism I've ever seen, even worse than astrology.


Astrology might have something to it.

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I don't agree with Robert Sepehr in everything, but I enjoyed some of his books and videos, but in recent times I am noticing that both Christian larpers, Pagan larpers, spics and niggers (at least some sects from both)really hate everything he says and writes, but are unable to prove or argue against him, only using ad hominem.
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Are you baiting?


No, I've only recently watched a few of his videos and read that he doesn't actually have an anthropology degree. I know that the thing about being descended from an SS officer doesn't seem all that believable to me.


P Hall and Robert Sepehr, both making jewish, communists and christians seethe.


Is the Christian faggots who infested cuckchan who hate him and even Evola



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Niggers and kikes can't handle the true.

There is also this link with folkstories about white giants with red hair which supposedly has been covered up. Possibly a older civilization of white, red-haired (Tuatha Dé Danann? What we would call elves now?) which dominated the world before a catastrophic event or darker-skinned races contaminated them.

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 No.2892[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

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Jesus isn't a jew, he's a pedophile junkie.


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They're not mutually exclusive. I disagree with taking the Bible at face value though. Once you get rid of all the obvious legends and literary touches, what's left of the Jesus character? I don't think we can take the existence of a historical Jesus for granted in the first place, and even then there are other ideas of who he might have been that are worth considering.


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contact alien ambassadors of light


No such thing as space or aliens, there are no other planets, only the great wall of ice and the infinite depths of the earth.


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Uncovering the truth about our past requires us to question everything we thought we knew. One theory suggests that our civilization was once part of a vast network of advanced societies, which were intentionally destroyed by outside forces to control the course of human history. This notion, known as 'Tartaria,' raises more questions than answers. Was our ancestors' knowledge suppressed, or was their culture eradicated?
Giant robot spiders destroying cities WERE REAL Maybe they were may have been a product of scientific experimentation and/or they were designed to kill all living things and let loode on unsuspecting cities.

This man was your emperor. The God-Emperor of Mankind, a great ruler over all Holy Terra, who ruled the civilization known as Tartaria. Actually it wasn't called that it's just a name that modern historicans and conspiracy theorists use.

Most likely we will never know his real name or his life story. But there were way too many depictions of the emperor to be destroyed and so to cover up his life story why he was so important to our ancient ancestors, the usurpers wrote the Bible to create a fake story around him and explain. All Abrahamic religions are fake, the Bible is a rewritten book, partially based on the character, philosophy, teachings, and magical powers of the emperor, but distorted and transformed into a monk in ancient Palestine.

I'm moving my family back to Tartaria, and then my work can really begin. I know, Phoenix is such a mess, the whole west coast. I grew up in the west, it used to be so happy and beautiful.

I do think that suffering and challenges is what woke me up. It has been rough around here.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Ghosts are now canonically real for our reality.
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>Also brown eyes are common among Germans so you are just retarded.
For some reason retards think that Germans all look like stereotypical Nords.


Germans that do do.


I almost got scared by a reflection I saw in my microwave. It was just the popcorn bag.


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>pure projection
True brainlet moment calling someone a "NPC" when your projecting your ignorance and stupidity as facts and making up fake backstories to make youself feel better because your brown is also what a redditor would do. You don't even know what a NPC is because your too much of a idiot to realize you are below a NPC you are just a we wuzzing nigger, pathetic. Kill yourself do us all a favor.


Do you have any idea about the symbolism of balloons in the ancient empire of Tartaria?

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Well, good for them. Had it not been for the white man fucking your shit up, you'd have been flying around in starships and seeding planets. "We wuz terraforming and shit."


They are taking down the truth!!!


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we will prevail


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Some of you aren't paying attention!


We will fight and will prevail, Tvch!


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pleiadien symbol activation

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Post some right-wing KANG theory
I know it's all a meme but it's more believable than niggers being Egyptians
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Forever btfo


Of course kikes hate Evola, Christcucks as well because he always points out how retarded there religions are. Evola praised the European aspect of Catholicism and how it was misused but still decent energy and it angered christcucks even more because it points out just how pagan in action many Europeans still were before the end of WWII, and this dents their narrative that Europeans were historically the biggest cucks around.

TL;DR, Evola points out hoe Europe was successful in spite of christianity, not because of it.


Late but thanks.



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Is it true that Matt Groening worked for the CIA, or is it just a rumor?
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>she was forced to give him a foot massage
Even though I'm not a footfag, I hope "foot massage" means what I think it does.


That's one foot massage I wouldn't mind getting.


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The glowies provided him with funny guys at Harvard, have you bothered to read his retarded bunnies comic? They fucking suck, leftypol before even imageboards existed.


>Lynda Barry
She was the inspiration for Daria on Beavis and Butt-head, if I remember right. Mike Judge said that he was told he needed a female character on the show, so he remembered her appearance on David Letterman and decided to base a character on the idea of what he thought Lynda Barry would be like as a teenager. She's also a quarter Flip.

Judging from that video, Life in Hell doesn't seem very funny. It comes across as something that coasted by on its perceived edginess but just would be perceived as tame today. I do like his art style, but Matt Groening is lucky The Simpsons attracted such talented people.


I want to put my tongue in that hole

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DEWs struck Hawaii.
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I never see this brought up, but does anyone who was on 4chan /pol/ in 2016 remember the right wing safety squads threads?
For those that missed it, it was this operation that lasted a couple weeks following the Oakland Ghost Ship warehouse fire that killed some partying hipsters.
Well /pol/ took it upon itself to find these places where artsy types would gather, take note of the violated fire codes in these decrepit locations, and submit anonymous reports to local fire marshals who would then get the place shut down, causing nuclear levels of seethe.

Well - Moana was just being shown in theaters and some anons starting circulating memes of Maui, since he sings the "you're welcome" song, which is about why you should be grateful for help you didn't ask for. It was the perfect troll tactic for the occasion, and several edits were made, like editing Maui to look like a firefighter.

I can't help but think the fact the fires occurred in Maui might have been due to some chaos magic gone awry.


I do remember those. Good times.


Don't scroll past this thread please! This is urgent!

Anon#6525 must be permabanned from /ch3/ for trolling, calling me names, and believing LAIR 4 IS INVINCIBLE AND CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED when IT WILL be the opposite!

THEIR ACCOMPLICE AT tvch.moe/ch3/res/5815.html#q7403 should be permabanned too!



Did those threads spill over to 8chan too? I remember them but wasn't browsing 4chan /pol/ anymore by that point.

I guess it's possible I saw someone linking to the 4chan threads on another site.


I do remember those times.

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Adam Green just got interviewed on Counter-Currents.


based pierce.
Adam Green is autistic, I don't trust gay johnson but he seems to have some okay enough takes.


>Adam Green is autistic
He's apparently a pretty big prick, but I think his overall religious takes are closer to the truth than the e-Christians who get so butthurt over him.
>I don't trust gay johnson but he seems to have some okay enough takes.
I generally agree with his opinions but don't trust him either. He seems underhanded, and there are accusations that he's a fed that I think might be right. If it's true it's highly unfortunate, because Counter-Currents is probably the best site of its kind. But in light of the rumors, I wouldn't donate any money to them even if I were rich.


Never trust any celeb, even if they are saying what you want to hear.


I don't but if they actually push a message I agree with I will enjoy their content and praise them for doing something based.

I think Varg is the one e-celeb I have always had a hard time not liking as much as I do because him and his autistic wife come across as very real human beans, and unlike many they truly believe in what they preach. I don't agree with alk of it but its much better than any form of christcuckery

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