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Welcome to the /truth/ - the scariest board on tvch. Here we will discuss the paranormal, the occult, and other conspiracies (Read:facts.)

Things to keep in mind:
1. Keep it on topic
2. Everything posted on this board is a proven, verified fact
3. Do not enter if you have an IQ below the Mendoza Line


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Everything you need to know is contained in this link:

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why do you people keep going after Shaggy when there's lots of other dudes way more fuck up and deserving being bullied more than him?


why is a tranny attacking mormon shagy


Shaggy is hated by all forms of degenerates.

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 No.743[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Hey George now I've said it before 'n' I'll say it again, you all know I'm a God, Guns and Gold man, a Bible, Bullets and Beans man.
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Am I the only one who thinks the show has had a major decline in quality over the years? Whenever I try to listen to the new shows I can't help but feel like all the soul has been lost.


I'm not much of a listener, but I always thought that was the consensus.


Thirty years ago I was unable to sleep one night. I turned on the radio and Art Bell was on. He was talking to a guy who claimed to be a time-traveling CIA agent on a mission to save the world. He sounded exactly like Ray Goulding, of the Bob & Ray comedy act. If he hadn't been dead five years I'd have been sure it was him. The guy talked matter-of-factly, with almost no emotion or inflection, about being sent back in time and becoming a fetus to be reborn to stop terrorism. I was busting a gut laughing, and Art Bell was just saying "yeah, uh huh, yeah, and then what?" I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to die from lack of oxygen. It may be the single funniest thing I've ever heard on the radio.

Back around 2005 alt.fan.art-bell may have been the single lulziest newsgroup on all of Usenet, too, and I say that as a guy who frequented alt.fan.karl-malden.nose, alt.alien.vampires.flonk.flonk.flonk, alt.religion.kibology, and alt.alien.visitors.


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They tried to turn the show into a youtube podcast shit, is full of AI and reddit tier takes and theories nowadays.

[Last 50 Posts]

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I've heard someone list the 5 elements as
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The point of astrology was so in a populated and advanted and dramatic Rome/Greece they needed to segregate people by compatible personality type upon getting identity crisis. It's like the opposite of multi-culturalism, they killed non-believers and made sure that people did not act the same amongst themselves. If you were born Ares and acted like a sissy you'd get bullied to death, harden the fuck up or die. It worked. They lasted a long time, until (((Chrstifaggot))) sleeper agents took them down. But yeah, today we have atheist sleeper agents with nukes and they refuse to use them in our world with identity crisis that we are not proud of and in a world that tries to force everyone to act the same.


Its interesting how much smarter the peoples of thousands of years ago were than the American Architects of modern civilization, Evola was right American "civilization" is truly a sad travesty and the final evolution of every negative aspect of European Philosophical thought brought about by Christcuckery.


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Elements - allegory 5 senses.


Fifth element is electricity then sixth is likely magnetism and seventh is gravity but that's just a jesster guess not a sphinx riddle


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I can't hear you over the sound of you choking on black cum.


Nuzach seething
>b-but I love Z3RO! I love everyone! P-please love me back, guys


Help me! I'm drowning in black cum like a bukkake video of Pornomenko in Uganda! Please save me, Nuzach!


Yakuzapedo and I jack off our small brown dicks imaging us worshiping black feet, we will become Catholics just to gain this privilege.


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I don't agree with Robert Sepehr in everything, but I enjoyed some of his books and videos, but in recent times I am noticing that both Christian larpers, Pagan larpers, spics and niggers (at least some sects from both)really hate everything he says and writes, but are unable to prove or argue against him, only using ad hominem.
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Is the Christian faggots who infested cuckchan who hate him and even Evola



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Niggers and kikes can't handle the true.

There is also this link with folkstories about white giants with red hair which supposedly has been covered up. Possibly a older civilization of white, red-haired (Tuatha Dé Danann? What we would call elves now?) which dominated the world before a catastrophic event or darker-skinned races contaminated them.




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Because he shows the true.

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The truth about him needs to be exposed. All of God's warriors are being silenced about the truth.

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As I started going blind and losing my sight, I seen them more. Have any of you seen the shadow people?
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>i only seen shadow ppl in the corner of my eye when i smoke weed sometimes
I really am going blind slowly, but that's when I see it too. The only thing I can say is not to be afraid of them. Invite them. They'll help you.


yes u channeled them, you must of. or your schizo.


The closest I've ever come is lying in bed at night with my eyes closed and having a feeling of dread come over me like there was a menacing presence in the room with me. I was too scared to open my eyes and look. I think I might have had sleep paralysis too, since that happened at a time in my life when I experienced it at least once while in the same circumstances.

Do you know what's causing your blindness or if there's anything that can be done about it?
What are your experiences like working with her? Have you seen her or anything?


I kinda fear it's a bit of both. Novice magic and my family has a history of mental illness. My grandfather went crazy in his 50s, but not a bad crazy, but fun and goofy crazy like he just stopped giving a fuck. I was in a dark place during C0V1D. Full blow alcoholic, isolated, and lonely. I started delving into magic and made a plea to any spirit that would hear me to help me overcome my loneliness. Well, I'm not alone anymore. Careful what you wish for.

When I smoke weed, I hear music, new music, that my head is composing in real time. I also start hearing voices if I get too sleepy. This phenomena didn't start to occur till after I'd summoned the shadows.

>Do you know what's causing your blindness or if there's anything that can be done about it?
Retinal tears and macular degeneration.
I go to a retina specialist now and we've discussed retina surgery for the tears and once progressed enough, eye injections till the end. This explains part of my problem because you could ask, "Are you really seeing shadows and flashes of light or just imagining it?" The answer may be both. The flashes of light and shadows and floaters are all part of the symptoms.

>What are your experiences like working with her? Have you seen her or anything?

No. It seems to me that the major deities like YAHWEH, Lilith, and Hecate don't work with noobs. That's why you need Jesus, Angels, Fallen, or lesser gods to work with. My original plea was to YAHWEH and Hecate, or an SOS to whoever would hear me. That's when Hecate helped, but later referred me to working with Artemis. Major gods are jealous of each other, but lesser gods don't seem to mind. I also pray to Michael and Raphael, as well as Artemis, Hermes, and Persephone. It gives me a balance of light and dark. They play together nicely, so it seems. INB4 "You're going to hell, magician!"

This all started with Lucid DPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


I know a schizo who is having lots of experiences with them atm, if anyone want to know. For him, it's being amazing experiences, not something awful or whatever.

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 No.2892[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Human beings were created (that is, invented)
via genetic experiments that were conducted by
reptilian aliens. These reptilian aliens, also known
as the "Anunnaki" or the "Reptilians," still rule the
Earth to this day.

In fact, the Reptilians have indoctrinated you so
thoroughly that you are probably too weak-minded to
even fathom that they exist. Via religion, science, and
other forms of indoctrination (i.e., brainwashing), the
Reptilians have steered you (and the rest of humanity)
in the exact opposite direction of the truth, to the point
where the concept of an alien master/creator is
considered to be the ultimate crazy fantasy.

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The owls are not what they seem.


There are the greys pretending to be owls and there are the protective owls who are also not human or from this plane.


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I watched this documentary about him, his case always seemed very out of the ordinary to me, not in a good way, I always thought it was too bizarre. However, lately I have come to believe that whatever is having sex with humans while posing as aliens is actually doing so for reasons of the soul, not mere DNA.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Why do the Freemasons hate and openly mock Native Americans?
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Based Irishman


Your gods are marvel characters lol!


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It's kind of funny when Christfags say this to make pagans or pagan-adjacent people they hate out to be manchildren. At this point Yeshua is basically a children's mascot character and emotional support blanket for spiritually stunted adults. Even as a kid who believed in Christianity I thought it was embarrassing the way Jesus was being portrayed.

I get that people embrace the Jesus character as a coping method, but it's a serious problem when those people's beliefs begin to have real-world consequences.


>but t-than I found christ
They always have to give out their successes or comebacks to Rabbi Yeshua, and the thing is annoying because it stamps on human accomplishment and dignity. You see this in all abrahamic religions, yids only reason for existence is because they are the chosenites, Mudslimes take it a step further, being even more honest slaves to YAWEH.


Funny how they at least want to see them, the normalfags, pagan god flicks rather than watch Abrahamic ones. The hulk, Thor, Hercules, Beowolf even, but Samson tho? Lol no is gay go die with ur enemies some moar blind cuck. *holljew spits out another superman* Elon Musk is basically Iron Man and normalfags would watch him be a hero before make say a movie like left behind but this time actually have Jesus come back. Make it cowards. I'll watch it, but they won't because they know it'll be shit.

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