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>"Wigger" is a spellbinding urban drama, which chronicles the life of a young, White, male (Brandon) who totally emulates and immerses himself in African American life and culture. Brandon is an aspiring R&B singer struggling to overcome the confines of a White racist, impoverished family headed by a neo-Nazi father who is absolutely appalled by his son's total identification with Black culture. Additionally, he is oft times reminded of his position of privilege by virtue of being White in a White, racist society despite his adamant efforts to transcend "Whiteness", institutionalized racism, and find a place for himself in a world in which he rejects Whiteness but is not always fully embraced by African American culture. Ultimately, this is the story of a young White, inner-city, male caught up in an emotional, psychological, experiential, and racial "Catch 22" determined to be granted acceptance in the life and culture with which he chooses to identify.

>This acclaimed Oliver Stone drama presents the investigation into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy led by New Orleans district attorney Jim Garrison (Kevin Costner). When Garrison begins to doubt conventional thinking on the murder, he faces government resistance, and, after the killing of suspected assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (Gary Oldman), he closes the case. Later, however, Garrison reopens the investigation, finding evidence of an extensive conspiracy behind Kennedy's death.

NEXT WEEKS DOUBLE THEME: Movie from the Barack Obama Movie Studio & Film made by a student
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James and the giant peach was literally foreshadowing to dup going in the peach.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



After Tokyo revengers here the new victim.


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It was a joke in the manga.
But not in the episode 3. It's serious as fuck with weird quote " yeah the gender is fluid " and shit
Fuck women, fuck america, and fuck europe.
Alos fuck aurelie brun for the sub.

Fans need to fix the sub.
Angel cop vibe.


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>Fuck women, fuck america, and fuck europe.

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Should've called it Frank. Bro made the movie.

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She's so highfalutin now that she quit the show that put her on the map and they had to rewrite the whole script of the final season with timejump crap to replace her.


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>Falls for a clearly photoshopped fake in CY+9



Disgusting whore


Attractive maiden


Is that Dafne?

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James Gunn's Superman is so bad it's crew members working on it have to commit seppuku in the parking lot

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>What the fucks a palestinian?


Capeshit always sucked even before it was on the (((silver screen))).


The comics and cartoons used to be fun enough.


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The power of 'mon
Da power of joos
The power of flurrrryyyy
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More proof that you are a fag and a pedophile. You need to get raided by the FBI and sent to prison for possession of child pornography.


Fake Bombings, Inc. is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. Fuck them.



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>those are all photoshops
lies and slander


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shit eating GRIDS homosexual!

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Disgraced Hollywood film mogul Harvey Weinstein has been rushed to a New York City hospital to undergo treatment for a variety of ailments including coronavirus, fluid on his heart and lungs along with high blood pressure, his representatives confirmed Thursday.

The 72-year-old, who is awaiting trial in New York on rape and sexual assault charges, was moved from the city's Rikers Island jail complex to a locked ward at Bellevue Hospital late Thursday for emergency treatment.

The other conditions he was to be treated for included diabetes, spinal stenosis, and assorted pneumonia symptoms, according to a statement released by Weinstein's publicist that attributed the health information to Craig Rothfeld, Weinstein's prison consultant.

"We continue to express our gratitude to the officers, doctors and nurses" in the city's corrections and public hospital systems "who saw to it that Mr. Weinstein was immediately transferred to the Bellevue Hospital Prison Ward," said the publicist, Juda Engelmayer, according to AP.

Weinstein was convicted in New York in 2020 of the rape and sexual assault of actress Jessica Mann and of forcibly performing oral sex on a production assistant, as Breitbart News reported.

A New York appeals court overturned his conviction in April in a reversal in one of the defining cases of the #MeToo movement.

The court ruled that the trial judge had erred by allowing testimony from accusers who Weinstein was not formally charged with assaulting.

Judge Curtis Farber, at a brief hearing in a Manhattan courtroom on Friday, set a tentative start date of November 12 for Weinstein's retrial.
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I'm fat but not as fat as Harvey Weinstein, and I'm better-looking. Therefore, I am entitled to women like prime Anne Hathaway.


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I'm entitled to he because I am a fat Aryan chad with a BWC. Like Corban of course.



I guess zach also finally gets the last laugh, Humble Harv, we salute you.


Look at the expression on his face, how sternly he's telling that floozy to get lost. He's a hero to volcels everywhere.

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Watsonbros… not like this…


If only OP also didn't have long to live because he posts shitty low effort threads


zach status: mad


Oh noo not another fantasy kino death!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Poor Gemma couldn't deny not knowing about vaginal juices

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So, can anyone explain to me why in this show /pol/ is mainstream and people can talk about the jews on television without any problems???
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Aren't the normalfags crying about the show getting bad? The only person praising it is a nigger zoomer.


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Season is over
They hitted the wall.


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She looked unrecognizable this season and it didn't help they kept putting her in scenes with Valorie Curry who is hot and non-bogged


Jesus she hit the wall almost as hard as flopson.

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Share your waifus in a civil way.
Yakuza, Emojitroon, Blissfag, Ashleyfag and Ravenfag are welcome.
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Yeah being a nigger will do that to you tbh.


Shit I thought you were joking man :(


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There's only 9.5s and 10s based on acting talent and attractiveness


It was funny because I interpreted Toki as a coal burner who "talks black" like so many of them do. I don't know if that was the intent by casting Jada, but when you view it through the lens of someone who has experience being around many coal burners and wiggers, that's how it appears.


As someone whos been around wiggers, coalburners, and straight up rich niggers from africa that pretend to be hoodrat niggers from america I can attest to this truth.

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