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>On a luxurious cruise on the Nile River, a wealthy heiress, Linnet Ridgeway (Lois Chiles), is murdered. Fortunately, among the passengers are famed Belgian detective Hercule Poirot (Peter Ustinov) and his trusted companion, Colonel Race (David Niven), who immediately begin their investigation. But just as Poirot identifies a motley collection of would-be murderers, several of the suspects also meet their demise, which only deepens the mystery of the killer's identity.

>Belgian sleuth Hercule Poirot's Egyptian vacation aboard a glamorous river steamer turns into a terrifying search for a murderer when a picture-perfect couple's idyllic honeymoon is tragically cut short.

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A mystery-thriller in which a film student stumbles upon a snuff film the university library while researching her thesis. The film's title is a pun, since the film itself is a student film that served as the director's thesis.
La Isla Minima:
Another mystery-thriller, this time set in the 80s, just after the end of the Franco regime. Two detectives, one a Francoist and the other an anti-Francoist, must work together to solve the case of the disappearance of two teen girls from a rural village.

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Okay, tvch. What is his best movie? For me is The Elephant Man.

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We will be continuing the awards style of last year. The rules for voting are simple

1. You Must vote in Every Category
2. You are allowed to vote and nominate anything of your choice for each category
2a. The exception to rule 2 is the Weekly Film Club category, which you must pick from the films that were in Film Club this year (which will be below)
3. You must submit your vote as either a post in the thread, an email to [email protected] , or a comment on my youtube video
4. You may only submit ONE ballot


/tv/ awards

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I'm an incel in my mid thirties and I can't stop thinking about black dicks or even zoomer dicks. I'm not mad, you're the one who's seething.

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 No.341589[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

YouTube is the new television. Everyone watches it and it's where all of the prime kinographers upload their kino. Therefore, we should be able to talk about it on a kino board.
In semi-recent news, Chuggaconroy, the Big Harv of the LP world, is back on YouTube. Some trannies tried to bully him off the platform over some made up metoo allegations, but he told them to shove and is back making his let's plays again.
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>Sargon is just another fag gatekeeping the true.
Worst part of all of this is that Sargon is not as smart as he thinks he is


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Ireland's most base man delivers again. After being chased for stepping on a nigger's head he is now burning a witch.


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Him being such a pompous windbag makes him funny to me. The Jess Phillips incident too. He apologized over saying he wouldn't rape her.
As much of a fool as he is, I think backing away from working solo was a smart idea on his part. I like Beau Dade videos as background noise, although not just on the Lotus Eaters.


Everything gets progressively worse. The Trump years were arguably the worst and when censorship was at it's highest. Around 2012-2014 was probably the last of things being acceptable.
Why exactly is he a traitor.
Go be a newfag somewhere else IA/Internet Aristocrat was Metokur's old username


IA is a traitor because he became a sellout super-chat shuffling e-celeb who jerks off reddit, hes been doing it ever since he returned post gamergay.

He literally was responsible for the creation/indirect creation of many a pathetic e-celeb grifter like sargon, whos gradual theft of imageboard content helped pave the way for the modern gay normalnigger net we have today.

I miss the days when asking for donations in almost any form was considered e-begging faggotry.

[Last 50 Posts]

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Why do so many great movies have homosexual undertones? Is being gay kino? Or agenda by the homoglobo?
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>eventually shinji chooses asuka
no he doesn't, even in the original. He doesn't choose anyone, instead they're just the only ones that remained to be with him


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Get that garbage out of here


I'm an incel homosexual. Going fifteen years without the touch of a woman has made me obsessed with coon dicks and zoomer dicks.


asuka reforming first after shinichi was him experiencingn psychosexual resolution by leaving his mother (Rei) for a woman
the show's philosophical background is pretty much just freudianism with a thin coat of paint


You aren't a valid homosexual, even if you choke on a dick, it's still a tfw no gf cope and a form of cuttlefishing

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what are some kinos about e-girls?
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Are you thinking about his dick, Jewzach?


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Is poopzach so buttflustered he's again making mountainous amounts of spelling mistakes further supporting the assertion that he's ESL?


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That's fine and heterosexual as long as he's focusing on the foreskin.


Uncut dicks are gross. The white ones even more disgusting.


What an ugly, pathetic creature. And people who waste their time watching this kind of thing deserve to be dog food.

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Musicals are the ultimate form of art. They combine music, visual arts, and narrative fiction into a single from of pleasure for the eyes, the ears, and the mind. The musical film is what Wagner wished he could have made. If only the technology existed in his times…
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Hitler loved Snow White, which is a musical. Are you saying Hitler was a faggot?


It was a relatively good episode, buddy.


>makes up deluded stories in their head of how other people (((would/should))) react
confirmed faggot. Also the dumb bitch didn't realize that Marge never nags for designer clothes and makeup, unlike modern women. Lastly Homer doesn't have job protection because of a union, his dad made a deal with Mr. Burns so he could never be fired no matter how incompetent he is.

It's a German folktale of course he loved the Disney production. I'm sure he wouldn't have bothered to see Rent or Wicked.


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His taste was impeccable.

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Yub Nub was kino
Prove me wrong
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New Hope is great because of all the worldbuilding moments that are sorely lacking in the sequels.


Nothing you said explains why you are Aryan. In fact, everything you said proved the opposite.
Soy Wars have caused irreparable damage in at least three generations.


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Is there a place with all these saved? I only have a few.


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I got these from Encyclopedia Dramatica, did KnowYourMeme get short tempered moderators and blocked anyone dumping their OC's?

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You're telling me this woman was so heavy that the only way they could get her body out of the house was with a crane? She was able to lift herself with her legs. There's even a scene where she climbs up stairs. You're telling me a handful of able-bodied paramedics and/or cops couldn't move her by lifting with their legs? Heck, they could just use a dolly. The people who made this movie never did a day of physical labor in their life.
This wouldn't bother me if it wasn't the whole reason behind the movie's climax.
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Is Gilbert Grape certified kino?
It was always one of those movies I enjoyed watching when I was a kid. And I doubt that morbidly obese people were as rare as they were in the early 90s.


I've never seen it. Do they even say the title of movie during it's run time?


Yes, his mother appears as a spirit at the end and says "What's Eating Gilbert Grape".

It's a very emotional scene, you need to watch it.


This whole movie is just "you never go full retard".


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If you're into awkward movies that are repulsive on their own right.

Like a sequel to Mice and Men:
>Neglectful fat whore who got knocked up by a chubby chaser
<Somehow gives birth a fucktard without her massive fat crushing the fetus
<The fucktard ruins everything at the worst moment possible
>Just when a ray of hope shines down in their paths, Johnny Depp gets sued for being a wife beater
Of course they couldn't label it as "We Need Eugenics 2"

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>You will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension!
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Christcucks don't have a monopoly on the idea of demons. They just harp on about them constantly and are afraid of their own shadows.


I wish the good old days would come back where we would just draw and quarter a faggot like you.


Even with the strategically-placed hair, you can tell those are male shoulders.


You are an Indian, sir.


They're going to make a netflix true crime miniseries about your murder.

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