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>Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), a small-time boxer from working-class Philadelphia, is arbitrarily chosen to take on the reigning world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), when the undefeated fighter's scheduled opponent is injured. While training with feisty former bantamweight contender Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith), Rocky tentatively begins a relationship with Adrian (Talia Shire), the wallflower sister of his meat-packer pal Paulie (Burt Young).

NEXT WEEKS THEME: Cryptozoological
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This is love.

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Are you a Beatles person or an Elvis person /tv/?
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The Beatles only did one shitty movie while Elvis did a mountain of shitty movies.


Neither is good, but one has pretentious fans while the other just has fat fans.


>faggy.shitty soytranny


He seethed again!


>The Beatles only did one shitty movie
Which one? I thought both Help and Magical Mystery Tour were sub par, based on what little I've seen of them.

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This time it really caught my attention how much Tony watches golden age flicks. What are the best 1930's-50's gangster movies?
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I felt the same way, good show but not one of my favorites. I think it's because the show is too real and shows how dumb and unlikeable real mobsters are, it's good writing but there are basically no characters with sympathetic motivations.


Why do you need to insert or sympathize with the characters? It's not that kind of show.


because normie society has left me jaded


I save the obvious choices for last. I got halfway through Little Caeser (1931) on jewtube but it only has audio on the left speaker for some reason so I stopped it. I liked Joes Masarra having an American accent even though he's supposed to be an adult immigrant from Sicily.


Pretty much any gangster movie with James Cagney is decent at the very least. White Heat, The Roaring Twenties, and Angels with Dirty Faces are probably my favorites of those.

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What are other anons watching this spooky season? I'm trying to watch one horror/grimdark film per day. Post your queue.
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>In 2009, Legend Films co-produced a colorized 3D version of the film with PassmoreLab, a company that converts 2-D film into 3-D format.[159] The film was theatrically released on October 14, 2010.[160] According to Legend Films founder Barry Sandrew, Night of the Living Dead is the first entirely live action 2-D film to be converted to 3-D.

Why does this version not seem to exist anywhere?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The trailer is on YouTube, not 3D, but you can see the colorization. Somebody said it got a Blu-ray release, but I can't find it.


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Tonight's feature:


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tonight's feature


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Best nostalgiaween intro anons?

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post your number one
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These giga chads didn't care, why should i?


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Fun fact: all those dudes are manlets, they just appear taller standing next to loli Kirsten.


This faggot probably fucks more pussy than Nuzach and Zach.


He probably gets ravaged by ramon while seeding deep inside fertile brazil wombs

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I've recently been watching films from the 40s-80s, and I realize that women were actually naturally attractive during this era, we're left with fake bimbos masking as actresses, very rare gems in this era

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You won't do shit pussy



Explain the lore of that video.


Just another emoji masterpiece, why?


Its a meme you dip?


Idk it's from like 13 years ago lol

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Including youtube creators.
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Primal is kino you fucking philistine.


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Tartavorsky should've stuck as a designer and animation director, his writing is so subpar, the typical slav who wishes he was a westerner.
>Ongezellig never getting another entry
And the creator is going to die at any moment because of his defective genes.


>And the creator is going to die at any moment because of his defective genes
What? Sauce plz.


I watched Primal up to a certain point and lost interest. It was cool to finally see a gore and manly cartoon again, but I didn't like the core of the show being just more Reddit slop.


A lot of the magic (((Gendy)))'s cartoons K feel have some great action and style but miss the mark with anything besidds that. The clone wars mini series is a really good examlple of his style in all its glory and flaws not overstaying its welcome.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Post your favorite Simpsons jokes.
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Why do they do this


What would you do if you lived where they live?


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Who is that supposed to be?

Argies have a boner over North American's shows, in fact they're a big part of the nostagliafaggotry market.


I love this shit

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AI is the future either we like it or not.
It's time to become a cyborg so that our machine masters are lenient with us.

Post some AI kino
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Blossom has light brown eyes, Bubbles has blue or green, Buttercup looks like they're trying to be green in some frames but then they look black as coal in others possibly because of bad lightsourcing.
He gets his morality from the Talmud.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
While bitching and moaning to get an union for his freeloading kind so robots won't replace their asses. How the hell him and Kyle Carroza didn't damage their propaganda? Let alone the subtle message of committing arson in vid related.


What the fuck is this?


It's okay because the character is purportedly a schoolboy.


You are quite defensive about AI made pictures of little girls.

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You're a 5"7 spic mutt, you can't compare to me.


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You wish this was you


Is ashley in it?


He s dick is on roid.
Remember mila got aids and asshole wart



Emoji, Is it true that you sucked off a taxi driver in Toronto?

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