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You will never not be a homosexual…unless you hang yourself in your closet lol.


>sheeeit nigga ramon wuz ONE OF US dawg, knowwamisayin? ramon wuz BLACK just like geo'g waw'shinton nigga!

Get it together!


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Ramon penetrated deeply into Nuzachs soul


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>Production IG
Looks like kinome is back on the menu boys!


Animation looks gr8, but it doesn't mean the story will be. I look at every cuckflix project with extreme scrutany.




Cuckflix cuckime doesn't have a very good track record. The only one I tried was Castlevania, and I dropped it.


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Nuzach penetrated deeply into Ramon Coon's butt.


Need to include bible black in the top tier


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I just realized the creator is the same one behind Inuyasha, no wonder why it flopped, bitch refused to whore the waifubait and tried to cash in the Twilight phenomenon.

The street shitter mutilating BingWahoo cartoons for Sorosflix is literally an one hit wonder, he will never top his video of him bitching and nagging about A. Poo

Is it true that anime is better than Breaking Bad?


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Netflix became the place for failed artists that try way too hard to appeal the Tumblr audience, specially when they keep on funding their shit after flopping not letting them what failure feels like.


>Is it true that anime is better than Breaking Bad?
A lot of anime lack the anti-white under and overtones breaking bad had, quality as the show was.

You will ironically have anti-white messages unknowningly mixed into certain decent or not decent anime by Japanese authors who absorb leftism without even realizing it, a good example being Monster, and its overall anti-german, anti-traditionalist message. The main bad guy is literally a strawman by sterotypical modern leftists against Germans, but all whites having a strong leader and how attempts to do so will result in tradgedy. I don't even know if Naoki Urasawa doesn't not promote this sort of leftism to nips as well as miyazaki does but he doesn't have the same malice that a jew or white traitor who usually writes these stories does. Overall a lot of monster like breaking bad is still enjoyable even though it has anti-white and anti-traditonalist tropes and leanings. Even Akame Ga Kill of all fucking shows has an anti-right wing message and the author is a retarded twitter-leftist, that show only had Esdeath anyways. Guess Kana's girl was also okay.


>I just realized the creator is the same one behind Inuyasha, no wonder why it flopped, bitch refused to whore the waifubait and tried to cash in the Twilight phenomenon.
She's the second richest manga author on earth actually, #1 is One Piece's #3 is Conan's (formerly Toriyama)


Also all of her works are hugely successful, and yeah she doesn't whore out her waifus.


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>doesn't whore out her waifus.
Lum was the original waifu and best girl, widely popular throughout the 80s in Japan. Urusei Yatsura isn't as popular in the west so that's why you don't see weebs lusting over her.


Lum only has eyes for based Ataru anon, vut yeah she does dress like a sloot.


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Yeah. As a character, she broke a lot of ground and design wise she was meant to be dressed provocatively. But she actually looks more attractive when she dresses normally. Even Ataru fell in love with her and noticed her beauty after she settled down a bit.


Shes a lot hotter when she wears normal cloths, also love her hair in a bun.


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>when she wears normal cloths


Whoops anon, I did mean clothes.


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Any anons remember space adventure Cobra?


What the fuck is this subhuman big mouth shit?



No but this music video played on Much Music daily when i was a wee lad.



I haven't seen it, but it's on my list. It's one of the many classic anime from the great TMS, along with Lupin, Meitantei Holmes, Inspector Gadget, and later Detective Conan.
highly controversial pseudo-latin american cartoon released by yidsney, people mocked the hell out of it, which led to disney delaying the release by several months
some "people" have started saying they actually like it now that it's out, which may be some kind of stockholm syndrome


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Because apparently they fixed some totally racial sensitivity gags such as "Terremoto town", but the characters could easily fit into the Le 56% Mutt meme not sure if it's an issue because yet again they were outraged over the Spanish words thrown around and the leftie creator not being sophisticated enough. All will be forgiven as long you follow their ideals.


Cucknime is dying and this is a good thing. Men need to focus on working out, developing useful skills, and reading. Gaming, trannynime and comics ruin at least four generations of men.


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>cartoon made by americans pretending to be mexicans to pander to mexicans or something


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<VS cartoon made by real mexicans in spanish for mexican children


But I read manga and VNs all the time.


>tfw Mexicans have more Aryan Cartoons than Amerimutts
Well at least they wish they were white.


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There are a lot of white Mexicans, in fact.


>let's do the same repulsive modern cartoon character designs, but brown!


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Damn you are a shame for the white race.


Yeah they often admin the whole country, nkw kike is in control, oh and (((louie))) isn't one of them anon. His grandpa was a literal nightmare jew surgeon from austria that did super evil shit.
Some LN and VN's are nip kino.


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Try to actually read books. Perhaps your life would improve. You can enjoy some jap slop, but just don't make it your entire core and personality like all the otaku losers and failed normalfags.


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>but brown!
brown female lead has apparently been the status quo for several years, the only difference with primos is this time everybody's brown


I've actually read Crusoe, great book. I do read/listen to books but I have a terrible zoomer attention span. I agree with you that their is a lot more nippon slop than lne might think. A lot of anons complaining about western slop forget that some.of the nips best works were inspired by our own massive catalogue. Currently focusing on a lot of right-wong philopshy and /fascist/-adjacent books atm when I can beat my attention span and procrastinating retarded brain.


After reading Ulysses I have lost nearly all interest in western literature, Joyce killed it


Joyce was a jewish/irish, you shouldn't let a guy like him kill your interest for western literature.


>Ulysses is a modernist novel


Joyce only killed pretentious "literary" literature, which was worthless and bound to die anyway. There's tons of great genre fiction written after him. Genre fiction is the true successor to the great Western literary tradition that began with Homer. "Literary" literature is made by and for the mentally ill.


Joyce is pretentious, pedantic garbage. Proust is better than Joyce. Honestly most of modernism was trash. Wyndham Lewis and Pound were capable of being truly funny but ultimately they are second rate writers. Hemingway had some really good moments. He was a pretty severe "misogynist." See Hemingway's "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber." Faulkner was a literal nigger lover and traitor. Samuel Beckett's major theater is very good but ultimately it makes me want to kill myself. Frank Kafka was an interesting and introspective Jew who was capable of questioning Jewish chauvinism. See his "Jackals and Arabs." Kafka and Proust were probably the best "modernists" of the 20th century. I can't read Celine because he purposefully wrote to be as ugly and repulsive as possible. Virtually everything after the war is pure leftist vomit with literally the sole exception of Mishima. From Mishima you have to go all the way to Houellebecq to find a good writer again.
All the great Novels were written from Jean Jacque Rousseau and Goethe through Tolstoy at the very end of the 19th century. That was the age of the novel.

I find it interesting how Cormac McCarthy became a fashionable writer to like after Oprah showcased his "Road." Book. The Road is oppressively depressing. His No Country is a very good genre book. Suttree is ultimately too much like Faulkner and "Blood Meridian" is just too deliberately artsy and I think pretentious. It almost reads like shock humor. McCarthy too easily falls within Faulkner's "grim dark" aesthetic which I always found to be contrived. Those two and Flannery O'Connor come off as pure period pieces now. They represent a time when austere Catholics still existed and were vaguely distressed by the ravages of Yankee social transformation. It's interesting to look at but it might piss you off if you're from a certain section of the country. I don't want to be pissed when I am reading.


Faulkner wasnt perfect, but he had talent and had his based moments. He dabbed really hard on Hemingway.

Cormac McCarthy dabbed so stealthily on trannies in his penultimate book that it's great shitposting. And the fact that he was a gnostic (redditors hate this fact) and supported "far right" politicians while living as an ascetic makes him at least earn some respect from me, even though I didn't like all of his books, the ones I did like I really loved.


So his last book was subversive against ZOG? I will read it then. I was worried he might have gone shitlib.


>Honestly most of modernism was trash
Almost all of the novels were. I do like some of the poetry, especially Eliot and Yeats.
>All the great Novels were written from Jean Jacque Rousseau and Goethe through Tolstoy at the very end of the 19th century. That was the age of the novel.
Yeah, pretty much. There are novels I like written both before and after that period, but that was the only time when you had novels which were on the same level as the great poems and plays of old.


Personally I don't like his last two books. But since he was subversive about trannies and boomer on it and a legitimate shitposter it was funny enough. I wouldn't tell you to spend your money on them tho.


>His No Country is a very good genre book
I thought it was an incredibly pretentious genre deconstruction, and it actually made me come to dislike the Western genre overall afterwords. I despise all "genre deconstructions" as literary works now.


Read Denis Johnson.
He is underrated and actually hated by white liberals who hate America.

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