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/top/ - Board and Card games

And Dice games, and TRPGS, and anything related
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Here you can talk about board games, card games, and anything related to that.

Important info
To roll dice on the board format it like so [(dice amount)d (dice type)] for example if you posted

["1"d"20"] You will get {1d20}||[ 1d20 = 6 ] and you will get a random dice roll.

Will be posting pdfs to source books and more in this thread shortly.

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Hordes of Orcs are probably the closest fantasy equivalent to Fascists. Hyper-violent. Angry. Completely incoherent. Extolling the virtues of brute force. Given Marxist-Leninists historically saw Fascism as Capitalism in a decayed state (the Bourgeoisie essentially siccing rabid dogs on the workers to keep them in line) then it could be that the various Kings and Nobles trying to destroy the State would bribe hordes of Orcs with gold and loot and slaves if they just go out East and start to kill everything in sight.

Alternatively, remnants of the old nobles who were thrown out of the country could be rallying an army in foreign countries to crush the Revolution. Could have some not!Romanov Princeling make a deal with Demons and other monsters to restore himself to power.
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Are you implying he is or a conservative or a libertarian?


No. It isn't. You're embarrassing yourself.


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>No. It isn't. You're embarrassing yourself.


what happened with jmaa?


Are latrinos happy to finally get some representation that isn't about them being trannies?

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Others thank trannies and gen x dudes who wasted their money investing in MtG, nobody cares about Wotc anymore.

Unless a big purge happens all their IPS are dead.

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what's the funnest non-premium set to open that is cheap with no regard for "investing"
i just want to have some fun, maybe try and collect the set(?)
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Any MtG nerds know of any others like pic related? (completely empty text box)


his "territory" is the porn addiction in our resident Trans500 tranny's brain, the one who seethes about Nuzach.


is that QuarterPounder guy still around?




Can you stop derailing and seething ALL the time? We get it, you are brown, poor and gay. Okay.

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Men will look at this and say "hell yeah".
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will it or will it not, save me up to fifteen percent on my car insurance?


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What is it?
Imagine you're watching a YouTube video when you notice that people have posted nasty comments to try to start an argument - this is an example of online trolling. An online troll is a person who tries to start arguments by posting mean or controversial content online.

Why do people do it?
There has been little research to date on the causes, motivations and effects of trolling. There have been some high-profile cases of trolling targeted towards celebrities in the media but it's important to remember that it can happen to anyone. Research has found that the common motivations behind online trolling can be categorised into 'boredom, attention seeking and revenge'. (Scachaf & Noriko, 2010)

Is it illegal?
Online trolling is a type of cyberbullying behaviour; there are several different laws that make acts of trolling illegal:

The Malicious Communications Act (1988) states it is illegal to cause distress or harm to another through electronic communication.
The Prevention from Harassment Act (1997) states that it is a criminal offense to harass others online.
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spamming the threads with blogposts is harassment, abusive and confrontational.
please stop cyberbullying me.


I'm not, I want people to help counteract against trolling on /ch3/.


are the trolls in the room with us right now?

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post /top/ CLASSICS
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those were the days


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these are good


boogie got cancer bc of MtG

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Does anyone already played it? Or know where I can get a good quality image of all the cards?




Hey, look, the jew spamming the site with porn already show up to cope!



God, you are so annoying and lame.

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<What is Metazoo?
Metazoo is a SCAM that aims to recapture the magic of ride on the coattails of the Pokémon TCG's long term and recent financial successes.
<How do I play?
The vast majority of kids who bought the Pokémon TCG didn't know how to play. Metazoo recreates that making a game so obtuse and impossible to understand that only maybe 10 people maximum have ever actually played it. Take a look at the cards for yourself and see if you can understand what the heck they mean. Not only that, but many cards contain weird Meta rules that would make tournament play (which is an organic reason for price increases in cards) impossible.
<A card game that nobody plays?
That's right, this game was created specifically for investors, with shoddy imitations of the early Sugimori Pokémon designs but for public domain cryptids used as card art. The first releases of the game were sold by the box to investors via a patreon pyramid scheme.
The entire game is really just investors scamming each other by charging increasing high prices for a product no one but them is particularly interested in. One investor youtube channel called "Alpha Investments" was hired to shill the game and given multiple rare cards (one of which features his likeness) and unopened booster boxes as compensation.
<It's still not as much of a scam as NFTs though, right?
Wrong. There are also official NFTs that give investors access to physical cards or the opportunity to buy them.
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Autism is a hell of a drug.



MetaZoo Games abruptly announced that they are shutting down on January 29, 2024. The company has also wiped their social media pages, but their website remains up.

Like the cryptids in their MetaZoo TCG, MetaZoo Games has more or less attempted an overnight vanishing act. The company's founder Michael Waddell revealed the news on their Discord before it was shut down. Waddell stated the following in the release:

"I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the community for the incredible 4 year run that we had," wrote Waddell. "Unfortunately, that era has passed, and faced with logistical and product gridlocks, MetaZoo Games can no longer exist in the current economic and collectibles markets. It is my hope that MetaZoo can continue on as an IP at some point in the future under new ownership, and I look forward to that day."

MetaZoo was one of a handful of TCGs that gained mass popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic era. They gained significant traction in the hobby games market in August 2021, when they managed to break the top ten on the TCGplayer Sealed TCG Product Chart (see "August 2021"). Prior to appearing on that chart at #7, the company had gained superstar DJ Steve Aoki as a full equity partner (see "Partner at MetaZoo Games"). More recently, MetaZoo Games had licensed Hello Kitty for the Kuromi's Cryptid Carnival (see "'Hello Kitty' Crossover Set").

Unfortunately, the abrupt end to MetaZoo Games and the complete erasure of all of the company's social media pages leaves more questions than answers. MetaZoo TCG seemed to be moving right along through the end of 2023 as Kuromi's Cryptid Carnival had recently hit Target shelves and also snagged a spot on the TCGplayer chart in October (see "October 2023"). From the outside looking in, it appeared to be business as usual for the TCG company. The statement announcing their closing also mentioned that more information would be released via their Discord channel when it became available.


Is this the jake paulers thing?


no an alpha investments pump n dump scam from some kickstarter crap that took off cuz of the collector/investor boom during pandemic


Suck my ballsack, Metazoo was good.

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post them


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Arch always making marxist redditors seethe and actually being a shill guy with nice videos.


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Critical Role sisters…


Season 3 fell off hard. Mercer really fucked up with the world ending event just to do nothing with it.

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Say I want to start playing table top RPGs.
How do I actually do that?
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This thread sucks and OP is gay


Step one: learn a system.
Step two: make a thread on /top/ offering to DM a game in that system.

Step one: lurk on /tg/ or anywhere else where people regularly offer to DM games.
Step two: wait for someone to offer to DM a game.
Step three: join that game as a player.


>Step one: learn a system.
I've been considering starting something.


Step one: acquire the rulebook for the TTRPG you're interested in.
Step two: read it.


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So he thinks like a model who gets fat and attracts the terminal online?

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