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/top/ - Board and Card games

And Dice games, and TRPGS, and anything related
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Here you can talk about board games, card games, and anything related to that.

Important info
To roll dice on the board format it like so [(dice amount)d (dice type)] for example if you posted

["1"d"20"] You will get {1d20}||[ 1d20 = 6 ] and you will get a random dice roll.

Will be posting pdfs to source books and more in this thread shortly.

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Hordes of Orcs are probably the closest fantasy equivalent to Fascists. Hyper-violent. Angry. Completely incoherent. Extolling the virtues of brute force. Given Marxist-Leninists historically saw Fascism as Capitalism in a decayed state (the Bourgeoisie essentially siccing rabid dogs on the workers to keep them in line) then it could be that the various Kings and Nobles trying to destroy the State would bribe hordes of Orcs with gold and loot and slaves if they just go out East and start to kill everything in sight.

Alternatively, remnants of the old nobles who were thrown out of the country could be rallying an army in foreign countries to crush the Revolution. Could have some not!Romanov Princeling make a deal with Demons and other monsters to restore himself to power.
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>extra troons the og jewtube troon channel


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I always felt like there was something wrong with this channel, now I get it.

Doing shitty streams and desperately trying to become a big breadtuber.


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>Trolls on the commentary section
<No sight of redditors overwhelming them chuds
It's so heckin over marxisters.


Jmaa got shadowbanned by the nazis who owns the YouTube


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Many such cases

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Redditors really raped it.


They're trying to ruin Space Marine 2 right now


Overrated game made by troons tbqh, the anti-woke faggots simping for that game are pure cringe.



Only 1 of them is a troon and the game is honestly perfectly neutral. That's why the you-know-whos from reddit and youtube are now attacking SM2 communities, because other 40K communities focusing on different stuff like tabletop, novels/general fluff, RTS/FPS games etc have basically all fallen to them. I knew this was going to happen eventually considering the politics of the original creators, but it's still quite sad.


All my Ultramarines are black. I made each of them without the helmet as well. It fits perfectly with the legion lore.

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post them
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Season 3 fell off hard. Mercer really fucked up with the world ending event just to do nothing with it.


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I lost all my mojo for 40k way before all this recent crap.


Jewtube keeps shilling this creature to me and everyone else.


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Were the fearmongering news outlets right about these people of being detached from reality?

Me too with both Jim Sterling and his carbon copy.


Is she a God-fearing conservative trans?

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>Tabletop games


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There he is, there he goes again.
Look everyone, he posted it once again! Isn't HE just the funniest guy around??? Oh my God!

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little 'soy.jpg' thread up and clear your ban cookies. Or maybe you don't even delete the cookie, maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for Gahooles' friendship so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic soychugging bugman isn't it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that's right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You're a fat fucking fuck up and she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on tvch posting about a dumb soylent meme. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic soy.jpg fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even talk try to you because all you say is >tabletop games and >soy.jpg.

You became a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now.

And that's all you'll ever be.


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>There he is, there he goes again


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What about this?

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 No.22[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Master duel just came out so great time to get into yugioh.

Post your deck lists, master duel ID whatever. I'll update this OP with more shit later. If people want to duel live I can do a stream on cytube or YouTube and do video call ins to allow it. Master duel is probably easier for that but real cards are superior.

Obviously people duel with tournament legal rules, but here on /top/ we have 2 other rulesets which are allowed for duels.

>Cards from any era are allowed HOWEVER Synchro, XYZ, pendulum, and Link cards are all banned, The extra deck is now the fusion deck and there are no pendulum or link zones.
>Same limited list as normal tournament rules
updated these to make it clearer

Yugioh Extreme Rules
>NOTHING is banned.
>NO cards are limited
>Max of 3 of the same card in your deck at any time
>Duels do not count to your overall win loss record.
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>star of david




Who? That's Tea Gardener.




Late as hell but its sad he passed away.

[Last 50 Posts]

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post /top/ CLASSICS
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those were the days


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these are good


boogie got cancer bc of MtG


Is a cancerous game tbqh.

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Which setting does goblins best?


Trans500 studios.


my bedroom


Goblin Slayer, since the goblins there are smarter than niggers and spics irl.

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my only LGS shut down
I have nowhere to play magic anymore


Here they all closed years ago. I blame MtG for becoming so bad and the fake nerds.

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Others thank trannies and gen x dudes who wasted their money investing in MtG, nobody cares about Wotc anymore.

Unless a big purge happens all their IPS are dead.

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